Spring is right around the corner as we enter March. The average temperature throughout the month of March ranges from 71-84 degrees but can drop into the mid-50s at night. This favorable weather is the perfect time to start planting some vegetables outside your home. However, living in a desert means the planting season can be a little different than the typical seasons. To help, here are several vegetables you should consider planting this spring:
Cilantro is the leaf from a coriander plant. Cilantro is a very popular herb used in many Spanish cuisines. In fact, living close to the border, many of these popular dishes become household favorites. Enlighten your food by adding this powerful spice. This herb is also an excellent remedy used for medicinal purposes to remove hazardous metals from the body and is often given to cancer patients.
Arizona offered some of the most diverse plant lives for gardening. From citrus fruits to starchy vegetables, many delicious fruits and vegetables can be grown in your own backyard. Another great option to include in your home garden is potatoes. Potatoes are great starchy, hearty vegetables that go great in many food dishes. So be sure to add this American classic to your own garden this spring.
Add some color to your garden by growing some carrots. This crunchy root is another highly nutritious option to add to the garden this spring. It is a great source of potassium, antioxidants, vitamin K, and beta carotene. Carrots can be a great way to help lower your bad cholesterol and improve your eye health.
Another great leafy green vegetable that loves the Arizona spring weather is spinach. Spinach is excellent for bone health and packed with vitamins. Plus, it goes great as a lettuce alternative for burgers or salads. When growing spinach, make sure to space your rows about a foot apart. The seeds will germinate in about a week and be ready to harvest in just under two months.
Remember, Arizona has two main growing seasons: fall and spring. Take advantage of the weather and grow the right plants and vegetables during springtime. Thanks for reading!