How to Convert Your Spare Room into a Home Gym

Your New Year’s Resolution was to start going to the gym this year, but there is one problem: it is February, and you have yet to begin.  You cannot find the time or the energy to put in a workout after a long day of work.  When you get home, you just want to relax and unwind a little before you go out to the gym.  Before you know it, you now have successfully relaxed, and it does not make sense to leave anymore.  But remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.  So, maybe it is best to bring the gym to you.  You can convert that spare bedroom into your new and improved home gym and here is how:

Discover Your Training Style 

The worst thing you can do is invest in equipment you will never use.  Decide what training style is best suited for your goals.  You do not want to invest in a total body home gym if you plan on following a bodyweight fitness instructional video.  Likewise, do not buy a Pilates Reformer Machine if you want to use free weights and dumbbells solely.  Whatever your personal goals are, they should be reflected in your equipment.  Gym equipment can be expensive, so make sure you are investing in the correct places. 

Design Your Space 

A room’s atmosphere and design are essential.  You do not want to dread going into your home gym every time.  Create a fun, energetic environment by making sure there is an adequate amount of lighting, mirrors, and colors that will attract you back into the atmosphere.  Even as a home gym, this space should still incorporate a sense of design.  Make sure the room is never too dreary or uninviting, but be cognitive of creating to comfy of a room because you may not accomplish what you set out to achieve. 

Create Time and Build a Habit 

Once you create your space, you have to develop the habit. Decide a time, either before or after work.  Make sure you spend a minimum of fifteen minutes in the space.  The goal is to create a habit.  Results will follow.  You can up your time as the habit develops.  Do not get distraught if you miss a day.  The important factor is to make sure you return to your workouts the next day.  One day will not ruin your results, but do not let it ruin your habits. 

Creating your gym is the first step in conquering your goals.  Stay focused and do not let the task feel daunting.  Balance the workouts with proper nutrition, and be ready to set forth on a journey to chasing your new body.