Your Creative Space

Tech Center DSC_0310 sewingFulton Homes calls this space in the Cascade model a tech center, because it is ready for any and all of your electronics to be used and charged. For you, however, it can be anything you want it to be.

Do you have the time and space to be as creative as you would like to be? Do you dream of writing, quilting, designing clothes or creating your own art? The absolutely best thing about this space is your ability to make it into whatever you want.

Tucked into an appealing space all its own with two bright windows providing natural light, you can use this space to combine fabrics, weave tales, or draw illustrations. This might be just the place to start up your own business. You can use the desk to plan your future, or just pay bills. But why not take a leap in your imagination and allow yourself to stretch?

Maybe start small with a wreath that looks like summer for your front door or a yarn doll for a little girl you know. You might want to compile a family tree to share with sisters and brothers and cousins. Perhaps you have a favorite holiday and would like to make some of your own decorations. How about giving yourself permission to play and let your creativity shine?

This is your space, versatile enough to change as you do. So decorate it and use it as you will. Create a corner of your home for tomorrow’s dreams and goals.



Making your Home Yours – Creative Crafts

9429144_SKnitter, quilter, painter – there are so many outlets for creativity – art and craft provide a deep pleasure and satisfaction for many people. Your home will shine when it reflects your creative interests.

Adding a quilt to a wall makes a home feel warm and inviting. A comfy knitted or crochet throw that you made yourself brings you and your home together for yourself and visitors.

Many of the traditional crafts have become new again as changing textures, colors and designs give new life to older crafting methods. One advantage to crafts you create yourself is that you can select just the right colors and pattern to fit with your home’s color and style.

3776506_SIs your home traditional? Then a quilt like the one on the right might be perfect over your fireplace or hanging on a wall. If you have vaulted ceilings, a large quilt can take full advantage of the space. Smaller wall quilts or a selection of paintings can be tucked in transition spaces in your home, providing a personalized burst of color and personality.

Don’t be shy about showing off your creative endeavors. While you may strengthen your skills over time, even beginning efforts add a sense of who you are to your space, and your guests will feel more welcome in a home that has something of you in it.

When your home shows your interests and talents, it becomes a reflection of all aspects of your personality and character. Let people into your world when you invite them into your home, by demonstrating your creative side.