Helping the Teacher Teach your Child – Part 1

6720897_SIf you want your children to do well in school, your job starts well before Kindergarten. Reading aloud gives your children a head start – engaging them in learning from a very young age. Some educators recommend starting to read aloud when your child is as young as two weeks old.

Another critical part of this is the reading aloud process itself. As your child gets older, read so that both of you are looking at the book, and follow the words with your finger. Many children will start learning to read unconsciously this way. Also spend some time engaging your child about each book. Look at the pictures and stretch the story by asking questions. Start with the basic: “Where is the dog,” type of question and gradually evolve the sophistication until you’re talking about how various characters feel and why they act the way they do.

Also, don’t stop reading aloud when your child is school-age and reading on his or her own. You can provide windows into more challenging books and open their eyes to a new way of thinking. Finally, make sure your children see you reading for pleasure. Talk about what you’re reading and what you’re discovering. There’s no better way to encourage them to become involved in learning.

Don’t limit the reading to books either. Read everything from road signs to magazines and newspapers aloud. When you find an interesting story or a funny remark, share it with your children. As they get older, ask them to read labels in the grocery store and talk about flavor and nutrition. Point out the marketing messages and ask them if the ads or promotional materials are really believable.

By doing this, you’re doing more than helping them to read better and do better in school, you’re giving them a blueprint for living an aware and focused life with many interests and independent thoughts.

Fulton Homes 12th Annual Teacher of the Week Program

teacher_of_the_weekAlmost everyone can remember a favorite teacher – one who offered encouragement and inspiration and maybe even changed your life.

Fulton Homes values the hard work and commitment teachers give every year to make their classrooms special, and wants to honor these outstanding educators.

Students across the Valley are asked to nominate a teacher who made a difference in their lives. Every week, Fulton Homes will select an educator who will receive $300 in cash plus prizes from Fulton Homes and the Dairy Council of Arizona.

This award is offered in partnership with KNIX-FM Country, and radio personality Carolyn Coffey will surprise winning teachers with the award. The teachers will also be spotlighted on the Friday KNIX morning show with Ben and Matt. At the end of the school year the winning teachers will be honored at a special luncheon, where one outstanding teacher will be chosen as the Fulton Homes “Teacher of the Year.”

“Teacher of the Week is an outstanding way to honor educators, who mostly go unrecognized for all of the hard work and time they put into their job,” said Douglas Fulton, CEO of Fulton Homes. “Our teachers and schools need our continuing support.”

Students can nominate a special teacher for Fulton Homes’ Teacher of the Week by submitting a brief form at any Fulton Homes location or online at  Winners are chosen based on their commitment to education, career achievements and impact on students’ lives.

For more information about Fulton Homes Teacher of the Week, visit our website and click on the Fulton Foundation link, or visit, keyword “Teacher.”

Selling your Old House – Clean

8967370_MThe one thing that makes the most difference when you’re selling a house is having it look and feel squeaky clean.

Dirty carpet, spots on the walls or sinks that aren’t sparkling makes people uncomfortable and a house look unattractive. If you don’t have time to clean your home yourself, hire a maid service to complete a professional cleaning. The cost of the cleaning will be more than made up by a better offer and a quicker sale.

It can be difficult to keep your home spotless if you’re living in it during the sale, but it’s worth the time and trouble. Simple steps such as making the beds, putting clothes away and cleaning up the kitchen will bring you dollars. Before you walk out, wander around your house with spray cleaner and a sponge or paper towels and look for stray spots and fingerprints. If you have kids, assign everyone their own tasks such as keeping their rooms neat and taking out the trash.

Wash the windows and make sure your sidewalks and driveway are swept. Trim the bushes and keep the grass cut if you have a lawn. Put the bikes away and any toys scattered in the yard.

Finally, make the house smell good. Bake chocolate chip cookies – even the pre-packaged ones are fine – to make your house seem more homey. Vanilla and cinnamon are also good smells for a home. Avoid floral scents or the plug-in or spray options. Those can make potential homebuyers worry about what those smells are hiding.

Clean and tidy will make your house inviting and inviting sells more homes. Take the time and you will feel the benefits in your pocketbook.

Selling your Old House – Fixes

18572838_MWhen you’re ready to sell your current home and buy a new Fulton Homes property, take the time to analyze what fixes are worth doing and what to leave for the next owner.

Your realtor can tell you the best ways to spend money to make your home more inviting to homebuyers. Here are some of the basic steps when deciding on fix-ups.

Make a realistic assessment: After years of living in your house, you simply stop seeing things that need to be fixed. Walk around your home with a notepad and write down any easy fixes. Things such as leaky faucets, damage to the drywall or faded paint tells potential homebuyers that the house might not have been well maintained. If you have the skills, fix these things yourself. If not, hire a handyman and hand him or her the list of repairs. By having them done all at once, you will save money and efficiently have everything working properly.

Update your home’s look: Are your light fixtures dated? Would a new countertop or backsplash spark up your kitchen? Even getting new bedspreads on the beds can make a home feel fresh and inviting. Take a close look at your home. You might want to hire a decorator to come in for a few hours and give you some advice.

Let some things go: You won’t get your money back for some fixes and updates. Don’t get carried away with the renovations. If your home needs quite a bit of work, talk to your realtor about selling it “as is.” You may make less money on the sale, but you will have to invest less in fixing it up.

When you sell a house, you always have to balance investing in it with your potential return. Talk to several realtors to get the best advice on what’s worth fixing and what you shouldn’t worry about.


Selling your Old House – Clutter

9831625_MWhen you’re ready to buy a new Fulton Home, if you’re already a homeowner, part of the process is selling your current home. You may want to check into the Fulton Homes Trade In Program. Many buyers of new Fulton Homes will qualify for the program, which offers three options for handling your current house. Visit our Trade-In Program website for information on your choices.

Even with help from Fulton Homes, you still will benefit from preparing your home properly for sale. The first step is clearing out any clutter. You’ll hear this from realtors all the time, but they may not tell you why this is so important. Here are three key reasons why eliminating clutter will help sell your home for top dollar.

Clutter makes your Home look smaller: Subconsciously, potential buyers who see a cluttered home think that the home doesn’t have enough closet or storage space. Clutter also makes a room feel smaller than it is. Many people want to buy a home to give them more space, and your clutter says they won’t find the space they want in your house.

Clutter makes your home feel too personal: People want to imagine the home as theirs. Your clutter makes it clear that the home is yours, so that they can’t picture themselves in the space. This is also the reason to eliminate any family photos, drawings and notes on the refrigerator, and anything else that makes your home obviously yours. People need that extra space to picture their own furniture and accessories.

Clutter distracts: Too much clutter can keep potential buyers from noticing the special features of your home. A fireplace that’s blocked by toys or magazines isn’t a focal point for a room anymore. Beautiful bow windows can be hidden by a room with too much furniture. Most people can’t visualize your home without all your things in it.

If you just have too much stuff to clear your home easily, rent a storage unit for a few months. And don’t dump it all in the garage – you’ll just make the garage look too small. First clear out all the extras, then eliminate at least some of the furniture – just keep saying “less is more” to yourself, and ask your realtor for advice as to when you’ve cleared enough to make your home totally sellable.


Becoming an Empty Nester

14023004_MSome parents really miss the lively action when their last child leaves home. If you’re dreading the day you and your spouse become empty nesters, here are a couple of ideas to help you with the transition.

Redecorate: This doesn’t mean that you have to completely do everything over, but take the time to make some changes to make your home something different for the two of you. You could take the leaves out of your dining table to create an intimate setting for you and your spouse or small dinner parties. If your child’s room will be kept the same for holidays, you can still move out-of-season clothes to the newly-emptied closet and tidy it up to your taste. Painting a wall or two anywhere in your home can also make everything feel fresh and new.

Travel: Now that it’s just the two of you, plan a trip. You could choose a cruise or an international tour, or if budgets are tight due to tuition costs, how about a weekend road trip to a fun destination? Stay at a bed & breakfast – great for adults but often not a good choice for children – and explore the surrounding area.

Do something new: With some extra time, how about joining a club or taking up something you’ve always wanted to do? Learn gourmet cooking or golf, join a gym, or take an art class, volunteer at your local school, library or hospital. Maybe you’ve always wanted to do something as simple as taking long walks early in the morning before it gets hot. Now is the time to pull out some of those old dreams and dust them off.

Your child is off making major changes, so why not join the fun? You’re starting a new phase in your life, so enjoy it.

Helping your Child Head Off to College

19670917_MDo you have a child leaving home to go to college? Even if you went away to school yourself, many things have changed. Here are some issues to address with your child to ensure that he or she is well prepared.

Space: Your son/daughter will want to bring pretty much everything they own with them to college, but most dorm rooms are cramped, and shared with at least one roommate.

Check the college website for a list of things to bring, and an idea of the amount of space available. Less is definitely better. For example, instead of bringing clothes for every season, students could bring what’s needed until the next vacation, and switch clothes out as it gets colder or warmer. Encourage your child to connect with a future roommate so that they end up with only one microwave and small refrigerator.

Security: Theft is more common than you would think in college dorms, so plan on creating secure options for your child. Laptop computers can be locked to a desk when not in use, and a locked file cabinet provides a safe place for purses, money and credit cards. You may want to arrange for a prepaid credit card for your child, adding money as it’s needed, to minimize the risk of loss. Encourage your child to lock his or her dorm room, and remind them of other security issues such as personal safety.

Health: Make sure your child has a physical before heading off for college, and have any prescriptions transferred to the local pharmacy. Pack up a box of over-the-counter items your child is used to having available to send along. You might include some favorite granola or energy bars – kids often don’t pay as much attention to eating when at school.

Preparation: College students have to handle laundry and general dorm-room cleaning. Start them on their laundry now, so they are comfortable managing that. Include laundry detergent and basic cleaning supplies and go over cleaning and home hygiene basics. Also mention food safety issues such as how long a cheese sandwich is safe to eat when not refrigerated.

You will miss your child and your child will miss you, but this is only the first step in the path to adulthood. You can send them off with the tools and support they need, and be extra generous with your advice so they won’t miss you as much as they thought they would.

Help Your Child Get Ready for School

15192775_MAfter an entire summer off, heading back to school can be a tough transition. Changes that you start making now can make the process easier for you and your children. Try some of these ideas:

Adjust their sleep schedules: Take the next few weeks to slowly get everyone used to going to bed and getting up earlier, until your family is on the school schedule.

Start a breakfast habit: Studies show that children who start school with a good breakfast, including a combination of protein and good carbohydrates such as fruit, stay focused and do better in school. Experiment with different breakfasts until you have a menu of choices that everyone enjoys.

Make space for homework: If you haven’t done this already, set aside a place for every child to organize their books and assignments. If you have one of the Fulton drop centers, it provides a perfect place to set up everything needed for the next day so nothing is forgotten in the morning. As children get older, desks and file cabinets in their rooms provide a central place to track schoolwork. A calendar – either paper or on a computer or tablet – can help them track when assignments are due.

Build a reference library: Although you can find many resources online, having a dictionary, thesaurus and grammar handbook handy encourages your children to look things up as needed. If you know what books they’ll be reading in school, you might want to pick up some of them so they are ready when needed.

Plan an end of summer event: A party or family gathering to wrap up the summer can help prepare everyone for the upcoming change. You could have some fun school supplies as favors and backpacks ready to fill. This will encourage everyone to look forward to the start of school, not just the parents.

Rescue dogs

6025341_MMost people know that the humane society does it’s best to save as many animals as they can, but they’re not the only ones out there helping to turn once-abandoned animals into someone’s loved pet.

Rescue groups throughout the Valley and nationwide do their part to save animals in trouble and find them good homes with their “forever families,” as they describe it.

When you’re ready to introduce a pet into your life, consider a rescue animal. Often rescue groups specialize in a certain breed, so you can track down your preference. Rescue groups also have pets of all ages, and many are totally house and obedience-trained, so you don’t have to go through that process yourself.

When you bring a rescue animal into your life, you are giving a pet another chance at a good home. These animals are often dumped because people move, don’t care, or simply no longer have the money to support a pet. They are sweet and loving and waiting for a new home. Most rescue groups work hard to make sure the adoption is a good one for both pets and owners.

Start by checking out adoption events on the website of PACC911, the Phoenix Animal Care Coalition, Uniting the Pet Rescue Committee. They bring together over 100 animal welfare organizations throughout Arizona. Visit Phoenix Animal Care Coalition, Uniting the Pet Rescue Committee’s website to find information on rescue organizations and upcoming adoption events.

By choosing a rescue dog, you’re allowing a stray to essentially win the pet lottery, and letting an animal into your life will enrich it and make every day more fun and loving for all of you.

Bringing a puppy home

13355005_MAre your children begging for a puppy? Or maybe now that you’re settled in your new Fulton home you are ready to introduce a pet into your life. Before you make your choice among the many cute and cuter options, you might want to consider these suggestions.

Determine if you are puppy-ready: Is there someone at home for a good part of the day? Are you prepared to house- and obedience-train your pet? Are you willing to introduce mess and chaos to your home? Do all adult members of your family agree on getting a puppy? Puppies are wonderful and can be an amazing addition to your life. Puppies are also a great deal of work. If you’re not sure, consider fostering a puppy for a rescue organization so you have a good understanding of the needs involved. But be prepared, a foster puppy may turn into a member of your family before you know it!

Choose your breed carefully: Size is important, but also temperament. If you want a lively dog that always wants to play, a Terrier is a great choice. On the other hand, this breed gets bored easily and can become destructive if left alone too much. Most Labradors are very gentle with small children. Every breed has different characteristics, and even mixed-breed dogs will often emulate the breed they’re most related to. Take the time to do your homework on the different breeds to get one that matches your family’s needs.

Prepare your home: Messes are a natural part of house-training your puppy. Plan on a specific area in your home for the puppy all or most of the day with tile or some kind of flooring that allows for easy clean-up, and take him or her out for frequent breaks. It’s best to have a grassy spot for an outdoor bathroom, particularly in the summer. (See the blog “Cause for Paws earlier this week for the reasons why.) It’s worth the time to pick up a book or review suggestions on the Internet and make a plan to housebreak your puppy. Remember, their main goal is to please you and once they understand what you want, they’ll gladly do it.

Any pet can make your life richer with friendship, company and unconditional love. That’s why you want to make sure you choose the right pet and create an environment to welcome your new family member.