Owning a pet can be one of the most exciting adventures in life. While pets bring us a lot of joy, we want to make sure that we keep them happy and healthy. To ensure your home is pet-friendly, we have created six cleaning tricks that every pet owner should know. Let us take a look!
The Dishwasher Trick
Just like people, your pet’s items need to be cleaned regularly. There can be a lot of germs and unwanted build-up on their toys and food dish. To help make sure they are happy and healthy, you will want to wash their items regularly. An easy and efficient way to do so is by using your dishwasher! Just place their plastic and rubber toys inside of the dishwasher with one tablespoon of baking soda. Let the dishwasher run a cycle and voila, they have clean toys in no time! Just let the toys dry off then you can place them back in their proper home.
The Squeegee Trick
Pets are amazing, but their hair…Not so much. To eliminate their hair from your rugs, you can run a squeegee over top of them. This works best for non-fluffy rugs, and you want to be aware that being too harsh could damage the fibers.
**We recommend always consulting the manufacturer’s website before attempting.
The Litter Pan Trick
The Room Deodorizer Trick
Chemicals are not good for your pets; therefore, we recommend creating your own natural deodorizer. In a spray bottle, you will want to add 1/2 cup of warm water, two tablespoons of baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar. Afterward, you can add a pet-friendly essential oil like peppermint to help create a refreshing scent. Spray the mixture and let it sit for a couple of hours then vacuum as needed.
**Peppermint essential oil is safe in small doses. Please consult your veterinary before using any essential oils near your pets.
The Dog Bed Trick
Just like our beds, dog beds need to be washed. For a quick clean, place your dog bed cover in the washing machine for a cycle.
The Brushing Trick
If the weather permits, always brush your pet’s hair outside. This will help ensure no dog hair gets traced into the home and helps avoid future cleaning.
We hope you enjoyed these tips and tricks. Check back weekly for more blogs and updates.