Entertaining Your Kids at Home

Children can be one of the greatest blessings but come with a lot of needs. For instance, many younger kids need constant attention and activities to do at home. It can become a full-time job. So, it is essential to find entertainment in your own homes that can hold your children’s attention for some time while also being safe. If you are a parent with rambunctious children, here are several at-home activities to help entertain your kids:

Host Playdates

Children play well with other children, so one of the best ways to free up your own time is to find another parent willing to alternate playdates. Some days you can watch the kids and host a playdate while other days the other parents can. This idea will be a blast for all the kids as well as be low-maintenance for the parents.

Play Outside

Playing outside is a great way to let the children enjoy and explore the outdoors. You can go to the park or let them pick some outdoor sports activities. Let your children learn to discover what activities they enjoy and dislike during their early youth. From flying kits to sidewalk chalk in your driveway, the options are endless. You can even take them to water parks, playgrounds, soccer fields, and more!

Educational Video Games or Movies

If you need to get away and have some own rest and relaxation times, a movie or an educational video game is perfect for distracting children for several hours. This idea is not the best method to keep your children productive yet can help you get the physical break you need. A healthy mommy and daddy need their rest too to be the best parents they can be.

Creative Puzzles

While action figures, barbies, and racecars are all great toys to entertain kids, try adding some creating puzzles into the mix. Encourage your kids to try puzzles, Legos, or even word searches. These creative and brain exercising activities are great for children in their prime mental growing stages.

There are hundreds of great ways to keep children entertained. Try to keep in mind what children can and cannot do alone at their age. Always keep safety at the forefront. What are some of your children’s favorite household activities? Let us know how you keep your children entertained below in the comment section.

Fun Summer Activities for Your Kids | Part Three

Studies have shown that children today are spending more and more time indoors than ever. Since children need direction and influence, having fun activities to participate in outdoors is crucial for children growth and development. From scavenger hunts to catching frogs, there are thousands of ways for your kids to play in the sun. Here are some of our favorite fun family activities you can put together so your kids can get a little more time outside this summer:


Pack up some food and head up to the park for a picnic. The whole experience should be part of the adventure. Write a grocery list together with your kids, and let them explore the grocery store with you to find the items they need. Next, prepare the food at home together and pack it in a basket. When you head to the park to eat it, that is the reward. It teaches your children a good work ethic. You put in time before to have the end reward. This task is simple but effective, and your children will love it.

Amusement Parks

Your kids will be in heaven when you take them to an amusement park. With so much to offer and a full day of activities, this is a great summer activity. Plus, amusement parks have very diverse entertainment selections and options available for kids of all ages. Exploring and using the map can help with their sense of direction. Amusement parks can have you entertained for hours on end. Just remember to bring sunscreen and plan ahead for eating and travel.


Do your children love animals? Let them see their favorite creatures in real life at the zoo! Not to mention, the zoo is a learning opportunity. Discovering animal species and their habitats is always fun. Your kids will be in awe of how large some animals are and love the silly creatures as well. The zoo is an opportunity to learn what animals your children each like, and give you a safe and fun family activity.

Summer is time for fun. Make sure your children get enough time outside this summer by utilizing some of our favorite ideas and remember that you are never “too old” to have fun.

What are your favorite summer activities? We would love for you to share your thoughts with other readers below in the comment section.

Bridging Generations: Together in One Home

8929512_SIn years past, it was common for three or more generations to share a home. For many years that idea seemed old fashioned, but recently it’s come back. Some aging parents can’t stay in their homes alone anymore, and many adult children need a landing pad after graduating from college, losing a job or experiencing a divorce. Today’s homes need to reflect these new demands.

Fulton Homes has many choices for multi-generational living. From simple shifts such as more bathrooms in a home to garages prepared to handle adult and teen vehicles, you want to find a home that works for you now and in the future as your family’s lives change. Here are some things to consider as you choose a home that will meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs:

Multiple-use rooms: Today’s bedroom can be tomorrow’s home office. A formal dining space could change into a TV room. Look for larger rooms in versatile arrangements. Bonus rooms can change roles as your family’s needs change.

Storage space: When people move in, they bring their stuff. Walk-in closets, built-in cabinetry in the house or garage, and plenty of shelf space can help absorb mementos and other favorite items.

Multiple living spaces: With a living room and a family room, different members of the family can entertain their guests at the same time.

Luxurious master suites: When dealing with three or more generations living in one home, it’s important for you to have an escape. Treat your master bedroom and bath as your private resource for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Today’s empty-nester could be tomorrow’s care-giver or helper for an un or under-employed child. Make sure your home is ready for the challenge!

Bringing a puppy home

13355005_MAre your children begging for a puppy? Or maybe now that you’re settled in your new Fulton home you are ready to introduce a pet into your life. Before you make your choice among the many cute and cuter options, you might want to consider these suggestions.

Determine if you are puppy-ready: Is there someone at home for a good part of the day? Are you prepared to house- and obedience-train your pet? Are you willing to introduce mess and chaos to your home? Do all adult members of your family agree on getting a puppy? Puppies are wonderful and can be an amazing addition to your life. Puppies are also a great deal of work. If you’re not sure, consider fostering a puppy for a rescue organization so you have a good understanding of the needs involved. But be prepared, a foster puppy may turn into a member of your family before you know it!

Choose your breed carefully: Size is important, but also temperament. If you want a lively dog that always wants to play, a Terrier is a great choice. On the other hand, this breed gets bored easily and can become destructive if left alone too much. Most Labradors are very gentle with small children. Every breed has different characteristics, and even mixed-breed dogs will often emulate the breed they’re most related to. Take the time to do your homework on the different breeds to get one that matches your family’s needs.

Prepare your home: Messes are a natural part of house-training your puppy. Plan on a specific area in your home for the puppy all or most of the day with tile or some kind of flooring that allows for easy clean-up, and take him or her out for frequent breaks. It’s best to have a grassy spot for an outdoor bathroom, particularly in the summer. (See the blog “Cause for Paws earlier this week for the reasons why.) It’s worth the time to pick up a book or review suggestions on the Internet and make a plan to housebreak your puppy. Remember, their main goal is to please you and once they understand what you want, they’ll gladly do it.

Any pet can make your life richer with friendship, company and unconditional love. That’s why you want to make sure you choose the right pet and create an environment to welcome your new family member.

Making Thanksgiving Memories

Would you like your Thanksgiving celebration to be more memorable this year? Here are just a few ideas to spark up the day.

Talk across the generations: For many people, as many as three or four generations of family members gather together. Take special advantage of this by planning some conversation starters that will get everyone involved.

Questions could include “What was your favorite Thanksgiving and why?” “What were the holidays like when you were a child?” or “What’s your favorite holiday food?” Add any other questions you think of and write them on pieces of paper or make a list. No matter the age range of your guests, the opportunity to share memories will contribute to a nice event.

Get everyone involved: If you have children, include them in the Thanksgiving preparations. Have every child take responsibility for one dish. Or if they’re too young for this, have them decorate the table with Thanksgiving-themed drawings or make name-plates or menus. Teach them the right way to set a table. Also ask Aunt Harriet to bring her famous potatoes, Uncle Bob to bring a nice bottle of wine or any other combination that works for you and your guests.

Remember the first Thanksgiving: Have your children research the first Thanksgiving feast and then tell about it at your own table. This gives them a chance to contribute to the discussion and reminds everyone of why we celebrate every year.

Say why you’re thankful: Before, during or after the meal, ask everyone to express what they are most thankful for this year. This is another reminder that the holiday is about more than food. And whether you have two or twenty at your Thanksgiving table, have a lovely memory-filled day.