Bright Ideas on Lamps!

Harris Beach Model

Lamps are some of the finishing touches you will purchase for your room when decorating. However, do not discount their importance to your room’s design. The right lamps can bring your room together perfectly. There are three main types of lamps to choose from—table lamps, floor lamps, and hanging lamps. Depending on the space you are decorating, the look you are going for, and how much light you will need the lamp to provide, one of these three types of lamps should suit your space.

The first thing you will want to do when deciding on what lamp to purchase is the size of the space it will be going. If it is a table lamp, be sure to measure your table so that you don’t get a lamp that overpowers it, or is too small to even be noticed. For hanging lamps and floor lamps the principle is the same thing, you will just be considering a different area.

Next, you will have to decide what kind of design you want for your lamp. There are so many choices out there and it can seem overwhelming but before you begin browsing sit down in the room and look around you. What is the theme of your design? Do you even have one or is it more eclectic than that?

Consider that glass bases will look lighter in your space and can work really well with modern designs. Wooden and metal bases offer a heavier feel to them and work well in more traditionally decorated rooms. The only way you’ll know what style to look for is to decide what will work best in the room.

Finally, you will want to figure out what the function of the lamp is. If your lamp is going to be the main source of light in your room, then you will want to go for a lamp that is both brighter and larger. A floor lamp or hanging lamp would work well in this situation. If your lamp’s purpose is more for bedside reading at night you should look for softer lighting like a small bedside table lamp with a low glow. These three steps should help ease your lamp buying process.

Ideas to Dress up Your Hallways

In a lot of homes, hallways are just a connection to other rooms, and homeowners often overlook their decorative potential. With hallways often being narrow and short, homeowners may throw up a picture or two and call it a day, but we believe hallways can be so much more.

7 Ideas to Dress Up Your Hallways

1. Blended

When working with the design in your hallway, you want to be sure that it continues the current design onto the next room. Your hall can be a subtle preview of what guests should expect when they enter your home’s next room. The design flow should never stop in the hallway because that tends to make the transition feel awkward. Instead, you want to make sure that each room blends well into the hall and leaves seamless transitions. 

2. The Main Event

Just like in any other room, you will want to create a “focal point” that becomes the center of attention in the hallway. This item can be anywhere from a gorgeous light fixture to an extravagant mirror. It will depend on what you want to do with the space and what decor pieces you plan on incorporating. 

3. A Perfect Runway

As flooring experts, we understand that no room is complete without the perfect touch of flooring. For hallways, we recommend purchasing a “runner” for the floor. This simple addition can instantly make your hardwood floors feel more cozy and chic.

4. Chic Shelving

In hallways, you want to keep the decor light and simple. Since there is not a lot of space to work with, a simple, chic shelving piece can do just the trick.

5. The Gallery.

Gallery walls are a trendy, inexpensive way to decorate any room, but they work exceptionally well in hallways. When creating your hallway’s gallery wall, you want to be sure that you keep it simple. Depending on the size of your wall, you will most likely want to use fewer items than you would typically in another area of your home. Try and keep it simple and light to create a refreshing look.

6. Look Up

If you are looking for a creative way to make your hallway unique, you could try painting your ceiling a fun color. Once you have decided on a color, you can incorporate it into your hallway’s design. This will help tie together everything. 

7. Captivating Wallpaper

Graphic wallpaper is a current trend everyone loves. It is especially perfect for hallways because it will help bring them to life. We recommend trying to use vertical graphic patterns in your hallways. This will help make the room look more substantial than it actually is.  

Tips for Adding Color to a Gray Color Scheme

Do you feel stuck with your all-gray color scheme? Well, it is time to unlock the magic hidden in this cool-toned hue. Grey is so much more than just a combination of black and white. In fact, this color scheme is versatile, and there are numerous possibilities for designing it to compliment your home’s interior. In fact, although grey is considered a neutral color, it is much more interesting than white or black. The best way to make a gray room pop is to implement color into the design. In fact, you will find that gray serves as the perfect backdrop for a bold accent color. It also has the power to enhance more subtle hues as well as frame colors. The color palettes are virtually limitless. Look at some of the ways you can use add color to a gray room.

Soft Furnishings

If you find that your taste is subject to change from time to time, gray is the perfect backdrop for ever-changing designs. Use bright colors such as orange, blue, and yellow as accent colors in your soft furnishings. Whether you are designing a living room or bedroom, you can select soft furnishings like pillows, curtains, and comforter sets that feature unique patterns and bright hues.


You do not have to just stick to traditional color palettes. In a dull room, find the perfect area to install a copper panel, or you can opt for metallic fixtures. Add an extra dimension to the room with accessories such as pendant lights and place settings. When paired against gray, metal is able to take center stage.

Electic Patterns

When adding some spice to the gray room, combine colors with eclectic patterns to further add emphasis to the room’s design. You can even mix different patterns within the space while the gray walls further highlight the decor. Area rugs, couch slipcovers, and other types of textiles add variety.

Using Texture

Be sure to add some colorful texture to your cool gray rooms. For instance, you can combine natural stone, distressed wood, and plush accessories against your gray walls to add dimensions.

What ways would you add a pop of flair to an all-gray room? Let us know below in the comment section.

Five Brilliant Ways to Design Your Great Room

The term “great room” gets thrown around very often as an interchangeable word with “family room.” However, there are several key differences. A great room is typically in the front of your home and adjacent to the kitchen. It traditionally will have your family room and living room as one with a little higher of a ceiling. These large rooms are great for giving a more mid-century modern floorplan with an open layout. However, some people seem to get profoundly baffled on how to design and decorate these rooms. For instance, boundaries and walls are great for establishing space, yet in a space so grand, it can become challenging. Have no fear, though, because we are going to show you five of the key tricks used for decorating these spaces. Let’s get started!


Your room should be decorated to scale. Putting too much furniture or little furniture can make the room look chaotic or just plain empty. To avoid this, you need to consider what are the appropriate distances. Keep walkways open, avoid clutter, and create the illusion of space through balance and proportion.

Visual Boundaries

Your room is going to be lacking boundaries; however, you can still create sections in the room. If you want half the great room to be the living room while the other half be a dining room, you can create these boundaries with your furniture. Sectionals are also great tools for creating visual boundaries and pathways. You can even use area rugs or décor to help direct eyes to different areas and distinguish both areas individually.

Size Matters

Pay attention to the size of your furniture. High rise ceilings need taller furniture. Too short of furniture can make the room feel off and awkward. You can use your windows or other architectural lines to help gauges heights that you will want to reach.

Importance of Color

Color is a vital tool used in interior design. Color can have a significant impact on how the room looks and feels. Make sure you incorporate a fair share of color into your space. You can add color through throw pillows, wall art, area rugs, and décor pieces to help spruce up the atmosphere.

Do Not Trace the Borders

A common mistake is putting furniture on each wall. You have the freedom to create boundaries. Do not just trace your room. Use coaches and chairs to help create walkways and “rooms” within your room. This step will make your space feel larger and more open than tracing the walls with your furniture.  

Decorating a great room can feel like a daunting task at first. However, with these five tricks and a little patience, you can design your dream oasis. For more insight on designing your home, make sure to subscribe!

Adding Zen to Your Home

Zen in interior design refers to the balance of relaxation and harmony. In today’s hectic society, our homes should be our safe havens and a place of comfort. Therefore, adding a little more zen to the atmosphere is a great way to incorporate more peace and relaxation at home. Though zen is not bound by strict guidelines, it is the ability to obtain tranquility in your home, and there are several great ways in which you can go about this. Here are the top ways to create a zen-influenced atmosphere:


To begin creating tranquility in the room, you must start with elements of comfort. This feature can be the textures you add to the space. Consider adding a soft rug, comfortable throw pillows, or cozy blankets. A little bit of comfort can go a long way with creating zen.

Natural Light and Elements

Zen is derived from the roots and comfort of nature. Many ancient oriental philosophies in design are core-rooted in natural elements. Consider having natural light in your room as much as possible. You should also incorporate all different types of plants, woods, or stones in your design. Even running water can help add tranquility to the environment.


While all these are great for helping to create your design, always remember that less can be more. Most zen atmospheres thrive off a minimalist approach. Too much clutter can cause chaos in your home. Having fewer objects can be a great way to open up your environment and allow natural energy to flow.


When incorporating natural elements, do not forget plants! Plants can help rejuvenate a space and give a breath of fresh air. They are natural air purifiers while also giving homage to elements of nature. In fact, every great zen space will facilitate some plant life in the atmosphere.

Eliminate Electronic Disturbances

Lastly, if you are creating a zen room, consider eliminating electronics. Too often, we get overwhelmed by technology today. Therefore, having a place to escape in your own home is vital. So try to limit too much electronic disturbance in your home to help conquer zen in your design.

These tricks are great for helping to achieve a more peaceful atmosphere in your home. Remember, zen is a great tool for anyone to facilitate in their design. While it may not be for your entire home, this design trick can still help create an area to escape to in your home.

Three Things That Every Home Design Needs

Designing your home is a great way to express yourself. Plus, you can choose from hundreds of styles and themes when creating your space. Every element you add to your home design is just another way to make your house a home. Whether you choose a monochromatic theme, a rustic, farmhouse-style design, a contemporary styling, or even your own individual design style, there are three things that every home should include in their design. While design is expressive, these three elements work in every atmosphere and can help tailor your home even more to your style. Let’s take a look!


If you do not have pictures or wall art in your home, you are missing out on an excellent design opportunity! You can cover those bland walls with some beautiful art. This is a chance to create a focal point in your room or guide your theme. Adding pictures to your design is a crucial element in any home. Plus, there are thousands of genres and styles of pictures. From hand-painted masterpieces to landscapes and modern art, each picture has a new opportunity to amplify your design.


Plants can be facilitated in any home. They help improve air quality while looking great. Plus, there are thousands of plants to choose from when adding them to your home. Succulents, cacti, flowers, trees, vines, and everything in between are just a few great examples. First, decide what kind of plants will grow best in your home. Do you want low-maintenance plants or plants that do not need to be directly in the window? You can even consider growing herbs for your kitchen as well. Get creative with it and tailor your plant choices to your personal design. 


Home improvement and design go beyond the eyes. In fact, one of the most powerful senses we have is our sense of smell. Therefore, this sense should never be neglected in your design. Candles and essential oil diffusers are great for creating the scent you want in your atmosphere. Just remember not to mask unwanted smells but eliminate them completely before creating your own fragrance.

These design tricks are essential for any home. What are some of your favorite elements that you have added to your own design over the years? Let us know below in the comment section.

Must-Consider Décor Pieces for Your Home

What makes designing a room fun is the freedom to express yourself. If you gave ten people the same room to design, every space would come out differently. In fact, interior design has so much freedom that it becomes a fun and expressive art form in itself. 

While tailoring your space to your needs, you should also consider a few tried-and-true décor options. Some décor works well in every space and should never be overlooked. Whether you love Art Deco, Rustic, Modern, or Traditional designs, all these styles can thrive off of similar décor pieces. Here are three must consider décor pieces when creating your space:


Incorporating a mirror in your design serves much more of a purpose than merely being able to look at yourself. In fact, mirrors help play tricks on our eyes when looking at a room. They allow light to travel more freely, and they can allow rooms to look much larger. This can help scale the room and give the room different-feeling proportions. If you have a long room or oddly shaped room, mirrors are the perfect remedy to help fix the balance in the atmosphere very discretely. 

Area Rugs 

Often overlooked, area rugs are perfect for making your room feel more welcoming. They offer warmth to hard surface floorings and can also help with the room’s aesthetics. Area rugs are great for helping to add texture to your space, which is interacted with daily. While not every rug works with every design, nearly every design works with a certain type of area rug. Try to find one to help enhance your styling in your home! 


Natural elements have a direct correlation with how we perceive a space, and plants are no exception. They help improve air quality in our homes and make a space feel more alive. With a wide variety of plants to choose, you can get the perfect plants to help enhance your design. From succulents, flowers, trees, and herbs, you are sure to find a plant that works great with your design theme. 

So when you consider designing your home, make sure you think of these key elements.  They can help enhance your design without fluctuating your theme. They work great in every home and can help your design get to the next level. For more interior design tricks and tips, make sure to subscribe

Tips for Curating Your Home with Quality Items

You have been obsessing over creating a stylish home just like the ones you see in the magazines and on television shows. While designing a space is all about your personal style, it can be essential to focus on key elements that add quality over quantity to your home design. So before you head to your nearest store, here are some tips for curating your home with quality items:

Do Not Make This Mistake

Often, when we are setting out to design our homes with the goal of buying as many pieces as possible with a relatively small budget. So you score items from popular chain stores to furnish your home for less. While some of the furniture may be solidly built, you cannot expect most of these pieces to last a long time. If you are determined to curate your home with quality items, it is essential to take a more thoughtful approach. Start by getting rid of the mindset that you have to furnish every room in your home quickly. With this approach, you will likely be motivated to purchase a bunch of low-quality, inexpensive furniture just so your home can look “complete.” Instead, you want to make sure that the furniture you select is appropriate and that it lasts for many years to come.

Quality Over Quantity

The key to creating a stylish home is having an eclectic mix of furniture and accessories that complement the overall design of your home. This is done by taking your time and investing in pieces as you go along. Look at consignment shops, yard sales, and boutiques for unique items. It may be tempting to purchase a lot of inexpensive furniture that may even be attractive, but be sure to focus on quality over quantity.

Analyze Things You Buy

Will this piece be useful in the next few years, or can you repurpose it into something useful? Or can this furniture serve more than one purpose? For instance, a vintage dresser could later be reused as a television console in the living room. Be sure to ask yourself these questions before you make a purchase.

Save and Wait Because It Is an Investment

You should also invest in things made of quality materials. You will find that a lot of furniture purchased from chain stores is made up of MDF. MDF is an engineered wood that is easily susceptible to cracks and will fall apart fairly quickly. Try to purchase pieces that are made from genuine wood. It is okay to wait and save up for pieces. We understand that buying home decor is a process and an investment. Go slow, save, and buy what you can when you can.

We hope you found these tips helpful. Check back weekly for more home inspiration and tricks, and be sure to subscribe. Thanks for reading!

Scented Design

What actually creates your home’s design? Is it colors and patterns? Is it the design theme you choose? Maybe, it is how the atmosphere makes you feel? Your design is more than just a room’s visual aesthetics. Factors like textures, sounds, and scents can all play a vital role in how others construe your space. Incorporating different aromas to your space can rejuvenate your atmosphere. Here are several great aromas to use in your home to help enhance your atmosphere:

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oils are extremely popular for their added benefits such as anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, and antiviral components. Adding an essential oil diffuser is a great way to capture incense while taking advantage of different benefits of diverse essential oils. Try adding oils to help calm or relax and the atmosphere like lavender, chamomile, sandalwood, or jasmine. You can also use other oils like wild orange, peppermint, and bergamot to help add a more positive, upbeat energy to a room.


Another great scented remedy to have in your home are candles. Candles are great for adding a warm, inviting energy to a room. With hundreds of aromas available, you can have your room scented however you want. Candles can also be a great addition to add to a fireplace during the warmer months. You can get the visual and aromatic benefits of the fire and candles without adding too much warmth to your space.


Incenses can usually be burnt for religious, meditation, or cultural purposes. However, they can also add a great scent to your home and have an aesthetic appeal. Burning incense is a great air freshener and odor eliminator but also can have benefits for helping you concentrate and stimulate your creativity. Try adding these to your home office or areas in your home where you spend time being creative and being focused the most.

Never try to mask odors. Try to keep odors eliminated and create your own scents for your atmosphere. More than just visual aesthetics play a role in a room’s overall feel. What are some of your favorite scents? Comment below and let us know.

Creating a Gender-Neutral Nursery

Did you just receive the wonderful news and now you are an expecting parent? We know this is an exciting time, but we also know this can be a stressful time. You immediately start thinking of a million things to do. Many expecting parents today are choosing the option of creating a gender-neutral nursery while staying away from the traditional blue and pink palettes. This can be a perfect solution for parents waiting to find out the gender of their child at birth. If you are interested in a gender-neutral nursery, we have some suggestions that will steer you in the right direction for creating the perfect nursery. Let’s take a look!

Color Schemes & Themes

Begin by choosing your corresponding color scheme and theme to pull the room together. You do not necessarily have to pick white or beige colored walls, but selecting a neutral wall color allows you to bring in other colors, patterns, and designs wherever you see fit. Think of the walls as a blank canvas, and what you add is the actual art.

Murals & Wall Decals

You do not have to be a talented artist to create a mural that corresponds with your theme. Painter’s tape is a wonderful tool to mark off various shapes, or tape off horizontal, chevron or vertical stripes. Simply paint the taped-off design with coordinating paint colors. If you do not have the time or patience to create and paint a design, research the hundreds of peel and stick decals that are on the market. Choose themed decals like jungle scenes, nature scenes, alphabets, or numbers to liven up the room. Believe us; you will have no problem finding decals to match your theme.


If your walls are a neutral color, and your style is traditional, white or off-white is a safe choice for furniture. You can introduce a contrasting color with your mural and decals. If you are more adventurous, choose a darker color for the walls like navy or gray that will contrast with white trim and white furniture.


Depending on your theme and color palette, choosing accessories is always the fun part of the project. Accessories including area rugs, lamps/light fixtures, window coverings, bedding, floor pillows, and stuffed animals can be functional yet stylish pieces that add to the overall design. Introducing contrasting colors to the nursery is easily achieved with the accessories you choose.

We hope you all the best and have fun creating the perfect sanctuary for your little one! Please let us know the outcome of this very special project.