A Relaxing Master Bath

DSC_0153 (2)At the end of a long hard day, can you imagine sinking into a nice warm bath, maybe soothed by a generous helping of bubble bath in your favorite scent? The wide edging around the tub provides enough space to light a few candles and prop up a favorite paperback to read while soaking. This relaxing master bath is ready for you.

Or if you prefer showers, how about washing off the stress of the day in this oversized shower, complete with a bench to relax on?

No matter how you use your master bath, just walking into a room like this one can help reduce your stress. The vanity has plenty of storage space, making it easier to keep the counters tidy. The two tones of rectangular tile set the scene for a spa feeling.

Do you dream of a relaxing master bath like this one from Legacy? One with plenty of room, and designed to match your specific taste?

DSC_0098If instead you want one that has a more traditional style while kicking up the glamour, how about the master bath to the right? The gold pendant lights set the stage for luxury. Notice how the filigree creates an inviting pattern on the walls while the lower counter on the vanity provides a space to sit to fix your makeup.

This master bath also has a comfy tub in place, made for soaking. And if you peek in the mirror, you can see the reflection of a generous walk-in closet.

What would your ideal relaxing master bath look like? To get some great ideas, why not visit the models at our Legacy community? We think you will be enchanted by what you find there.


Your Entertainment Wall

Legacy Models 071 (1)Designing an entertainment wall involves balancing design and function. You want a good place for the large HD TV while still keeping the screen itself low-key when it’s not turned on. These suggestions can help you think about what will work in your home.

Use color wisely: Dark grey-purple on the focal wall in this photo from Legacy draws the eye while reducing the footprint of the screen. The shelves and cabinet bring in lighter tones and the space is large and flexible enough to make changes in the future.

Models 065Incorporate an additional focal point: By adding the fireplace under the niche holding the television in the photo to the left, also from Legacy, the space feels nicely orchestrated. The screen becomes another dark rectangle, adding depth and balance to the light stone face. Once again dark purple draws the eye, with free-floating shelves providing opportunities to display accessories and carry the light tones out to the sides.

Consider seating: Positioning seating toward the entertainment area makes it more comfortable to watch programs, but you may want to place some seating facing toward the conversation area rather than aiming everything at your entertainment wall. This encourages discussion when you have guests, and the chair or chairs can easily be turned if they are needed for viewing a particular event or program.

Create flexible lighting options: A lighting arrangement that works well for a gathering may not serve your needs while watching your screen. Make sure you plan for both situations when setting up your lighting. A few ceiling spots may be all you need for television viewing, or consider a dimmer switch to provide enough ambient light while avoiding a glare on the screen.

Your family room can be flexible enough to meet all of your entertainment needs, whether you’re spending the evening chatting with friends or enjoying a DVD of a favorite film. Take the time to create a space that works for you and your family –in terms of both style and function.


Flooring that stands out

DSC_0086Flooring often serves a passive role in decorating, as the background for other, more exciting things. But take a look at what happens when you give flooring top billing. These two examples from Fulton Home’s models at Legacy demonstrate the power of bringing flooring to the foreground.

The picture above shows the floor extending out from an entryway. Immediately your eyes are drawn down the hall and into the home. This combination of stone and wood provides a path and a promise that this is no ordinary place. The diagonal setting makes that point stronger and adds a dynamic feel. It pays to consider placing flooring on the diagonal. It can create a feeling of added space and energy. In this instance, the strong contrast also provides interest.

DSC_0108Small spaces provide another place to experiment with unusual flooring choices. This basic bathroom becomes intriguing with the addition of flooring in an ascending block pattern. Three shades of tile make up the drama here, capturing the eye. One of our Facebook fans suggested adding Escher prints on the walls to make this bathroom a statement space.

There’s no denying that these floors are a design risk, but why not take a few chances in your home? If these are too far out of your comfort zone, how about adding a border or some sort of contrast in your flooring. Remember that your floor and ceiling are the fifth and sixth walls in your home, so why should the first four have all the fun?


Pops of Color

Legacy Models 057Neutrals always feel safer when you’re decorating, but staying safe keeps you from enjoying the power of color in your home. If more vivid colors seem overwhelming or just too risky, consider taking a chance with a few pops of color. Here are a few ways to let color help bring your home to life.

A strong accent wall: Paint, wallpaper or fabric can turn one wall into a natural focal point with a strong color choice. And the option is relatively easy to eliminate if you aren’t happy with the result. Take a look at this entertainment area in the family room of the O’Connor model at Legacy. The deep purple has enough gray in it to soften the impact on the wall, and neutral furniture, shelves and accessories keep the overall feeling rather low-key.

Contrasting accessories: Adding the yellow glass bowl on the right side of this console helps the space to really pop. Yellow is the complementary color to purple, which means that they are on opposite sides of the color wheel. By adding just a small touch of yellow, the purple becomes more purposeful in the space. The other complementary colors are blue and orange and red and green. If your colors seem drab, adding just a spot of the color on the other side of the wheel will add a spark.Legacy Models 027 (2)

Let color infuse your focal point. This Bertazzoni Range in rich dark red creates a new energy in this kitchen. Other neutrals start to feel like the background elements, allowing this retro range to stand out. (Photo from the Fulton Model at Legacy.)

So jump into color – starting small or with a big push – and let your home’s décor pop!


The Right Study for You

Legacy Models 105Almost more than any room in your home, the study should fit your functional needs. If you are one of the fortunate people who can work from home, you will find yourself spending a lot of time in this room. And even if you head out to work every day, your study may become the perfect place to pay bills, handle any work you need to take home, or even review your email and other social media accounts.

With the commitment of time and energy a study may require, why not make it work in a way that really suits your needs? While function is number one, it’s also worth it to take the time to make it a room you enjoy spending time in. Here are a few things to consider as you plan your study’s functional needs and décor.

Legacy Models 045Desk space: If you use a laptop, you need less space than a desktop takes, but you may still want to plan additional room for holding notes or any mail you need to deal with when you get home. If your study is also your main workspace, consider room for in and out boxes and anything else that would make your work easier and more efficient.

Storage: Do you need file space or space for office supplies? Look for furniture style-file cabinets and other pieces so that your study is functional while still fitting in with the rest of your home.

Lighting: In addition to any ceiling lighting, take a look at floor and desk lamps to add just the right light as needed to do your work effectively. Think also about the ability to change the lighting depending upon the moment’s needs. The kind of light you need while working at the computer may be completely different from what you want when meeting with someone on business.

Style: If you like traditional looks, consider something like the study shown above. The stone wall adds a nice unusual pop of texture while staying in the traditional vein. On the other hand, if you want something more daring, how about a study like the one on the right? From the flooring to the ceiling light fixture, this room has a unique feeling.

Above all, make your study a space that works for you in every way, from function to style, so that you enjoy the time you spend there.


Accessorizing your Outdoor Areas

Legacy Models 065 (1)When designing a backyard pool space, often your focus is on the pool itself to the detriment of the rest of the area. This yard, from the O’Connor model at Legacy, shows how some careful attention to the furniture and features of your pool space can turn your yard into an appealing haven for family and friends.

Throughout this yard, clean lines and a contemporary style combine to make this yard clearly the result of a designed approach. The rectangular pool is echoed by the choice of rectangular stones for the hard surfaces. By continuing this same stone at the back of the pool with the raised area that holds the fountains, this yard maintains an inviting consistency.

Legacy Models 060 (1)Take a look at the lounge chairs surrounding the pool. Built for comfort, the blue cushions also add style by mirroring the color of the pool in a darker shade.

The planter shown in the photo to the right combines the sharp lines of every element of this yard with some height and color to break up the generous pool deck. Notice also the dark square next to the furthest lounge chair. Pieces such as these can be moved into various locations as needed, recruited to hold drinks or snacks around the pool.

Altogether, this minimalist approach with its clean lines and limited color palette lends itself to a contemporary approach to your yard. By taking this angle, the outdoor space for this home has the same design aesthetic as the rooms in the home itself. This yard demonstrates that design doesn’t need to stop at the back door.


Using and Accessorizing your Kitchen Island

Models 081 (1)A large island such as this one from the Fulton Homes’ Legacy community provides the opportunity to accessorize and still have space for functional uses. Let’s look at two versions of this island to see several approaches.

In this first photo, the yellow accessories combine with the green plants to add color to a neutral kitchen. The yellow pops against the dark kitchen cabinets and adds warmth to the view.

Notice that several collections of accessories are positioned on trays. Each tray contains several smaller objects which gives them more importance from a design perspective. More importantly, trays can be easily moved to allow the island to serve as a breakfast bar or buffet for a party or family gathering.

Legacy Models 118In the photo to the right, the accessories bring a darker tone into the light kitchen, linking the island with the backsplash and above-cabinet tiles and anchoring the island in the space. In this case the positioning of accessories provides plenty of room to use the front area as an eating or snacking area without having to move anything.

Both of these islands have a powerful presence in their respective kitchens. By breaking up the surface with carefully-chosen accessories, you can take full advantage of the space while using the area to add interest and charm. Notice that each island’s accessories vary in height and heft. This helps create balance.

You can also use this space to incorporate personal items that make the kitchen your own. If you have heirlooms from a family member or favorite kitchen accessories, islands such as these provide the perfect place to showcase them. And don’t forget these islands’ primary functional purpose – to add much appreciated counter space for food preparation!


Lovely Lighting

Legacy Models 044With the steady increase in higher ceilings and open floor plans, lighting designers have finally started to think bigger with residential chandeliers, with dramatic results.

Take a look at this breathtaking example from the Fulton model home at Legacy. The chandelier inside has some traditional elements such as the candle-shaped lights and display of crystals. But add the surrounding bronze hoops and you suddenly have a daring transitional light that captures the eye and sets the tone for the entire room.

It takes a certain amount of design daring to flash this type of lighting fixture in your home. You can’t take it easy with the rest of the décor. Your other choices will have to live up to this. And you could never get away with it without the space to set it off properly. A high ceiling, plenty of space to showcase its drama, and other architectural details to complement it provide the proper setting.

259 (1)Take a look at its position in the room to the right. It takes two of these chandeliers to make this space work. Adding a second one just contributes to the impact. And the ceiling provides just the right frame for this exciting choice.

The normally-recommended height for hanging a chandelier wouldn’t work here. Too low and these pieces would take over the table, compromising the entire feel of the room. Instead they are positioned half-way from ceiling to table, allowing guests to take in the entire picture when walking into the room.

Is this chandelier the light of your dreams? Visit our models at Legacy and see for yourself. Enjoy this and other lights that are designed to capture your interest and imagination.


Make a Dramatic Entrance

DSC_0086Your foyer creates the first impression people have when they walk into your home. What can you do to improve the impact of your entryway? Let’s take a look at the Fulton model from the Legacy community to get some ideas.

Flooring: The foyer provides a great place to be daring with your flooring. In this home the design includes a dramatic flooring layout. This floor combines dark and light contrast with a strong diagonal pattern to pull people into the home and announce immediately that this is no ordinary space.

Legacy Models 014Lighting: Most foyers have one primary light fixture, and this one is designed to draw the eye. The rich bronze echoes the brown lattice in the flooring.

Architecture: While the flooring is all sharp angles, the ceiling adds some soft curves to the design. The circular coffering on the ceiling, highlighted with a lighter color, takes advantage of the architecture of the space to add another layer of contrast. The curve is gently echoed with the high window, adding a spot of daylight and another point of interest. Overall, the architecture of the space contributes to the drama of this entrance.

DSC_0085Vista: What do people see beyond your foyer when walking into your home? In this case the flooring carries the eye into the rest of the home. Notice, however, that there are two unique sconces framing this view. Once again the dark bronze and long lines of this lighting choice mirror the flooring, pulling the room together.

What do you want your home’s entryway to say about you? If you take advantage of all of your choices, you can create a space that provides just the right first impression.


Stylish Ceiling Fans

Legacy Models 080Ceiling fans have always been a source of frustration to the design community. While they’re a practical alternative to standard lighting, often the look detracts from the final design of a space. This has changed recently as lighting designers have started creating ceiling fans that are unique and inviting. Let’s take a look at a couple, featured in the Legacy community models.

Most people assume that the standard ceiling fan profile of five fan blades is the only option, but this fan shows that even two blades can make an effective fan while demonstrating a unique and intriguing contemporary industrial look.

The sleek lines and hand-crafted appearance combine to make a ceiling fan that is almost a piece of sculpture hanging from the ceiling. This look would work equally well with contemporary, industrial or even rustic décor.

ceiling fans 1 croppedThe fans to the right are completely different in style, yet have a retro feel that makes them stand out. One Fulton Facebook fan suggested that they would fit well in a New York loft, and indeed they are easy to imagine in that setting.

The old-style fans in black make this an option that would also work well in a more traditional setting – adding a touch of whimsy and personality to any room. And like the fan above, this non-standard approach still functions effectively.

So before you dismiss ceiling fans as useful items that provide practicality rather than style, you may want to browse some of the newer offerings, because some of today’s ceiling fans will surprise you.