Are you like everyone else and just now falling in love with brussels sprouts? If so, the way you prepare them makes all the difference in the world! This recipe is so easy and has the added flavor of balsamic vinegar and tasty bacon. Enjoy!
- One pound brussels sprouts (Make sure you trim them)
- One tablespoon olive oil or extra virgin olive oil
- Two tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- One-fourth teaspoon black pepper
- One-eighth teaspoon sea salt
- Two slices bacon (Cook till crispy, drain the bacon and then crumble. To bake pork bacon, place slices next to each other on a rack in a foil-lined shallow baking pan with sides. Bake for eighteen or twenty minutes until bacon is crispy. Drain well on paper towels)
- Two teaspoons finely shredded, fresh lemon peel
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Make sure you cut large brussels sprouts into lengthwise quarters. If you have small brussels sprouts, cut them in half. Take a large bowl and mix together brussels sprouts with one tablespoon of the balsamic vinegar and the extra virgin olive oil until all of the brussels sprouts are coated lightly. Salt and pepper to taste and toss the ingredients and make sure everything is coated.
- Place the brussels sprouts in a single layer on a baking sheet. Roast for about twenty to thirty minutes or until the sprouts are brown and tender (turning about every ten minutes).
- Now transfer the brussels sprouts to a large bowl. Drizzle the leftover, one tablespoon vinegar, and sprinkle with the crumbled bacon. For personal preference, you can garnish with a fresh lemon peel.
Note: The sprouts will take about twenty minutes to prepare and ready to eat in about 40 minutes.
We hope you enjoy! Let us know what other recipes you would like to see by sharing your ideas with us in the comment section. Thanks for reading!