Thoughtful Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts to Make with Kids

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to show appreciation and love to the wonderful mothers in our lives. What better way to celebrate than by creating thoughtful, handmade gifts with your kids? These crafts not only offer a personal touch but also provide a fun and engaging activity for children. Here are some creative and easy DIY Mother’s Day gift ideas that kids can help make, ensuring this Mother’s Day is as memorable as it is heartwarming.

1. Personalized Photo Frames

A simple wooden photo frame can become a cherished keepsake with a little customization. Kids can paint and decorate frames with acrylic paints, glitter, or stickers. Insert a favorite family photo, or let the kids draw a picture to place inside. This gift is perfect for capturing a moment in time and makes a great decoration for a mother’s desk or bedside table.

2. Handprint Flower Bouquet

There’s nothing more unique than a child’s handprint, and it can make for a touching gift that mothers will treasure. Use washable paint to create handprint flowers on a canvas or piece of cardstock. Arrange multiple prints in a vase drawn on the paper, and you have a beautiful, everlasting bouquet that won’t wilt!

3. Homemade Bath Bombs

Mix up a spa day for Mom with homemade bath bombs made by the kids. You’ll need a few simple ingredients like baking soda, citric acid, and essential oils. Kids will love choosing the scents and colors. Pack them in a beautiful box or jar, and you have the perfect relaxing gift for Mom to unwind.

4. Decorated Pottery

Purchase some plain clay pots and have the kids decorate them with paint, markers, or decoupage. Plant some of Mom’s favorite flowers or herbs inside for a gift that brings a touch of nature indoors. This project not only sparks creativity but also teaches kids about gardening and plant care.

5. Custom Tea Towels

Fabric painting is fun and easy for kids of all ages. Buy some plain cotton tea towels and fabric paints, and let the kids stamp, stencil, or free-hand designs onto the fabric. This is a great way for kids to express their creativity, and every time Mom uses the towel, she’ll remember the special day it represents.

6. Beaded Jewelry

Making beaded jewelry like necklaces or bracelets is a fine motor activity that can be enjoyed by children and results in a stylish gift for Mom. Kids can choose beads that match Mom’s favorite colors or patterns, creating a truly personal piece that she’ll love to wear.

7. Recipe Book

For the mom who loves to cook, a handmade recipe book can be a delightful gift. Have the kids come up with recipes for simple dishes they can make together with Mom. They can illustrate each recipe page and bind them together into a book. It’s a great way to spend time together in the kitchen, making those recipes.

8. Memory Jar

Fill a decorated jar with little notes from the kids, sharing their favorite memories with Mom, things they love about her, or what they are thankful for. This sentimental gift can be added to each year, and it’s something that Mom can treasure and look back on whenever she needs a smile.

Creating these gifts not only provides an opportunity for kids to express their love and creativity but also helps instill the value of giving something meaningful that comes from the heart. Enjoy crafting these gifts as much as Mom will enjoy receiving them! Happy Mother’s Day!

Indoor Summer Activities to Beat the Heat

Who says you can’t have a fantastic time indoors during the scorching Arizona summer? We’ve got some super fun and exciting crafts that will help you beat the heat while staying creatively engaged. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of indoor summer crafts that are perfect for turning up the fun factor while you stay comfortably cool indoors. So, let’s dive in and discover some amazing crafts to beat that Arizona heat!

  1. Get Crafty with Paper Quilling: Ready to let your creativity soar? Paper quilling is a delightful and relaxing craft that requires just a few supplies. Grab some colored paper strips, glue, and a quilling tool, and you’re all set! Roll and shape the paper strips into beautiful designs, and then glue them together to create stunning patterns. From flowers to animals or even abstract designs, the possibilities are endless with paper quilling. Let your imagination run wild!
  2. Bring on the Colors with Tie-Dyeing: Let’s add a splash of vibrant colors to your summer wardrobe and home decor! Tie-dyeing is a classic craft that’s perfect for all ages. It’s super easy and guarantees loads of fun. Gather some plain white t-shirts, tote bags, or pillowcases, along with fabric dye, rubber bands, and gloves. Get ready to create unique and funky designs that reflect your style. Whether you love bold and bright or prefer soft pastels, tie-dyeing lets you personalize your creations in the coolest way possible.
  3. Create Your Mini Oasis with Indoor Terrariums: Turn your indoor space into a green paradise with your very own terrariums! These mini gardens are low-maintenance and can thrive anywhere in your home. Grab a glass container, like a jar or a fish tank, and get creative. Layer it with activated charcoal, pebbles, soil, and your favorite plants, such as succulents or ferns. Add some decorative elements like small figurines, colorful rocks, or seashells for that extra touch of charm. These indoor gardens not only bring nature indoors but also create a soothing and visually stunning centerpiece.
  4. Pamper Yourself with DIY Bath Bombs: Time to relax and treat yourself to a spa-like experience at home! Create your own bath bombs and turn bath time into a luxurious affair. All you need is baking soda, citric acid, essential oils, and molds. Mix the dry ingredients, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a delightful fragrance, and shape them into beautiful bombs. You can even add dried flowers or colorful mica powder for an extra wow factor. Drop your creation into the tub, and watch it fizz and release its soothing goodness. It’s the perfect way to unwind and rejuvenate!
  5. Unleash Your Inner Artist with Paint and Sip: Get ready for a fun painting session with your friends or family! Organize a paint and sip event right at home. Grab canvases, brushes, acrylic paints, and some refreshing beverages. Choose a painting tutorial or let everyone create their own masterpiece. Follow step-by-step instructions or simply let your creativity flow freely. Painting is not only relaxing but also a fantastic way to express yourself artistically. You’ll be amazed at the beautiful artworks that emerge from these enjoyable painting sessions.

Who said staying indoors during an Arizona summer can’t be a blast? With these fantastic indoor summer crafts, you can beat the heat while having a great time. Whether it’s paper quilling, tie-dyeing, creating terrariums, making bath bombs, or hosting a paint and sip party, these crafts offer endless fun and creative possibilities. So, grab your supplies, get inspired, and get crafty!

Follow us on Pinterest for more ideas!

You Can Exercise at Home!

Would you like to exercise regularly but find it difficult to make time for it? Is your gym still closed due to the pandemic? Let’s explore ways to exercise at home!

Aerobic exercise is the easiest to fit in. Add a walk to your routine three or more times a week. Once around the neighborhood – with your dog if you have one –will improve your aerobic capability. Add time and speed as you get into better shape.

For strength training, pick up a few free-weights or wrist and ankle weights. Often the package will include some basic exercises. If not, check online or pick up a book or magazine.

Yoga is the best option for improving flexibility. This exercise is manageable for people at any level of fitness. Pick up a DVD, book or online service on the basics to get started. This is one skill where taking an occasional class can improve your form and capability.

Be sure to determine a good location at home for both yoga and strength training. In front of the couch can work well, especially if you can see your TV/DVD from there. Just move the coffee table to the side and you will probably have enough room to stretch out.

If your living or family room has carpet, just add a beach towel and you are ready to start. If you want more cushioning, or if you have hard surface floors such as wood or tile, pick up a yoga mat. For a small cost you can be comfortable for any floor exercise.

No excuses anymore – start exercising and make a commitment to your health and well-being. You can do it!

Inexpensive Ways to Keep Kids Busy

It doesn’t have to cost you a fortune to keep your child busy. All that is required is a little creativity on your part! If you are creative your child will learn to think outside of the box and learn to have fun with what they have.

Bubbles are so much fun for kids and adults. A large container of bubbles cost around $1. Making your own is possible but not recommended. Buy bubbles that are non-toxic and safe to play with. Use a paint tray to fill with bubble solution. Make your own bubble wands out of objects around the house. You can use wire coat hangers and twist ties. Have fun making different sized bubbles.

Sidewalk chalk is so much fun. There are many different types available for purchase. The multi-colored chalk is a favorite among kids! This activity will keep little ones busy for a while; or until they run out of space on the driveway! Make a Hop-Scotch course and play Tic-Tac-Toe. Incorporate game play with creative drawing!

The water hose is always a success. After you rinse down the driveway to clean away the sidewalk chalk, have fun spraying your little ones and let them spray you too! If you have a sprinkler, this is the perfect time to bring it out! This might be a good time to wash the car as well. Kids seem to love washing cars. Make a game out of it to see how clean you can get the car!

Build a fort using blankets and pillows. This is a fun activity for rainy days. Make a fort by covering furniture with blankets. Add pillows to the interior and read some books together. Pretend you are camping and talk about what sounds you might hear while camping.

Be creative and look for things around the house that can be used as toys. Coming up with fun activities sparks creativity within the child. It teaches them how to pretend and entertain themselves without phones, TV or the internet.

Recipes To Try With Your Kids

Cooking with kids is a great way to get them involved and interested in a variety of different foods. If you’re interested in doing some cooking with your kids this summer, consider trying one of these easy and fun options to get you started.

Oven Roasted Corn

This simple recipe makes incredibly flavorful corn that kids are sure to love.


  • 4 ears of corn
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 12-inch sheets of aluminum foil


  1. If you do not plan on eating the corn the same day you buy it, wrap the ears still in their leaves in wet paper towels to help them retain moistness and flavor.
  2. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees (alternatively, you can also make this corn on the grill)
  3. Peel the corn and discard the leaves and silk
  4. Have the kids rub each ear of corn with 1 tablespoon of butter and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
  5. Wrap each one of the finished ears of corn in the aluminum foil to make a package.
  6. Place the wrapped ears of corn in a hot oven or grill for 40 to 45 minutes.
  7. Unwrap and allow to cool slightly before eating

Grilled Pizza

Grilling your pizza is a fun way to change things up in the summer and avoid heating up your kitchen with a hot oven.


  • Pizza dough
  • Olive oil
  • Summer squash
  • Fresh bell peppers
  • Large tomato
  • Fresh mozzarella cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves


  1. Roll out the pizza dough to about ¼-inch in thickness
  2. Place the dough on a hot grill until the surface begins to bubble slightly, then remove from the grill and turn over so the grilled surface is up.
  3. Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil over the grilled dough and rub it in with the back of a spoon.
  4. Slice up summer squash, peppers and tomato thinly and arrange on top of the dough.
  5. Place small balls of fresh mozzarella cheese on top of the vegetables, or slice larger pieces to 1/8-inch thick and arrange on top of the pizza.
  6. Top with fresh basil leaves.
  7. Return the pizza back to the grill and continue grilling until the vegetables are slightly blackened and the cheese melted.

You will love the memories you make with your kids along with the food.  Don’t mind the kitchen mess!  Your whole family will thank you later on.

Kid Friendly Home Accessories

Children in the home bring joy, laughter and fun.  However, they can also be tough on smaller items throughout the home.  Just because you have children, doesn’t mean that you can’t have interesting accessories around your home. Find out what accents are great for children!

A globe is an attractive accessory and a great learning tool for kids. Teach your child about geography and far off places. They will have a great time examining the globe and imagining trips or adventures. Maps are also attractive as art work when framed. These are also great for starting conversations with kids!

Cute stepping stools are perfect to help children with chores. Find a fun stool that your child can stand on and help wash dishes or do laundry. They can also use it to stand on to help with the dusting. Foot stools are available for all décor styles, so have fun shopping around!

Textured rugs are great for providing a soft area for children to play on the floor. Kids love to be stimulated by tactile objects. Look for a shaggy area rug that your child can lay on while watching a movie or playing with toys. Faux hair rugs offer a unique touch to your room while inviting children to experience the softness.

Tea sets are always a fascination. Real and pretend tea parties are a source of endless hours of fun and entertainment. Set up an accent table with an attractive tea set and let your children have tea parties as often as they like. If they desire a real tea party, set out tasty treats and serve with the tea – complete the setup with milk and sugar. Let them have fun setting the table and arranging the treats themselves.  Don’t forget the chance to practice good table manners!

Game tables are a wonderful addition because they have multiple uses. They can entertain children and double as an accent table. Many game tables are available that can transform from a game table to an accent table. Bumper pool tables are a blast for kids and adults and chess and checkers tables are good for teaching concentration!

What is your favorite way to incorporate fun accessories into your home décor?

Entertaining Your Kids at Home

Children can be one of the greatest blessings but come with a lot of needs. For instance, many younger kids need constant attention and activities to do at home. It can become a full-time job. So, it is essential to find entertainment in your own homes that can hold your children’s attention for some time while also being safe. If you are a parent with rambunctious children, here are several at-home activities to help entertain your kids:

Host Playdates

Children play well with other children, so one of the best ways to free up your own time is to find another parent willing to alternate playdates. Some days you can watch the kids and host a playdate while other days the other parents can. This idea will be a blast for all the kids as well as be low-maintenance for the parents.

Play Outside

Playing outside is a great way to let the children enjoy and explore the outdoors. You can go to the park or let them pick some outdoor sports activities. Let your children learn to discover what activities they enjoy and dislike during their early youth. From flying kits to sidewalk chalk in your driveway, the options are endless. You can even take them to water parks, playgrounds, soccer fields, and more!

Educational Video Games or Movies

If you need to get away and have some own rest and relaxation times, a movie or an educational video game is perfect for distracting children for several hours. This idea is not the best method to keep your children productive yet can help you get the physical break you need. A healthy mommy and daddy need their rest too to be the best parents they can be.

Creative Puzzles

While action figures, barbies, and racecars are all great toys to entertain kids, try adding some creating puzzles into the mix. Encourage your kids to try puzzles, Legos, or even word searches. These creative and brain exercising activities are great for children in their prime mental growing stages.

There are hundreds of great ways to keep children entertained. Try to keep in mind what children can and cannot do alone at their age. Always keep safety at the forefront. What are some of your children’s favorite household activities? Let us know how you keep your children entertained below in the comment section.

Lake House Activities for Spring Break

Throughout the United States, there are many highly desired homes. From mountainside living to high loft city apartments to a beautiful lake house oasis, we all have our fantasy home. If you grew up with a lake on your property, you probably have many fond memories of it. However, if this is your first lake house, you do not want to be missing out on the fun! There is plenty to do with your lake this spring break. Here are the top three must-dos for any lake house owner:


If you have a lake, you need to be on it! There are hundreds of different styles of boats to get for your home. Depending on the size of the lake and your community regulation, find the boat right for you. You can get powerboats like bay boats, cruisers, or deck boats, or you can get smaller options like kayaks or canoes. Depending on your swimming level, you may want to invest in some lifejackets as well.


Fishing is also a great way to facilitate your lake. Make sure you invest in everything you need. Get your rod, extra line and hooks, bobbers, and bait. You may also want to pack some needle nose pliers and a small first aid kit for the day. Fishing is a great hobby to help relax and pass the time. Just do not forget to bring the sunscreen!


Nothing feels more authentic and true to nature as swimming. Swimming is a timeless pastime that is great for all ages! Simply set up some lake activities and purchase some floating devices. Swimming in the lake is a great way to get the most out of your lake house.

If you are blessed with a home on a lake, make sure you use the many advantages associated with it. This exterior privilege is excellent for hosting guests and making great memories. All landscapes have different advantages, do not miss the opportunity of yours.

Arizona Hiking Precautions

Arizona has one of the most beautiful landscapes this country has to offer. In fact, because of its landscape, many Arizonians love the ability to hike. With so many diverse trails and scenic views, it can be a great way to stay physically active throughout the year. However, while hiking can be fun, Arizona’s deserts have some very harsh terrain. Improperly preparing for some of these elements can set you up for failure. To help, here are three things you need to remember before hitting the trails:

Stay Hydrated

Arizona’s heat is no joke, especially during the summer! If you plan on hiking during the summer, plan on going very early morning. Arizona’s peak heat time is in the afternoon, so evening hikes can still be very hot. Bring plenty of water for the trails. Be cognitive of how much water you are drinking. When you have consumed more than half your water, you should start heading back. This way, you are paced to not run out of water deep in the desert or high up in the mountains.

Stay on the Trails

The desert is beautiful, but many animals and plants in the desert should be admired from afar. Arizona is home to many venomous snakes and insects. Scorpions, Black Widows, Rattlesnakes, Gila Monsters, Tarantula, Brown Recluse, and Desert Centipedes are among some of the few critters to be concerned. Some cacti are even called jumping cacti and can “leap” towards you in your come into close proximity. Your best bet is to stay on trails and watch where you are stepping.

Know When Sunset Is

Sunset and sunrise change throughout the year. Arizona does not have a time change, but sunset can be pretty early in the Valley. Know when sunset is so you do not get caught in the desert at night. The desert comes alive at night with coyotes and javelinas. Be cognitive of the time while you explore the trails. 

Do Not Hike Alone

Lastly, while you may be excited to go explore, do not hike alone. Having a companion with you is always smart. Know your limits and be responsible for your own safety and others.

While there are elements to be concern about, hiking is still very safe when done right. Be smart and prepare for your trails before you go out for the day. Staying hydrated and being wary of your surrounds will allow you to have the best experience when hiking the beautiful desert oasis!

Jack O’ Lanterns 101

Halloween is approaching us, and anticipation is growing. There are hundreds of festive ways to decorate your home and get it ready for Halloween. Fun lawn decorations and spooky décor can always be a great addition to your home. Many people love the activity of creating their very own jack o’ lantern. Jack o’ lanterns are hollowed out pumpkins with holes and features carved into them. A light is then placed inside, which allows these features to glow. This fun tradition is great for the home. If you are looking to add some to your house, here are some basic tips:

The Right Pumpkin

When designing your pumpkin, you need to have the right canvas. Picking the perfect pumpkin can be more challenging than you initially realize. Look for a clean pumpkin with a large surface area. You should know what design you are planning to make prior to picking your pumpkin. When you get home with your pumpkin, draw the face or design your desire on your pumpkin with a sharpie. When you flesh out your pumpkin, it is going to begin the decaying process. So try to time carving your pumpkin as close to Halloween as you can.

Decaying Process

The internals of the pumpkin prolong the decaying process. Once removed, the decaying of your pumpkin will increase tenfold. There are several techniques to help extend this aging process. Most jack o’ lanterns usually have a lid. Instead of carving a lid, cut your hole at the bottom. You can now just sit your pumpkin directly over the candle. Bleach or peppermint castile soap can also be applied to your pumpkin to slow down the decaying process. Use a rag or spray bottle to add bleach or soap to your jack o’ lantern after it has been carved. Petroleum jelly and olive oil can also be used to help seal in some of the moisture of the pumpkin. You will not completely stop the aging process, but you can slow it down some.

Emergency Restoration

If your jack o’ lantern did not survive until Halloween night, you still have one last chance. Instead of buying a new pumpkin and carving it again, you can use this emergency fix. Take your jack o’ lantern and submerge it into a tub of water. The water will absorb back into the vegetable and make it fuller again. This trick does not last a long time but may help it survive the night for Halloween.

Choosing a design and carving your jack o’ lantern is always fun. Enjoy this time with your loved ones when creating the perfect jack o’ lantern. You can make spooky faces or unique artwork. Have fun, and enjoy these seasonal décors while you can, and for more tips and tricks, make sure to subscribe.