Great Alternatives to Sleeping with Your TV on in the Background

Falling asleep with the television on is a very common habit that many Americans have. While some individuals claim they cannot fall asleep without dazing off watching television, sleep studies have discovered two reasons, primarily, of why many individuals need this aid to help fall asleep. One reason is it imitates a white noise machine. The television noise is loud enough to drown out your own thoughts yet not loud enough to have you entirely consumed by the program. Another study suggests that it has just become somewhat of a ritual. As you built that habit over time, it is not easily going to stop now.

Is It Bad?

With these lights going all night from the television, you are depleting your body’s natural melatonin levels. Melatonin is a natural hormone released into your blood when your eyes stop seeing light. This natural hormone helps unwind your body to begin helping you fall asleep. No studies have become “law,” yet the theory of constant blue lights shining on your face may be affecting your sleep. Some studies have suggested that this decrease in healthy sleep is contributing to some of our nation’s obesity. While this may be a strong claim, it is essential to make sure your melatonin levels are adequate when falling asleep.

Alternative Options

So, what do you do? You probably have attempted to turn off the television before, and it just does not work. You have built the need to have the television going while you sleep. So finding an alternative is the best option. If you need sound, you may want to invest in a white sound machine. Another option is getting a fish tank with constant running water. The running water can help mimic a sound to help you fall asleep. Some individuals need a fan to fall asleep. Try placing a fan next to you as you are trying to go to bed. Lastly, you can always try turning on a radio or podcast for noise. If none of these options seem to suffice, place your television on a timer. This way, as you fall asleep, your television will turn off during the night.

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to your body’s health. Try using some of these tricks in your own home to help break this habit. While it will not be easy, it could lead to a healthier night’s sleep.

Design Grammar: Verbs

12620942_SIn this series on design grammar, verbs are the things in your home’s design that have some kind of action associated with them. These include lights, electronics, appliances and water features.

Take a look at the lighting choices in this bedroom. There are four light sources in the room, each with an active role in the design. The light showing under the bed adds color and makes the bed appear to be floating. The purple and gold lights shining down the walls provide color and space definition, and the simple lamp by the bed is functional and adds warmth.

13738899_SThis photo has two verbs in it  – light and water. Notice how candlelight provides soft and yet directed light, and adds to the inviting feeling of the space. The water in the background contributes movement and sound. Although this is just a snapshot, it has the feeling of action because your mind can infuse it with motion and sound to match the image.

8969356_SEven when it’s off, an electronic element such as a television provides an action point in a room because of its potential. One reason people like to hide a TV in an armoire or behind doors is so that potential is not part of the everyday living space. Take a look at the photo to the left. You don’t need to see the television to know exactly where it is and what these people are doing. The people are reacting to the main action in the room: whatever is on the invisible television.

When you choose to put verbs in your home, be sure to balance them in the space. A room with too many action items may become overwhelming. On the other hand, no verbs make a room feel static and boring. Take the time to figure out the right verbs to build your story/design with excitement but not to the point of exhaustion!