Make a family plan to find the right home

Oasis at Freeman Farms 098Choosing a home starts even before visiting your first community. Taking the time to define your new home goals, dreams, and even concerns, enables you to shop smarter and focus on the things that you and your family really want.

To begin, have everyone in the family describe what they like – and don’t like – about your current home. Are the bedrooms too small? Are you short a bathroom? On the other hand, maybe you love your backyard and really enjoy all the natural light in your kitchen. Use these ideas to start defining your new home wants.

Next, create a realistic budget. Factor in school expenses, commuting costs, and budget for fun as well as emergencies. Determine how much you could put down, and whether you need to sell your current home before looking for a new one.  Remember to factor in building time for a new home. You may be able to select your new home and have several months to sell your current home while waiting for the new one to be completed.

Think about where you want to live. Look at work commuting time, school systems, and how close you want to be to family and friends. Look also at amenities in or near each community. Is a playground important? Can you run to the grocery store easily? Remember when you’re balancing your wants against your budget; some areas are less expensive than others. You may have to trade space for location, or vice versa.

Finally, explore your options. Visit various communities and take a look at models and open houses. Then go back and determine how many of your wants can be satisfied with your budget. Take the time to prioritize those features you really need compared to those that would be nice to have. If you take the time to make your plan before you start seriously looking, you create a better chance of finding a home you love.

Bridging Generations: Together in One Home

8929512_SIn years past, it was common for three or more generations to share a home. For many years that idea seemed old fashioned, but recently it’s come back. Some aging parents can’t stay in their homes alone anymore, and many adult children need a landing pad after graduating from college, losing a job or experiencing a divorce. Today’s homes need to reflect these new demands.

Fulton Homes has many choices for multi-generational living. From simple shifts such as more bathrooms in a home to garages prepared to handle adult and teen vehicles, you want to find a home that works for you now and in the future as your family’s lives change. Here are some things to consider as you choose a home that will meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs:

Multiple-use rooms: Today’s bedroom can be tomorrow’s home office. A formal dining space could change into a TV room. Look for larger rooms in versatile arrangements. Bonus rooms can change roles as your family’s needs change.

Storage space: When people move in, they bring their stuff. Walk-in closets, built-in cabinetry in the house or garage, and plenty of shelf space can help absorb mementos and other favorite items.

Multiple living spaces: With a living room and a family room, different members of the family can entertain their guests at the same time.

Luxurious master suites: When dealing with three or more generations living in one home, it’s important for you to have an escape. Treat your master bedroom and bath as your private resource for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Today’s empty-nester could be tomorrow’s care-giver or helper for an un or under-employed child. Make sure your home is ready for the challenge!