Use Pinterest to Help Create the Home of your Dreams

pinterest_fultonAre you planning to move into a new Fulton Home soon? Or maybe you’re still getting settled and deciding how to decorate your new home. Well, even if you’re just looking for ideas to update your home and add some pizazz, we suggest checking out Pinterest.

If you’re not familiar with Pinterest, it is set up like a collection of bulletin boards, allowing you to capture a favorite room, product, color or idea and save it in categories of your choice. For example, you may want to look at kitchens, or possibly just different backsplashes. Just open a Pinterest account of your own, add a board named for whatever you want to explore, and then use the search option at the top to see what’s out there.

Of course, you’re welcome to visit our Pinterest site. We have 70 boards holding almost 1,400 pins, and we add new ones just about every week. Our pins range from various home categories such as dining rooms and closets to more family-oriented topics such as our newest addition: Arizona Summer Safety.

The Fulton Home’s Pinterest site has been designed with you in mind. Whether you’re looking for ideas for general entertaining, birthday parties or something special for Father’s Day, we invite you to check our boards out for suggestions and tips. And if you like it, follow it for a chance to stop by easily whenever you want.

And if you discover something of value, whether on one of our boards or any others, you can just repin to your own Pinterest site to hang on to the idea and information. Then when it’s time to plan that party or redo that bathroom, all of your ideas are saved in one place.

If you are looking for information or ideas that we don’t list on our site, just let us know and we can add a board or pins to answer your questions or provide tips. After all, it’s there for you. Check out our Pinterest site by clicking here. We look forward to your visit.

Attack Closet Clutter

closet_montage_Ironwood-webAre you finding it hard to keep even the most generous closet you’ve ever had under control? Even if your master closet is as spacious as this one from Ironwood Crossing, it may be time for a serious attack on your clothes clutter. Let’s take this step-by-step so you can take back your closet and stop going crazy every time you step into it.

Step 1: Empty your closet. This may seem foolish, overwhelming, or unnecessary, but you need to start this way to truly make a difference. There are several reasons for this. One is you may find that once your closet is empty, it could do with a cleaning. Clothes can hide a multitude of sins. Vacuum the floor and wipe down the shelves and clothes poles. You’ll start feeling better immediately. Pile your clothes on the bed and put shoes, purses and anything else you find in there on the floor.

Step 2: Remove anything that doesn’t belong in your closet from the room. Did you discover where you hid that birthday present for your daughter that you couldn’t find when you wanted to? Maybe your closet has become a catch-all for books, papers or other items you wanted to stash quickly before company came. Whatever it is, if you don’t want it in your finished closet, get it out of the bedroom.

Step 3: Take each clothing item and honestly decide whether it belongs in your wardrobe. You’ll hear people say that if you haven’t worn something in a year, then it should go. Instead, take a look and decide if you feel attractive and comfortable in it. If the answer is yes, it stays. No and it goes. Try on any clothes or shoes you’re not sure about and take the time to look in the mirror. Would you buy each item again if you saw it in the store? If the answer is no, get rid of it. Check the look of purses, scarves or other accessories. Let go of items that are worn, out of style, or that you’re simply tired of wearing.

Step 4: Create a plan before rehanging your clothes. Do you like to have work clothes in one section and weekend clothes in another? Maybe you want to sort by color or type of fabric. Have you been hanging clothes that would do better folded in a drawer? Figure it out and replace accordingly.

Step 5: Use bins and baskets to sort shelves. Keeping smaller things contained by category will make it easier to stay organized. Shop your own home for likely boxes and other containers before rushing off to the store. You may find some solutions that work well and add a decorative touch to your closet.

Step 6: Add some hooks to the door or a free wall. These can be used for clothes you’ve worn once but that aren’t yet ready for laundering. They’re also handy for scarves and belts. Hooks can help you keep everything off the floor, which makes a closet feel more spacious and workable.

Step 7: Pack up the give-away clothes and get them out of the house immediately. Otherwise you may be tempted to dive in and rescue some items later. Don’t let that happen.

Step 8: Step back and admire your handiwork! This has been quite a job but you now have a closet filled with clothes you love. Be sure to reward yourself for your hard work – maybe by going shopping???

Decorate Using the Four Elements: Water

water-3-cropped-webWhen decorating a pool area, it’s natural to lean toward the element of water in your design decisions. You already have the blue from the pool, and sand tones or grey bring a natural look to the space. Blue and white also make a great combination for a water-themed space. In this photo, the light hardscaping is the color of driftwood, which makes the area feel a bit beach-like.

water-cropped-webYou don’t actually need water to have a water-themed area. Take a look at this butler’s pantry to the left. The natural stone backing combined with the countertop creates the feeling of water running down the wall and across the counter into the small sink. This mood is enhanced by the clear glasses along with gold and silver metallic accessories. The water theme makes this spot the perfect place to serve drinks to family and friends.

water-2-cropped-webA bathroom is the most logical place to carry through a water theme. Once again, even without the blue-green color scheme that is common to water spaces, the sensation of water can come by using ultra-shiny tile in a vertical display, as the photo on the right shows. In both smaller photos, placing a light above the wall so that it shines across the surface helps create that feeling of water flowing.

Whether you use this concept outside by a pool or water feature, or inside near a sink or bathroom, expanding the water theme beyond the function of a space into the design allows you to enhance your home décor. All photos are from Fulton’s Legacy community.

Decorate Using the Four Elements: Fire

fire-3-cropped-sized-webThe power of fire first shows in a room with color choice. Look for red, rust, maroon, orange and gold. A fire room reflects the flames of an open fire either with the main color or in accents. Notice how this room brings rust tones into the living area through curtains, furniture, dining chairs, throw pillows and the tabletop décor.

Look next for some sort of open flame, or a close representation. In this room the two-tier chandelier holds electrified versions of candles. You may even find a candle-abra with actual candles in some fire rooms.

Accessories are often glass, formed when sand meets fire, in vivid colors. Notice the large glass bowl on the coffee table, colored like the flames that created it.

fire-2-cropped-webKitchens are effective rooms to introduce a fire theme because of their focus on cooking food. This amazing range and hood from Bertazzoni perfectly represents fire, with its style patterned on the company’s original wood stove design, enameled in this fire-inspired dark red.

fire-1-cropped-webTake a look at this cozy breakfast nook. Once again the lighting
sends a fire message. You can imagine real candles in those glass shades. The rich metallic tile on the built-in breakfront brings fire colors to your attention, supported by orange and rust tones in accessories and the tablescape. A smoky wall color finishes up the look.

Fireplaces and outdoor fire pits always help create a fire-driven mood. On cold nights, everyone will feel warmer in a room designed with fire in mind. All photos are from Fulton’s Legacy community.

Decorate Using the Four Elements: Air

air photoAs we mentioned in our last blog, it’s interesting to take the long-ago perspective that the universe is made up of only four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  Today, let’s take a look at what a room would look like if it had an Air focus.

Vaulted ceilings, skylights and large windows fit this image. The ceiling is definitely a star in this photo. The coffered inlay is highlighted by the white trim and sunlight that creates magic shadows against the far wall. Silver and glass accessories suit air, as well as the subtle shades of grey that make up the color palette.

Notice the number of curves in the space, just as air curves as it passes buildings and trees. Even the plant in the back has an airy flow to it.

air 3This photo celebrates air, with the collage of planes in the background. Clearly this room was designed with air in mind. Again the color scheme reflects grey with soft lavender highlighted on the wall. A ceiling fan is a natural addition to an air-focused room. Skylights and clerestory windows also reflect the air feeling. Both photos are from the model homes at Legacy.

If you’re always looking up at the sky and enjoy having everything light and bright in your home, then maybe a focus on air is right for you.

In our next two blogs, we’ll look at what fire and water designs feel like.

Decorate Using the Four Elements: Earth

Mediterranean at Ironwood Crossing EarthLong before the science of chemistry came into existence, ancient philosophers and scientists thought the universe consisted of only four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. And even though we know better now, it’s still fun to use these concepts to decorate your home. Let’s take a look at a room with an emphasis on earth.

The colors start the analysis. Earth tones predominate in this space. Notice the dark brown wood, brown sofas and beige and brown chairs. Brown and rust drapes complete the color scheme. There are a few touches of red and green – in the plants and the arrangement on the dining table. The deep blue of the throw pillows isn’t normally thought of as an earth tone, but against the brown sofas and combined with pillows that include that shade of blue along with earth-tone stripes, it works.

Next, let’s look at materials. Stone predominates, with the strong stone facing on the fireplace and porcelain tile in the dining area. Notice also the  pottery accessories on the coffee table. The clay that produced these three pieces is the ultimate earth material.

Choosing a warm wall color and the warm-toned shade of the table lamp at the back of this photo also echoes the feeling of the Earth element.

Are you the most comfortable in an Earth-focused family room? What other elements make a room feel like it’s connected to the earth for you?

Ottoman Coffee Table Designed for Comfort

fulton family roomThis family room spells comfort. One reason is the choice of an ottoman coffee table. It practically begs you to put your feet up and relax. When you’re planning your family room, style has value, but be sure to build in comfort too. Let’s take a look at some of the ways this room makes everyone who enters it feel at home.

Softness: Yes, a sofa is standard equipment for a family room, but this one has oversized cushions and plenty of throw pillows. It’s big enough for everyone to spread out and relax. When you choose a sofa, make sure it invites people to sit and get comfortable.

Ottoman Coffee Table: This choice is so much more inviting than a hard surface. The tray works well when people need to set down food or drinks, but there is still room for resting your feet. This oversized ottoman suits the sectional, but the graceful legs and space under the cushion keeps it from feeling too heavy.

Curves: This room offers a wealth of curves to keep everything soft and flowing. From the circular tray centered on the ottoman to the wavy lines of the table lamps and oval dinette chairs, this room shows a soft line. There are even curves above several doorways.

Gentle Colors: Grey and cream with just a touch of rosy pink keeps the room on a soothing plane. Most of the light is tempered by shades and the dark floor provides just enough contrast to keep the space interesting.

When you design your family room, don’t let comfort stop with an ottoman coffee table. Instead, build coziness into every space along with style and you will have a home that everyone will enjoy.

Planning Your Outdoor Kitchen

Legacy Models 064If you plan to cook and entertain outside it’s important to make your outdoor space work for your specific needs. The outdoor kitchen shown photo above, from the Legacy community is just one example. Here are some issues to consider when planning an outdoor kitchen space.

Grill: Do you want a stand-alone grill or one built into a counter? Would you prefer the convenience of gas or do you like the flavor provided by charcoal? How much do you want to invest in your outdoor grill? How large a grill will you need to cook enough for all of your family and guests when you entertain?

Electricity: Are there other items you would appreciate in your outdoor kitchen that would require electricity? Maybe you’d like a blender to mix icy drinks for parties, or a coffeepot for an outdoor brunch? Think about the possibilities.\

Water: Would a sink come in handy so that you could rinse dishes and pots before taking them inside? What about being ready to rinse off countertops and tables before eating outside? If you think you’d need more than a hose, consider an outdoor sink.

Lighting: Are you likely to entertain and even cook after dark? Some well-planned task and ambient lighting can create a wonderful atmosphere for entertaining and enable you to keep on grilling long after the sun goes down.

Counters and Seating: Some outdoor kitchens feature counter seating, allowing you to cook and chat with family and friends at the same time. Those counters can also serve as a buffet when it’s time to serve.

If you think about how you will use your outdoor space, you can make sure that your outdoor kitchen is everything you want it to be.

The Practical Beauty of Glass Tile

Watercolors-Ocean-Install-464x464Most of us would probably agree that glass tile is gorgeous to look at and adds a unique style to any space. But, aside from their aesthetic appeal, is glass tile a practical design choice?  After all, glass is delicate and breakable…isn’t it?

Characteristics of Glass Tile: Glass tile has many wonderful features that make it a great material for many projects, from both visual and practical standpoints.

  •  Shatter-Resistant: Unlike the type of glass used in vases and light bulbs, glass tiles are built to be shatter-resistant.
  • Durable: Strong and long lasting, glass tile is extremely practical.
  •  Water Resistant: As glass tiles don’t absorb water, they’re popular in areas with high humidity.
  • Easy-to-Clean: Since their surfaces aren’t highly porous, they’ll get back their shine with just a few wipes.
  • Heat Resistant: Heat resistant tile comes in a variety of styles, colors and materials, providing options that work with many different design schemes.

Glass Tile in the Home: Glass tiles can be incorporated in several areas of a home and are an affordable way to add a bit of glimmer to any area. Due to its heat and water resistance, glass tile is a perfect choice for fireplaces, kitchens and bathrooms.

Here are some different ways glass tile is commonly used:

  • When used in fireplace surrounds, the firelight makes the tile shimmer, creating an amazing ambience.
  • In kitchen backsplashes and countertops, glass creates a clean, contemporary look. Watercolors glass tiles provide a stunning look for a kitchen backsplash.Watercolors-Wheat-Field2-Install-464x464
  • In bathroom countertops, tub surrounds, and shower walls. Shimmer glass is a particularly beautiful choice for bathroom designs as it is hand-poured, resulting in a variation of color among the individual mosaic tiles.

Shimmer-Abalone-Dallas-Patrick-shot2-2014-464x464As you can see, glass tile is extremely versatile! With the many different options available, and each type of glass having its own unique qualities, you can select the tile that truly reflects your style.

Kitchen Pantry Pleasure

pantry 2 fultonOver the years, homeowners have enjoyed the pleasure and convenience of walk-in closets, and now many homeowners are discovering the benefits of a walk-in kitchen pantry.

Once a common feature in farmhouse kitchens where food storage was as important as preparation, pantries are now a luxury well worth the investment. Here are some of the advantages.

Large container storage: If you’re a fan of those warehouse stores, often you may need to set up a spot in the garage to hold the space-robbing containers of canned goods or paper products. With a pantry, you control shelf height, enabling you to fit even the most massive purchases right next to the kitchen.

Easy visibility: Instead of having to search through cabinets and drawers to find the cranberry sauce or soup, everything is easily visible when you walk in.

Perfect for storing serving pieces: The long shelves provide the space you need for larger trays or stock pots.

Off the kitchen but not in the kitchen: That much storage space would create a bank of bulky floor-to-ceiling cabinets in your kitchen extending out into the family room. Instead with a pantry an incredible amount of kitchen storage is just a doorway away.

Hidden storage: When guests come, simply close the door to hide the pantry and everything inside it. It’s also a perfect place to put half-empty bags and boxes of crackers or chips where they are out of sight but easy to grab when restocking appetizers or snacks at a party.

How will you use your walk-in pantry? Chances are once you have one, you’ll constantly find new ways to incorporate it into your regular kitchen routine, and you’ll wonder how you ever cooked or entertained without it!