Keep the Family Occupied Until Gift Giving Starts

15287057_SIn the hours before gift giving starts in your family, it can be difficult to keep little ones from going crazy with excitement. It’s smart to plan an activity or two to help tide them over until it’s time for presents. These suggestions may help.

Plan a pre-gift. The night before or the morning before opening presents, have one gift ready to open early. The best choice is a game, a puzzle or a couple of new movies, something that will keep everyone occupied for a few hours.

Schedule an event. A visit to a holiday light show, a family concert or even a drive to look at lights can bring the holiday into focus and take up time with restless family members. Look for holiday-themed events – there are plenty in every community at this time of year.

Bake cookies. Making a batch of sugar cookies with cookie cutters and colored frosting and decorations, followed by a cookie feast with milk can easily take up an afternoon. Also, you’re ready with cookies to leave for Santa. Have everyone choose their favorite cookie to give the jolly guy.

Stage a pajama party. With new PJs for everyone, a special DVD or two, and popcorn and favorite snacks all wrapped up in a big box to open and enjoy, you’re ready for an exciting evening that can keep everyone occupied till bedtime. Some of those cookies would be tasty here too.

Whatever you choose to do, planning the time before presents will make a much nicer holiday for everyone, particularly parents who may get tired of hearing, “Is it time yet?” every 20 minutes or so. And it gives you a chance to start some new holiday traditions with your family.

Doing For Others

8243548_SFor most of us, this is a special time of year, with family gatherings, celebrations with friends, and decorations and food taking up our time and thoughts.

For some people, however, the holiday season is no pleasure. Lack of funds, family issues, or the loss of a loved one can make the holidays a challenge to survive rather than something to enjoy. Amidst your fun activities, this is a good time of year to add helping others to your holiday list. Here are a few suggestions.

Donate to a food bank or rescue shelter. With the economy still down, many people rely on this type of assistance and these services are stretched to the limit. By donating food and dollars, you can make a difference for people and families not as fortunate as yours.

When giving, think of holiday needs. Rather than digging through your pantry for those cans of olives no one wants to eat, shop for special holiday non-perishables, or donate a turkey at one of the local turkey drives.

Adopt a family: Many non-profit organizations have families of people in financial trouble that could use a hand. You generally get a list of ages and genders of family members, along with some things on their wish lists. It can be a fun family experience to shop for another family, choosing special things to make their holiday brighter.

Donate your time: Hospitals and nursing homes have rooms full of lonely people who would love a visit and maybe a few homemade cookies. Shut-ins often receive holiday meals, and by volunteering to deliver some you can brighten someone’s day with your visit. Often you are the only person they will see that day, so taking the time to chat and say cheering words can make a world of difference.

Take a few minutes to think about how fortunate you are, and then you may want to help others feel fortunate too.