Kitchen Sink Organization

The kitchen is the heart of the home; therefore, creating your dream kitchen can express your style and design. From mesmerizing backsplashes to intricately designed appliances, your kitchen can quickly become the most stunning part of your home. However, nothing takes away from this dream like clutter, and one spot reigns notorious overall in this category: the sink. Having a messy sink is easy. We usually eat three times a day and sometimes feed more than one person during a meal. Hence why this area can quickly become an eyesore if not taken care of correctly. However, some simple kitchen sink organization skills can help have your sink looking clean and less cluttered. We break down the three ways to organize your sink and keep it clean and crisp all year. Let’s take a look!

The Essentials

Your kitchen sink most likely has some critical components which you use daily when washing your dishes. These elements make the cut for what can stay in view. For instance, you may have a soap dispenser, maybe a plug for the sink, and perhaps a drying towel, and even a scrub brush. If you can tuck any of these away in your false drawers, take advantage of the space. If not, have a clean, organized set up of where these items belong.

Drying Area

The next key spot is your drying rack. If you have a dishwasher, you do not need to worry about this. However, if you do not have this amenity or have wooden or plastic utensils, you will need to designate a space. Some drying racks can connect right into your sink. Just make sure these areas never become cluttered. These are easy to allow items to overstay their welcome. Use your drying towel and have the dishes and utensils back to their homes before leaving the area.

Under Your Sink

Under the sink is a useful area. You can store your trash, recycling, chemicals, and other cleaning agents. This area is where your extra cleaning materials should go that you do not use daily. If you have small children, you may need to put a locking mechanism on this cabinet as well. Extra sponges, cup cleaners, and stain removers can all reside happily underneath your sink until needed.

It is easy to allow your kitchen to become cluttered. Having an organized and clean sink area is something that you need to keep up with daily. Do not let this become the downfall of your kitchen. Take pride in your kitchen and allow your kitchen to warm your entire household.

Ideal Measurements for the Perfect Dining Room Layout

Are you in the midst of decorating your dining room? The key to creating the perfect dining area that is both highly functional and well designed is having the appropriate measurements for the space. In fact, taking the ideal measurements for the dining room ensures that you do not form a layout that is uncomfortable and awkward to navigate. Keep in mind that you will be having meals with your family and entertaining in this area, thus understanding the dimensions of the room will help you create an enjoyable dining experience.

Understanding Dimensions

Planning for the perfect dining area requires that you are aware of the dimensions of the dining area. You will need to select furnishings that allow for clearances to maneuver, and you should also focus on purchasing pieces that are proportionate to the size of the dining room. Here are some standard measurements for the average dining table:

  • Rectangular Dining Table: Of course, the contour and size of the dining area should determine what type of table that you select. Rectangular-shaped dining tables will fill up narrow dining areas. If you desire a rectangular dining table, then you should consider one that goes with the dimensions of the room. Start off by measuring the length and width of the table. A standard size rectangular dining table measures about “36-40” inches wide. Depending on how many people you want to seat, it measures as much as 60” inches long to seat up to six people.
  • Round Dining Table: Round dining tables are a space-saving option because they often lack square corners. Round dining tables are ideal for smaller-scaled spaces. An average round table is approximately 48 inches in diameter. If you are considering adding a round table to your dining room, you will want to select something that can accommodate your desired amount of diners.

Walking Room

Whatever type of table you select, to furnish your table, be sure to leave at least 36 inches between the table area and the walls. This will give you enough space to move throughout the room.

Place Setting

What about the diners? When eating at the table, it is essential to make sure that there is enough space between each place setting. Each place settings should be at least 24 inches apart. This gives the diner elbow room and at least 20 inches of legroom underneath the table.

We hope you found this article helpful and for further assistance, be sure to check out our other blog posts here.

Home Cleaning Hacks You Must Know | Part Two

We are constantly cleaning our homes. Having a couple of efficient shortcuts never hurt anyone. As we explored in the first part of the series, there are certain tricks of the trade that can help you clean faster and more efficiently. However, we are not done yet! We put together some more great cleaning hacks for you to add to your own home. Try these to help save more time and be even more efficient at cleaning.

Cleaning Blender

Blenders can be difficult to clean after each use. You can take them apart, yet not everything is dishwasher friendly. A lot of fruits, powders, and liquids can muck up all around the insides. To help break them down, leave the blender plugged into the wall, then fill with hot water and soap and turn on the high setting. This concept will help break down much of the unwanted grime.

Clean Your Sponges

Sponges can be very handy when doing the dishes or cleaning around the home. However, wet sponges can become a home to harvest bacteria and germs. Instead of throwing away your sponges when they look dirty, add some lemon water to them. Simply throw your sponges in the microwave and let them disinfect for a minute. Careful when you remove them, however, because they may be hot!

Baking Soda on Carpet

Carpet can start to pick up unwanted scents. If you have animals, children, or simply do not want your carpet to collect a particular scent, try this solution. Spread baking soda around your home over the carpet. Allow it to sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. The baking soda will absorb all odors, then simply vacuum your carpet, and enjoy!

Dishwasher Versatility

Are you just using your dishwasher to clean dishes? You can use your dishwasher for even more potential benefits! Try using it to wash hats, showerheads, mouth guards, makeup brushes, and combs. The hot steam will disinfect and clean all of these! Just be sure to read online what rack to place your items on to keep them safe.

You can try adding some of these clever tricks to your cleaning routine. You even may be amazed at the benefits they have to offer.

What are some of your favorite cleaning hacks? Let us know below in the comment section!

The Three Things to Look for While House Hunting

When house hunting, it can feel like there are endless options. Focusing on the wrong areas can make the search an even more daunting and burdensome task. To properly search for your next home, there are only three things you need to be considering. With these in mind, your search becomes a little easier. Here are the three things you must look for while house shopping:

Ignore the Theme

It is easy to get caught up in the little things. Make sure the reason you are not selecting a home is because of variables that are unable to be changed. Not architecturally speaking, but the theme of the house was created by the previous homeowner. Do not put a home at the top of your list because it has your favorite color painted walls, or you love the Rustic themed living room. These are all variables you can create in any home. It is easy to be blinded by a well-designed atmosphere and start imagining yourself in it. Try to take a few steps back and analyze the home for what it is at the root, not what they have done to the design.


Location matters! Make sure you love the location. Visit the property during different hours. This is a constant factor that you cannot change once you move into the home. For instance, how easy is it to access your driveway? Is the neighborhood safe? How is the school system in the community? How does this home feel during rush hours in traffic or at different times of the day? Is it quiet or noisy? These are just several of the thousands of questions that should be running through your head. Pay attention to the noises at the property while you are visiting. These can all be things that you cannot see when looking at the property online.


Does the home’s layout work for you? This is another factor that you cannot easily change. Even if you are considering adding onto the property, make sure that city restrictions and zoning allow that possibility. Bedrooms, bathrooms, location of the washer and dryer, parking, and many other factors need to be considered when looking at properties.

With these three factors in mind, you will be able to scan through properties much quicker and zero in your search. Remember, location and layout are constants and try not to get caught up in the homes’ other aesthetic features because most of them can be changed.

How to Create the Ultimate Homeschool Workroom

Whether you homeschool your children or they attend school outside the home, creating an organized and inspirational place for them to do homework has a ton of benefits for everyone! The space needs to be a place in the home that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and makes it fun to learn! We have listed some easy tips below for creating the ultimate school workroom at home. Let’s take a look!

Seek the Perfect Spot

If you are like most of us, your space may be limited, so organization and using the proper furniture is critical in the overall design of the room. If your home has a basement or upstairs play area, then you have the perfect spot! Seek out locations for this learning area by looking at unused space in your home. It could even be as small as a corner in your dining room.

Make the Space Fun

You can add pops of color with floor pillows in red, blue, green, or yellow. If anyone suffers from respiratory ailments, eliminating carpet is a step in the right direction. Also, depending on your child’s age, you can use colorful geometrical area rugs, or tiled puzzled mats made out of rubber/silicone. Keep in mind standing on a hard surface can be hard on your back and legs. Rubber padded mats and rugs are an excellent option for eliminating aches and pains.

Install Shelving

In just about any case, you will need to maximize space for storage by going up by installing vertical shelving. Luckily, you can purchase inexpensive shelving from big box stores, online retailers, yard/garage sales, and second hand/nonprofit charity stores. If you are buying used shelving, you can easily paint them by using spray paint or rolling on paint with a small roller. If the surface is a laminate surface, we recommend taking a fine to medium sandpaper and hitting the surface to ensure the paint adheres to the surface. Priming before painting is also recommended.

Add Your Personal Touch

If you have the room, create a space for a reading nook and quiet time depending on the children’s age. Also, you can purchase an inexpensive water feature for relaxing and enhancing their creativity! The options are truly endless when it comes to adding your own personal touch to the space.

We hope you enjoyed these tips and have fun creating this special place for your children, and by all means, please let us know your creative ideas for the project below in the comment section!

How to Create a Gallery Wall

Designing your space is a great way to tailor your home to your personal style. While designs are typically created for functionality and aesthetics in mind, designing is also an outlet for creativity. Since your walls are blank canvases, you can use them to express yourself. While paint can dramatically change your room, a picture is worth a thousand words. So what better way to tell a story than creating a gallery wall. If you are unfamiliar with the term, a gallery wall is made with pictures of all different kinds and sizes to illustrate a story. To help you better understand, here is how you can properly create a gallery wall:

Choose Your Theme

The pictures you choose can collaborate together to help tell a story. This aspect is one of the many reasons why gallery walls are so popular today. If you are someone who constantly changes the wallpaper on your phone or desktop, this is a great option for you. One picture can get old; however, multiple photos can all work together to create something extraordinary. Just be sure to find a common theme in which you would like your gallery wall to express. You can choose personal photographs of you and your loved ones, nature, shapes and designs, animals, and so many more photographs. Typically, a gallery wall should have at least nine pictures; however, fewer photographs can never hurt if your design calls for it.

Make a Template

Get your measurements of the wall you have chosen to decorate. If your wall is nine feet tall, chances are you will not be using the whole height to hang pictures. Map out the dimensions from width to height of the wall you have selected. Make this template on the floor and lay your pictures in it. You can have a simple 3×3 uniform size picture layout or get creative with dimensions, angles, picture sizes, and even wall décor. These are just several techniques to make your gallery wall even more tailored to your style.

Mark Your Hook’s Placement and Hang

Lastly, make sure you account for where the hangers or hooks are on your pictures before adding hanging devices or nails to the walls. Some pictures can have hooks or strings, while others may call for several different ways of hanging them. Be sure to mark where each hook is set before putting up your pictures.

What do you think of gallery walls? Would you put one in your home? Let us know what kind of gallery walls you like below in the comment section, and for more great ideas on home improvement and DIY projects, make sure to subscribe!

Pros and Cons of Incandescent Lights

The lights you put into your house can have an effect on your perceived environment. Incandescent bulbs are one of the most traditional and timeless light bulb options to use in your home. However, there have been many advancements in lighting options. Having uniformed bulbs in your home can be substantial. Loading mixed bulbs into a light fixture can look disheveled and out of place. If you are using incandescent bulbs or are considering it, here is everything you need to know:



If you are looking for a conventional and affordable light bulb, this is it. Incandescent bulbs are some of the most affordable bulbs on the market. They have been around forever and are massed produced to be the most common lighting in homes today.

Natural Feel to Light

These bulbs are great for general-purpose lighting. They mimic natural light with a more warm and yellow hue to them. They can be great to add to rooms that have no window exposure because they have a more natural feel even when the sun sets.


When you think of traditional light bulbs, this is the image that most likely comes to mind. These light bulbs are timeless and for a good reason. These timeless bulbs are very good at illuminating homes as well as giving a clean natural look to the light.


Not Efficient with Energy

While they are very common, they are far from being the most efficient. These light bulbs can use a lot of energy and raise your electricity bill. Remember to keep these lights off when you are not using them.

Halogen Bulbs Can Be Very Hot

Halogen bulbs are a type of incandescent. Halogen bulbs are filled with halogen gas. This gas keeps the filaments in the bulb from burning down. However, this feature allows the bulbs to burn much hotter. You need to be cognitive of this heat for extended periods of time. Placing any combustible or flammable materials near these bulbs can quickly lead to a fire.

All in all, these light bulbs will always be a great selection. Know that they are not the most efficient and can burn hot. Plus, there are many other great bulbs available on the market. It is all about choosing what works best for your environment, lifestyle, and home.

Three Natural Cleaners Found in the Kitchen

There are so many harsh chemical cleaners nowadays, it can be challenging to find something that is safe to use around your house. If you have animals or children, it can be especially worrisome just having toxic chemicals in the house, let alone using them on surfaces that your loved ones will touch. Sometimes it is better just to skip the cleaning products altogether and go with the most natural alternative. If you decide to go this route, here are a few products you most likely already have in your kitchen, which can clean your home efficiently and safely:


Lemon juice is a great natural cleaning option and can be used on just about anything. Its antibacterial properties and low pH levels make it an excellent disinfectant, and the fresh smell of lemons is an added bonus. Due to the acid content of lemon juice, avoid using it to clean natural stone or brass-plated items because it can cause erosion.

Distilled White Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can be used in a diluted solution with water to mop and clean your floors. It can also cut through grease and acts as a natural deodorizer, so it can be an excellent option for cleaning tougher areas such as your oven or microwave. Similar to lemons, Vinegar is an acid-base, so it should be avoided when cleaning natural stone and brass-plated items.

Baking Soda

Baking soda pairs exceptionally well with a sponge. Its grit lends a helping hand to any job that will take some scrubbing. It also does an excellent job combating grease, making it an excellent option for cleaning your stove or microwave.

The beauty of these three natural cleaning items is that they can all be combined and used together, and you do not have to worry about a toxic mix of chemicals. It is an especially good idea to use natural alternatives in the kitchen. Most of the items in your kitchen will come in contact with your food or drink, and some cleaning products can be toxic if ingested. If you have children or pets, it can also be a smart idea to find more natural cleaning alternatives to use around the entire house. Do you have any other natural cleaning alternatives you like to use? We would love to hear from you below in the comment section!

What to Do with Your Spare Room

As we get older, our needs and lifestyle change. Maybe the home that you have been in for ten years now has a spare room available. Whether you are a new empty-nester or you have additional bedrooms from the get-go, there are plenty of ways to tailor this space to your needs. In fact, your spare room is a blanket canvas ready to be molded into whatever you desire. However, not every spare room will serve the same purpose for every homeowner. To help you narrow down the decision, here are some great ideas for modifying your spare room:

Guest Room

If you know that you will be hosting guests, you can make your spare room into a guest room. Simply add a bed and some nightstands to furnish the room. You can also add some of your favorite décor pieces to help spruce the space up and help it feel homey for your company.

Office or Study

A home office or study is another perfect idea. In fact, you can make this the quiet room of your home. Simply load this space up with a desk, computer, printer, and internet access. You can use this room to slip away to read, study, do homework, or get work done. This option is a great renovation for scholars and book lovers.

Home Gym

Getting time to go to the gym can be quite a hassle. However, you can eliminate the commute to the local gym by creating your own home gym. Simply add some rubber flooring and the exercise equipment that you use the most. For instance, you may want to look into buying a universal home gym that can allow you to accomplish multiple and full-body workouts in the comfort of your own home.


Do you like videography, singing, playing an instrument, or even painting? Make your own tailor-made studio for your creative passions. This idea can be a great outlet for getting away from everyday distractions and gives you time for the hobby you love.

Man/Woman Cave

Another great personal option is creating your very own man or woman cave. Create a getaway with whatever your personal passions are with a room dedicated to you. Just remember it is your cave = your rules.

Kids’ Playroom

Children can make a mess with their toys scattered around your home. Confine their play area to a playroom. Have cubby-hole to tuck away their belongings and toys in order to help give structure to the room. Plus, playrooms can be a great and fun room in the home that your kids will love!

Home Theater

Lastly, a home theater is a fantastic home luxury that you can create in your spare room. Simply invest in dark wall paint, a projector, seating, and surround sound. You can quickly turn a boring, mundane room to the most entertaining room in your home.

These are just some fun ideas to consider in your own home. We recommend customizing your spare room to your home’s desires and needs. What do you want to do with your spare room in your house? Stop letting that room be wasted square footage. Try renovating your extra room to become your new favorite room in your home.

How to Properly Clean Your Countertops

Stone countertops are a beautiful addition to any home. Their intricate designs and patterns bring a touch of nature indoors while their hard surface can stand strong against just about any task. However, over time, everyday wear and tear can take its toll on countertops. If you neglect to take care of them, they may lose their shine, become scratched, stained, and begin to cloud. And while they may still do the job that they are intended to do, you will have lost that beautiful touch of nature in your home’s design. Some stone requires more maintenance than others, but overall, cleaning and maintaining your stone countertop is a reasonably easy job, if you keep up with it.


Beginning with the lowest maintenance of the three countertops, Quartz requires very little routine-maintenance. Warm water and dish soap are all that are needed to clean daily spills and stains that your Quartz countertop will endure. Denatured/isopropyl alcohol is handy for those stubborn stains that you are unable to get out with just soap and water. If your countertop is looking a bit lackluster, a simple glass cleaner can be used to restore it to its original splendor.


Granite holds the maintenance middle ground between Quartz and Marble. The first step is ensuring your countertop has been properly sealed. If it was recently installed, it is likely that it has already been sealed, but if not, you should purchase a sealant for it. Most sealants last 10-15 years, so this is not a step you will have to repeat often.

Once your Granite is sealed, the maintenance is similar to Quartz. Washing it daily with warm water and soap is still recommended, but make sure you use a PH neutral soap. Any soap or cleaner with an acid-base will eat through the sealant over time, this means staying away from most glass cleaners as well. Baking soda and water will take care of any oil-based stains that you cannot get out with soap and water, and baking soda plus hydrogen peroxide will take care of any water-based ones. If your counter begins to lose its shine, it is recommended to buy a polish intended for Granite.


Marble may require the most care from these three stone options, but it is still by no means challenging to maintain. Like the Granite, Marble requires a sealant, but it needs to be sealed on a more regular basis, at least once a year is recommended. Marble is even more sensitive than Granite is to scratches and to acids, so be sure to use a nonabrasive sponge or towel and a neutral, mild soap to clean it daily. When faced with more difficult stains, you can use a stronger cleaning product and a more abrasive sponge; just make sure you have sealant ready because the cleaner will take the sealant along with the stain.

A well-maintained countertop can look exquisite and last a lifetime. Make sure you know how to care for your countertops to ensure they stay beautiful and resistant to your everyday wear and tear. Any additional care ideas that you may have can be posted below in the comment section. Thanks for reading!