Fulton’s Design Center Approach

Carpet Design Center 057A good design center creates just the right environment to help you make your dream home come to life. Let’s take a look at some of the good decisions that make the Fulton Design Center a great resource when you buy your new Fulton home.

Updated options and vignettes: As new products come on the home market, the Fulton team reviews them and determines what will best serve the needs of Fulton’s customers. Quality, value, reliability and style all combine to make your selection process easier and more rewarding.

At the same time, as products lose their appeal they are phased out or replaced with new more-updated options. This ensures that the spacious Fulton Design Center can showcase the choices that will prove to be the most valuable for you and your family.

Opportunities to browse: With so many choices, it would be hard to make all of your home decisions on the spot. So Fulton Homes offers two browse nights every month – on the first and third Thursday evenings. With designers there to provide insights and answer questions, you can take your time exploring your choices in a no-pressure environment. Fulton Home’s online design also provides chances to review many of your options and make some preliminary selections.

Skilled designers: Your personal designer will help you make the right decisions for your home. Their experience with many other homes and homeowners will stand you in good stead when you need information or advice. Our designers are trained to help make the decision process easy and fun.

When you choose your new Fulton Home, everyone at the Fulton Design Center will do everything possible to help you make it the home you’ve always dreamed about. We look forward to seeing you!

Ceiling Fans

Fulton Ceiling FansQuite possibly the smartest decision you may make when determining options for your Fulton Home is having ceiling fans installed throughout. In the summer they make a home feel comfortable at higher temperatures, allowing you to save energy every month. Even in the winter they can bring warm air down to a lower level and give you a chance to pull in more fresh air on those days when you want your windows open.

Years ago, ceiling fans were more utilitarian than attractive, but that has changed. Today’s ceiling fans come in a nice selection of styles that meld with virtually any décor. They can also be positioned right against the ceiling or hung down to a more functional height with an rod that coordinates with the fan’s look.

If you haven’t experienced a ceiling fan overhead when working in your home office or sleeping, you will be surprised at how unobtrusive the air movement is. At the lowest level a ceiling fan provides a gentle breeze that doesn’t disturb papers or flutter drapes. At full power, it can cool you faster than anything other than a dip in a pool when you get home on a hot summer day.

Ceiling fans also provide a helpful solution for families with different temperature preferences. If a warm body marries someone who is always cold, the thermostat can become a battleground. On the other hand, several judiciously-placed ceiling fans allow a warmer climate for the easily chilled while properly cooling the toaster-folks in the family.

Be sure to check out the selection of ceiling fans when you visit the lighting section of the Fulton Design Center.

Selecting Tile Accents

FultonTileAccentsListelles such as the ones shown above on display at the Fulton Design Center provide one of the best bangs for your buck when designing your new home. Just add a strip of personality along your shower at eye-level or below, or use it as a border at the top of your wall tile.

Spark up your backsplash by creating a rectangle above your stove using the listelle design you like the best. When you visit the Fulton Design Center, take a few minutes to browse your options for these accents. Color, tone and texture combine to make a rich selection of approaches to personalizing a kitchen or bath.

The geometric options work well with modern homes, although some like the diagonal squares in the bottom row of this display also have a classic appeal. Listelles also come in more organic designs. Take a look at the pattern on the top row, the fourth from the left. The vined approach would add a natural feeling to your home.

How strong do you want your accents to be overall? If you are looking for a subtle feel, choose tone combinations with minimal contrast that blend in with your other tile or stone choices. On the other hand, if you want to really showcase your accents, go for high contrast – both within the listelle itself and compared to your overall look.

Be sure to take a hands-on approach to your selection. Bring your main tile or stone selection over to this display and lay your favorites next to it to see the impact. Remember to factor in grout color. Have some fun with this choice. It’s a great way to make your Fulton Home uniquely yours.