Furniture Shows its Curves

Family Room rug DSC_0278Rooms, windows and most furniture tend to be sharp-edged. Sofas are basically rectangles. Windows, rugs and cabinets have corners.

You can soften this look by bringing in some curves. Take a look at the coffee table in the photo. The soft oval shape and curved legs bring another inviting element into this room. With the circular side table to the left and table lamps with round elements, the space moves beyond angles.

Take a look at the arms of the sofa on the far wall. These curves soften its rectangle presence. Notice the circular upholstery tacks and the round buttons running under the cushions at the front of the piece. This homeowner clearly understands the value of varying the shapes in this room.

Family Room and courtyard DSC_0272We have a different view of this same room to the right. More curves come into play with a half-oval table behind the sofa  in the same style and structure as the coffee table.

The accessories on the sofa table also focus on curves – from the containers on top to the globe bookend sitting on the lower shelf.

Take a look at your rooms, breaking down all of your furniture and accessory choices to their basic shapes. How many squares and rectangles are there? Have you brought in any curves to add interest and variety?

If you think your spaces could use some curves, consider adding some full curtains, soft pillows and round and oval accessories to the mix. You don’t have to replace major pieces of furniture. Small additions will make a real difference.