Arranging Seating Areas in the Living Room

Timber Cove Model

No matter what size living room you have, if you like to entertain frequently you need to give some consideration to your seating. From conversation areas to quiet reading nooks, proper seating arrangements can help make an entire room flow together beautifully.

Types of Seating Arrangements

There are several different ways you can arrange the seating in the living room of your home. The idea is to create as many different groups as you can within the space, while still leaving plenty of room to navigate the area easily.

Group seating areas are meant for three or more people to gather together. This could be a couch opposite a chair, two loveseats or couches opposite one another, or a loveseat, couch, and chair all arranged around a coffee table. Group seating areas are generally in the center of the room. If you have enough space, you can even set two group seating areas back to back in the middle of a large room.

Intimate seating areas are for two people to talk quietly together. This is usually two arm chairs and an end table. They can be placed near a window or in front of a fireplace or other area that invites conversation.

Quiet seating areas are for a single person to use at a time. This usually consists of a single arm chair, usually with a small table and/or lamp nearby. These seating areas may be tucked into corners or next to bookcases or other large or built in furnishings.

Seating Area Tips

Make your seating areas better and more suited to the room they are in with these tips.

  • Use temporary seating in small spaces such as pillows and ottomans. You can stack them on the sides of the room when not in use.
  • Walk through the room to all the various seating areas and make sure they are easily accessible, and that they are not blocking the path to other parts of the room.
  • Try to make sure that each seating area has a table nearby, as well as plenty of light.
  • Make sure that the main seating area in the room is grouped around a focal point to ensure its use.

Five Brilliant Ways to Design Your Great Room

The term “great room” gets thrown around very often as an interchangeable word with “family room.” However, there are several key differences. A great room is typically in the front of your home and adjacent to the kitchen. It traditionally will have your family room and living room as one with a little higher of a ceiling. These large rooms are great for giving a more mid-century modern floorplan with an open layout. However, some people seem to get profoundly baffled on how to design and decorate these rooms. For instance, boundaries and walls are great for establishing space, yet in a space so grand, it can become challenging. Have no fear, though, because we are going to show you five of the key tricks used for decorating these spaces. Let’s get started!


Your room should be decorated to scale. Putting too much furniture or little furniture can make the room look chaotic or just plain empty. To avoid this, you need to consider what are the appropriate distances. Keep walkways open, avoid clutter, and create the illusion of space through balance and proportion.

Visual Boundaries

Your room is going to be lacking boundaries; however, you can still create sections in the room. If you want half the great room to be the living room while the other half be a dining room, you can create these boundaries with your furniture. Sectionals are also great tools for creating visual boundaries and pathways. You can even use area rugs or décor to help direct eyes to different areas and distinguish both areas individually.

Size Matters

Pay attention to the size of your furniture. High rise ceilings need taller furniture. Too short of furniture can make the room feel off and awkward. You can use your windows or other architectural lines to help gauges heights that you will want to reach.

Importance of Color

Color is a vital tool used in interior design. Color can have a significant impact on how the room looks and feels. Make sure you incorporate a fair share of color into your space. You can add color through throw pillows, wall art, area rugs, and décor pieces to help spruce up the atmosphere.

Do Not Trace the Borders

A common mistake is putting furniture on each wall. You have the freedom to create boundaries. Do not just trace your room. Use coaches and chairs to help create walkways and “rooms” within your room. This step will make your space feel larger and more open than tracing the walls with your furniture.  

Decorating a great room can feel like a daunting task at first. However, with these five tricks and a little patience, you can design your dream oasis. For more insight on designing your home, make sure to subscribe!

Winterize your Décor

It’s starting to get cooler at night and with the holidays coming up this is a good time to create a more wintery look in your home. Here are a few suggestions.

Bring on the sweaters: Create a wintery feel by adding a couple of throw pillows made of old sweaters. If you don’t have any of your own, shop in a thrift store for one you like. Just decide on the pillow size and sew an edge around the front of a sweater about a half-inch wider, then cut. Cut the same size from the back of the sweater to make up the back of the pillow.

Add a few holiday colors with accessories: This room to the right is filled with light neutrals, but by adding a few touches of red, it has an immediate winter holiday feel.

Once again, pillows add warmth. Look for colors that add warmth while working with your home. Consider adding a throw on your sofa to coordinate. Bookshelves are a great place to add holiday items. Small toys and accessories can be placed right in front of books.

Take most or all of your normal accessories off your coffee table before adding Christmas items. That way you are ready for the holidays without having your home look cluttered. If you keep all of your holiday items in the same color theme, they will all connect and make your home’s

Build your Dream Room, One Piece at a Time – Sofa

So you have a new home with a large and inviting living room, family room, or open-concept space and you want to create the space of your dreams. Right now the room might be empty, or you may have a few pieces of unmatched or not very appealing furniture that you picked up for a song or inherited from family.

If it’s time to make that room beautiful but you’re not sure where to start, let’s take a look at your options. As the largest piece of furniture, a sofa helps define your space and provides a sound basis for developing a room to match your vision for your home. When choosing your sofa, here are some of the things to consider.

Style: Sofas can be formal, casual, classic or contemporary. Your sofa will set the style for your space, so it’s a good time to make those decisions.

Construction: Perceptions of comfort vary from one person to another. Would you like a tightly-constructed piece with springs in the cushions so that your sofa provides a lot of support, or are you drawn to a comfy down-stuffed choice that is better for sprawling than sitting? Take a look at your family’s lifestyle and be sure to try out a number of choices to see what suits you.

Size: Be careful to check to make sure a sofa fits well into your space. Too large and the room will immediately look crowded. Too small and it won’t have the presence you want.

Fabric: Issues such as the probability of spills and the amount of usage can help you define your best choices. This is one place where a good furniture salesperson can be extremely helpful.

Color: Since your new sofa will be with you for a long time, choose a color you can live with comfortably. This may be a neutral tone, or a color choice that can almost play as a neutral such as dark green or denim blue.

Whichever sofa you select, be sure to take your time and shop all of your choices Spend as much as you can easily afford. You may have this sofa for a long time so think of it as an investment in your home.