DIY – Brighten the Room with Flowers

There’s nothing more appealing and inviting than a bouquet of fresh flowers. Be inspired and create your own flower arrangement!

Start with the container. Do you have a favorite vase or pitcher that you think would look especially appealing filled with flowers? Take a good look at its shape and measure its height. You will want your flowers to reach about 1 ½ times higher than the size of the vase. So if your vase is six inches high, you’ll want your flowers to run at least 6-9 inches higher than the top of your vase.

If you have a reliable grocery, discount or warehouse store that sells flowers, you will find the best values there. If you really want to indulge yourself, visit a florist and pick out each flower individually. You will pay more but chances are you will find more variety and choice. At a florist, you could even bring your vase and ask for help in choosing the best flowers for it.

Bring your flowers home and take your time arranging them. If you plan them for a coffee table, look at the arrangement from all sides. If it will be against a wall, make sure you showcase the best side.

Spring is here so bring an extra bit of fresh-flower brightness into your home for everyone to enjoy.