Gas Versus Electric Stovetops

The stove is an essential element of any kitchen. Your stove can serve many purposes for cooking all sorts of meals. When it comes down to which stove is right for you, there are two general stovetops to consider: electric or gas. Both are excellent choices, but like anything, they come with their own sets of pros and cons. You will want to consider both options and look at which set up may be more ideal for your home.


Electric stoves are generally going to cost less money. Typically, most houses are preset to have an electric stove installed in the kitchen. They are easy to clean with a very smooth surface. They can also turn on by simply turning a dial and do not require an ignition. Electric stoves also have more even heat distribution. This feature can allow you to monitor your cooking easier. However, they do require a power source and use electricity. They are also not as durable as their counter comparison, the gas stove.


Gas stoves are very durable. They do not need a power source where the electric ranges do. With a flame present, they are much quicker at delivering instant heat. Also, they cool down faster, which can allow you to leave food on the stove after you are done cooking without overcooking it. Plus, if you like to broil food, gas ranges are excellent at applying direct heat in partial areas. Yet, the heat distribution is most prominent wherever the flames are present. This feature can also become a setback. You must have the flame present while cooking, which can also be annoying if you have a fan going or open windows. Gas ranges are also more challenging to clean and have an uneven surface in comparison. If your home does not have a gas line present, you will need to install one to have a gas range. This can be an additional cost to consider with an already-pricier stovetop.

Ultimately, it comes down to preferences. Some people prefer the authenticity of the open flame on a gas range, while others may like the simplicity of an electric stove. Which stovetop do you prefer? Let us know below in the comment section.

Tips & Tricks for Keeping Your Home Smelling Fresh

You can easily master your design, yet if your environment does not smell fresh, your home’s presence can quickly be ruined. You may not be a messy or dirty person; however, our lifestyles can contribute to unwanted odors in our homes. Pets, children, long hours at work, and many other factors can give our rooms a foul scent. You spend too much time making your home beautiful to ruin it with unwanted smells. There are two main ways to tackle this problem: eliminate bad odor and create pleasant ones. Here are some great ways to help enhance the smell of your home:

Drawer Scented Sachets

When clothes and lines sit for extended periods of time, they can start with hold scents. Drawer scented sachets are packets that can be placed at the bottom of all your linen drawers in your home. They can provide a pleasant smell in your drawers and will also help scent your linens.

Scented Dryer Sheets

After washing your clothes and throwing them into the dryer, throw in some scented dryer sheets. Investing in some good fragrance dryer sheets can help put the scent into your clothes. It is especially nice when you wash your sheets. Nothing better than hopping into a lovely lavender-scented bed after a long day at work.

Air Freshener

Air fresheners are another must-have in your home. There are thousands of scents to choose from for your home. Find a scent that you love and apply it to your home. Plus, air fresheners come in a variety of ways to allow them into the atmosphere. You can get a simple spray for manual use or invest in an automatic time-released air freshener. Either way, air fresheners are great for sprucing up your home’s aromas.

Closet Fragrance Freshener

Like your drawer scented sachets, you can also get closet fragrance fresheners. These typically come on a hanger that can be hung in your closet. They are another great way to freshen an area of your home and improve the scent of your clothes!


Add some warmth to your atmosphere by investing in some candles. Candles are a great way to make your home smell better. Try to find candles that work with your personal taste. You can even invest in seasonal candles like winter scents or spring scents for different times of the year.

Smells can be an essential element to control in your home. Remember, your task is not just to mask smells with new ones. Instead, try to eliminate any unwanted smells in your home first. Additionally, remember to keep your home clean to prevent undesirable odors.

Potting Houseplants

Nature can be the best healer. Unfortunately, the amount of nature that we interact with on a daily basis continues to decrease. However, potted house plants can be a great way to bring nature into your home. In addition to the health benefits of having live plants in your home, they can also lend a hand in decorating a room. When it comes to decorating, the pot is just as important as the plant. Once you have decided on the correct pot and plant combination, the rest of the process is simple. Following a few easy steps can ensure your plant continues to flourish and thrive in its new home.

Step One: Select Your Plant’s New Home

Choosing the right pot for your plant can be difficult, not because your options are limited but because they are nearly limitless! Nearly anything can be used as long as the item you choose is large enough for the roots of your plant and able to hold soil and water. Once you have decided on a pot, you can begin the steps to correctly transplanting the plant into it.

Step Two: Provide Proper Drainage

The pot you choose must be able to drain correctly. If it does not have drainage holes in the bottom of it, you will need to create your own. A power drill can be the easiest method of drilling holes in the bottom of your planter, just make sure you use the correct drill bit for the material.

Step Three: Place a Tray Underneath Your Plant

Remember to place a tray or plate underneath your planter to catch the excess water that drains from your plant when you water it. If the pot you choose is too deep, packing peanuts or broken pieces of styrofoam can be used to fill the extra space below the plant instead of soil. The packing peanuts or styrofoam also provide additional drainage for your plant, helping to prevent root rot.

Step Four: Prepare Your Plant

Once your pot is prepped for your plant, you need to prep your plant for the pot. Loosen the roots of your plant as best you can so they can spread and fill the new container and knock as much of the old dirt off the base of the plant. The new potting soil you add to your plant will have more nutrients in it than the old dirt surrounding your plant’s base. If your plant is tall or top-heavy, you may need to tie a stake to your plant. Loosely tie the stake to the plant in multiple places along the trunk before placing the plant in the pot.

Step Five: Add the Finishing Touches

Next, have your pot and plant ready to go, place the base of the plant in the pot and fill the rest of the space with potting soil. Moss, gravel, or stones can be used to add a finishing touch to your planter. In fact, it hides the soil and gives your planter a cleaner appearance. It also helps prevent the soil from drying out as quickly between watering.

Whether you are feeling detached from nature or simply need an accent piece for your home, a potted plant can be the perfect addition. Creating the ideal planter and plant combo is a simple task, but it must be done correctly in order to keep your new houseplant alive and healthy.

What have you used as a planter in your home? We would love to hear your clever ideas below in the comment section and remember to subscribe!

The Essentials: Cleaning Products Every House Needs

Keeping your house clean can be a job on its own. There are many areas that need extra care and cleaning throughout your home, but not every area of your home demands the same products. Having a diverse set of cleaning products can allow you to tackle any project in your home. Today, we are going to focus on ten essential cleaning products your home needs. Let’s get started!

All-Purpose Cleaner

Not one product will clean everything, but an all-purpose cleaner is very close to perfect. It does an effective job on multiple surfaces. In fact, an all-purpose cleaner is exceptionally versatile and able to be used around your entire home.

Cleaning Cloths and Scrubs

You will need an efficient way to distribute your cleaning products around your home. A good start is to have several cloths and scrub brushes to tackle the mess. For instance, get a toothbrush and some other brushes to clean difficult areas in your home like grout lines. You should also get a microfiber brush for other more delicate areas.


Another great tool to have at your disposal is a sponge. Have a couple of sponges and understand what each one is used to prevent cross-contamination. Perhaps keep one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen to avoid spreading bacteria.

Paper Towels

No cleaning kit is complete without some generic paper towels. You can even go a step further and invest in some garage paper towels as well. These work great for oil messes and other greasy messes.

Glass Cleaner

Mirrors and windows can show every smudge and fingerprint on them. Getting a good glass cleaner that does not leave streaks or smears is essential.

Toilet Bowl and Shower Cleaners

Your bathroom is an entire cleaning project on its own. Bathrooms are wet environments that are the perfect home for unwanted bacteria to thrive. Getting a toilet bowl cleaner and some shower cleaner can be essential in your mix of household cleaning items.

Wood Polish

For wooden areas in your home, find a good wood polish. These typically smell great and can leave a great aroma throughout your house. They are not generally suitable for hardwood floors, however, because they can leave the surface slick, make sure you know what surfaces are best for your wood polish.


Being able to kill and eliminate germs quickly is essential. You may not want to deep clean your home, but keeping a clean and healthy atmosphere can start with disinfectant. Most disinfectant cleaners will kill 99.99% of germs and help prevent the transfer of germs. This can be essential for day-to-day cleaning tasks.

Dish Soap

Dish soap can have a multitude of purposes to use in your home. While, of course, you can use it to clean your dishes and silverware, it is always nice to be able to create a soap-based cleaner for other areas throughout your home.


To finish off your cleaning kit, you should have a very powerful cleaning agent. We recommend bleach or hydrogen peroxide. These compounds can remove the most difficult of stains. However, these products can be very potent. Understanding their uses and risks is vital before cleaning.

With this cleaning kit, you will able to clean nearly every area in your home. It is not only a great start, but it can contain the perfect essentials for all different areas of the house.

What are some of your go-to cleaning products? We would love to hear from you. Let us know below in the comment section and make sure to subscribe!

Choosing the Right Mattress for a Good Night’s Sleep

Did you know that the average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping? Since we spend so much time sleeping, it is essential to invest in a quality mattress. If you have not been sleeping well lately or you are waking up with aches and pains, it may be a sign that it is time to replace your mattress. Of course, shopping for a new mattress is no easy task – what may be considered a luxury mattress to one person can be a backache waiting to happen for someone else. So, how can you choose the best mattress for you? We are here to help!

What Is Your Budget?

Start by first determining how much you can afford to spend a mattress. Remember that you are probably going to be sleeping on this mattress for the next five to ten years; therefore, you will want to purchase a mattress of quality, so consider it an investment. Also, what many people do not know is that you should never pay full price for a mattress. Look for sales and see if the sales associates are open to negotiation.

Test out the Mattress

Perhaps the best way to determine whether a mattress might be good for your body is to test it out in the store. When shopping in-store, do not be afraid to lay down on the mattress for a minute to see how it feels. Let the salesperson know that you need a minute so that you do not feel pressured while taking it for a test run. Make sure you spend a few minutes laying in different positions to get a true feel for the support and comfort of the mattress.

What Is the Return Policy?

Sometimes the mattress buying process can be a trial and error. You may get a mattress home and realize that it is not for you. That is why it is essential to inquire about the store’s return policy. This is especially critical if you are mattress shopping online. Only purchase from a store that offers a full refund or credit towards another mattress. Additionally, some retailers may charge a restocking fee.

Did You Read the Warranty?

Before you leave the store, make sure you understand the warranty on the mattress. Some warranties range from ten to twenty-five years and can only cover production defects.

In the end, deciding on a mattress comes down to your budget, the comfort of the mattress and the return policy. If you are comfortable with all of these factors, you probably have found the right mattress for you.

Great Alternatives to Sleeping with Your TV on in the Background

Falling asleep with the television on is a very common habit that many Americans have. While some individuals claim they cannot fall asleep without dazing off watching television, sleep studies have discovered two reasons, primarily, of why many individuals need this aid to help fall asleep. One reason is it imitates a white noise machine. The television noise is loud enough to drown out your own thoughts yet not loud enough to have you entirely consumed by the program. Another study suggests that it has just become somewhat of a ritual. As you built that habit over time, it is not easily going to stop now.

Is It Bad?

With these lights going all night from the television, you are depleting your body’s natural melatonin levels. Melatonin is a natural hormone released into your blood when your eyes stop seeing light. This natural hormone helps unwind your body to begin helping you fall asleep. No studies have become “law,” yet the theory of constant blue lights shining on your face may be affecting your sleep. Some studies have suggested that this decrease in healthy sleep is contributing to some of our nation’s obesity. While this may be a strong claim, it is essential to make sure your melatonin levels are adequate when falling asleep.

Alternative Options

So, what do you do? You probably have attempted to turn off the television before, and it just does not work. You have built the need to have the television going while you sleep. So finding an alternative is the best option. If you need sound, you may want to invest in a white sound machine. Another option is getting a fish tank with constant running water. The running water can help mimic a sound to help you fall asleep. Some individuals need a fan to fall asleep. Try placing a fan next to you as you are trying to go to bed. Lastly, you can always try turning on a radio or podcast for noise. If none of these options seem to suffice, place your television on a timer. This way, as you fall asleep, your television will turn off during the night.

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to your body’s health. Try using some of these tricks in your own home to help break this habit. While it will not be easy, it could lead to a healthier night’s sleep.

Best Plants to Improve Home Air Quality

Our homes are our safe havens and refuge. They are the spot we can retreat from the rest of the chaotic world; therefore, having our homes be a place of comfort and relaxation is essential, but we also need to consider our health. Air quality is an important attribute that correlates directly with our health. You do not want to go home to a house full of airborne allergens and pollutants after a long day of work. Luckily, having clean air can be as easy as buying some plants for your home. Plants give off oxygen and can help purify your breathing air. Selecting the right plants is ideal for having the best atmosphere. Here are three high-quality plants that can help create better air quality in your home:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a very versatile plant. It can help remove volatile organic compound pollutants from the air while being beautiful. In fact, these pollutants are unwanted chemicals that are in the air in our homes, so it is important to have them removed. Aloe Vera also can easily increase oxygen levels while minimalizing carbon dioxide in your home. Having a plant like Aloe Vera is great because it is easy to keep alive and low-maintenance.

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen is a beautiful and colorful plant. It is also low-maintenance and can be watered as little as once a week while growing in low-light atmospheres. Chinese evergreen is known to be an excellent air-purifying plant. Chinese evergreens are great for pulling unwanted toxins from the air. This is an eco-friendly solution to purifying the air around your home or office.

English Ivy

Another option to consider is English Ivy. Typically, hung in baskets, these house plants can grow quite easily in semi-shady atmospheres. English ivy can cleanse benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air. These solvents can be dangerous to our health. Studies have also proven that English Ivy reduces the chances of mold in your home.

Your air quality should never be overlooked. Investing in some or all of these plants is a significant, proactive step in freshening up your home. Plants have many benefits in enhancing your atmosphere. Make sure you facilitate them!

Stucco Maintenance

Many builders in the Southwest have turned towards stucco as a decorative finish to the exterior of homes. While vinyl and brick are both excellent choices, this low-maintenance siding is superior against the intense heat and has become a staple in many Southwestern home designs! Stucco is a plaster that is exceptionally durable and resistant to many traditional exterior home issues. However,?there are some of the low maintenance options you can do to keep your stucco looking brand new. Let’s take a look!


While stucco rarely needs maintenance, you may notice over time some discoloring or mildew build up near areas with high shrubs or plants. Plants require water which can cause unwanted algae to build-up on your homes. This will not happen overnight, but you may notice over time that some stucco can begin to form darker spots. Using an oxygen bleach solution can help remove stains. That being said, do not use bleaches that are too harsh for the environment outside since these can kill your nearby plant life. 


Stucco is a decorative concrete and is porous. Being naturally porous can allow liquids to penetrate it and absorb stains. However, painting your stucco should never be your first means of fixing the issue. You will not need a complex formula to clean your stucco. A power washer with some dish soap will do just fine. Test the power of your power washer in a hidden area to see how your home reacts. Next, spray down your home and watch unwanted mold and mildew build up disappear!?


If moisture gets into your walls, it can lead to unwanted cracking or bowing. Sealing your stucco is recommended. Being porous is stucco’s main vulnerability. By sealing stucco, you can prevent moisture penetration. New stucco should be sealed with clear concrete. Stucco sealing can be done every five years, and the waterproof finish will significantly improve the longevity of your exterior. Some sealants are made with micro holes which will allow water to escape but not enter. This gives your stucco the opportunity to breathe, and these sealants can last up to 10 years.

Stucco is very low maintenance. Remember, if you decide to paint your stucco, this can bring more annual maintenance. Depending on your preferences, you may decide to leave your stucco unfinished for lower maintenance. These simple tricks and tips will keep your curb appeal beautiful for decades to come.

What to Consider When Home Shopping 

Evangeline from Fulton Homes

Buying a home is arguably one of the most significant investments you can make in your life. Such a colossal decision requires a lot of thought, and ultimately, a good investment should be capable of maintaining or increasing a resell value. You should also consider other essential factors like the economy of the area, school systems, and crime rate. While all these can play an important role in your decision, we believe there are three key elements every investor should prioritize. Here are our top picks of what everyone should consider when home shopping:


Location is everything. Being close to work, food, activities, and freeway entrances can be critical factors we do not always consider. At Fulton Homes, we always strive to place our homing developments in prime locations strategically. Your time is important to us, and we want you to be able to commute and travel as quickly and efficiently as possible. 


You have probably heard the quality versus quantity debate. The quality of a product is always more important than how many of the products you have. At Fulton Homes, we use top-grade flooring, superior HVAC systems, and premium building materials. Feel at peace of mind, knowing your home was built to last.  


While you cannot judge a book by its cover, it is essential to love the way your home looks. Your home is your refuge of relaxation and where you can escape from the world. Making this fortress genuinely feel like an expression of you is ideal. The home’s aesthetics play a direct correlation on how we interpret the atmosphere. At Fulton Homes, we pride ourselves in giving a selection of options that can best help tailor your home to you. Unlike other cookie-cutter homes, having a variety of options to choose from can allow you to customize your home to your specific wants and needs. 

So, when considering homes to buy, remember: location, quality, and aesthetics. These will help you make the right investment and love your home for years and years to come. For more information on Fulton Homes, please visit our website here.

Pest Control in the Valley

Arizona’s breathtaking landscape continues to allure tourists and homebuyers to this ideal paradise. With some of the most consistently blue skies in America, the Grand Canyon State has so much to offer travelers. From unbeatable rural scenic views to the friendly city dwellers, Arizona has it all. Yet, if you are new to the Valley, you may be unfamiliar with some of the challenges the desert brings with it. This rocky oasis is inviting to more than just humans. Many pest and critters enjoy Arizona as well; this means we need to be smart about our home’s pest control.

Critters to Consider

While a new home is not going to be infested, you should not wait. If you wait, you may be subject to some unwanted guests. Ants are very common in Arizona. You can be susceptible to fire ants which no one wants or carpenter ants. The carpenter ants will eat into your woods in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens, and this can easily cause unwanted structural damage. On the outside of your homes, you could be exposed to killer bees or even wasps. While beautiful flowerbeds may attract these fellows, you do not need them nesting up near your home. Another lethal intruder is some types of spiders. While tarantulas are scary, they are not as dangerous as the Black Widow. Having your home treated to prevent termites, roaches, and rodents is a widespread Arizona protocol.

How Often Should I Spray?

Once your home has been treated, keep up on your pest control. Some of these home invaders can cause severe structural damage. Typically, having your home treated bi-monthly will prevent any infestations. It is not guaranteed that an untreated home will be infested, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. If you can act ahead, you will not have to deal with these unwanted vermin’s later in life.

Make sure any company you hire is abiding by the Arizona state laws. Termite control laws and regulations can prohibit specific procedures. Keeping your home safe and pest free is essential, but be sure to follow Arizona’s state laws to stay safe.