It can be confusing and challenging to start looking for the perfect new Fulton Home for you and your family. Here are some suggestions to help you with the process. Start by exploring all of Fulton Home’s available communities.
Using the interactive map at, take a look at the locations of each neighborhood. Which ones would work best for you? Consider distance to work and family as well as the related school districts. You may also want to explore nearby shopping and office space.
As you investigate, remember that newly-opened communities will offer a broader selection of properties to choose from, while communities that are closer to finishing will have more neighbors nearby.
Once you have selected the communities that fit your profile, check out each one’s individual page. You will discover the specific neighborhood amenities available, the size and style of homes in that area, and the price range. You might want to talk to one of our preferred lenders, listed at, to determine what price home is right for you at this point in your lives.
Before you visit our communities, take the time to check out the information available for each on the web. The community pages give you location and directions, which models are available, lot size range and more detail about the area. Not all of the plans available in each community has a model available for viewing. Call the sales office for information on which homes offer models for your review.
Next: Finding the right home size and style for you.