Dream Closet

From the Fulton Homes Starlight Plan

From the Fulton Homes Starlight Plan

What would your dream closet be like? First, it needs to be more than a walk in. Ideally it would be large enough to use as a dressing room. Next, you want to have the space to allow you to see everything so you can plan your outfit for the day.

The idea of a place for everything and everything in its place fits your dream closet. Look for racks to hold shoes, hooks for scarves and purses and plenty of drawer space for underthings and sweaters. Shelves, hooks and drawers in abundance leave you plenty of room to assign each type of clothing its own area.

Finally, hanging space – longer areas for dresses and slacks, shorter spaces for shirts, shorts and tops. Maybe one section for professional garb, ready for selection, and another area for casual and weekend wear.

Do you sort your clothes by color? By type? Or do you sort by purpose? In your dream closet, you could use any sorting method you like, you’d have the space. One other thing you might want to add to this closet – a nice full-length mirror to make sure you’re well put together before you step out the door.

One last thing – this closet is all yours – you don’t have to share. Everyone has their own dream closet in this dream house. Maybe add a comfy chair or ottoman to sit on for slipping on shoes and socks or hose.

Make the Most of your Closets

When people use their closet space, it’s common to focus on the linear space, but to use a closet to its full potential, it’s smart to take advantage of the vertical space also. The simplest approach involves putting in double hanging rods so that you have extra room for shirts, skirts and pants draped on hangers.

Thanks to today’s closet organizing options, you don’t have to limit your thinking. Fulton Homes selected Rubbermaid® options for closet organizing. For some examples, visit the Fulton website or the Fulton Homes Design Center for ideas to make your closets more functional and organized.

One of the smartest places to create space and organization is on a closet floor. Often that ends up as wasted space, or just a place to throw shoes in a heap. Instead you can use that space to set shoes in order, provide a hamper for dirty laundry or add a set of drawers.

The space above your clothing racks can also become more functional through the use of dividers and other organization tools. Rubbermaid® closet options vary with your needs and help your closets look more appealing and hold more without becoming scary disasters. This can be especially helpful with adolescents, who are often not enthusiastic about keeping their closets in shape.

For smaller children, combine drawers and lower shelves and hanging areas set so they can easily reach to hang up and put away their own clothes. You can use the space above their heads for out-of-season clothing or other storage. Also consider adding some hooks to enable the smallest child to hang up sweaters and other clothing easily.

If you take the time to think about what you and your family need in closet storage, your storage spaces will be much more functional. For additional suggestions, talk to your designer at the Fulton Homes Design Center.