As a child, the space beneath your bed used to be a scary place where we imagined monsters lay in hiding, waiting for you to fall asleep. As you grew, so did your relationship with that space. When your mother asked you to clean your room, it became a place to hide the items arbitrarily strewn across your floor. Maybe it is time to shed new light on that space, sweep out all the dust bunnies and make good use of it. With a little creativity and organization, you can use this space to declutter the rest of your bedroom and rob the monsters of their hiding place.
When deciding what you want to use this space for, store and organize it by time, specifically how often you are likely to use the stuff you are storing. You will not be able to see the rarely0used items that are stored near the middle of the bed, so cardboard boxes work just fine for storage. The items stored near the edges of the bed are going to be visible and used more often, so a more visually pleasing and sturdier storage container is recommended. Containers with wheels can make moving things in and out from under the bed a much easier task.
Anything you store under the middle of the bed can be difficult to reach and could also be covered by another row of stuff, so make sure it is things you use very infrequently. If you only travel for vacations, suitcases and luggage bags can be useful items to store in the middle of the bed. You can also pack boxes with out-of-season clothing to slide towards the center.
Easy Access Items
In the outer row of boxes, pack things which you may use a bit more frequently, such as extra pillows, blankets, or linens. You can also store items that you use almost daily. In your room, think of possibly storing your shoes here. They are easily accessible and can be organized and spread out when you need to choose the right pair for the occasion and can then be quickly hidden away and forgotten until the next use. If you have children, you can use this space to store their toys, books, puzzles, and games. If you purchase opaque bins, you can toss all the toys in them, quickly freeing up your floor space, and when the kids want to play with them again, they simply pull out the bins.
Decluttering a room can be done without the need to get rid of items. With an open mind, you can find empty space to store things all over your home. Under your bed is just one of many places empty spaces that you can utilize. What other items can you think of hiding under your bed? Let us know below in the comment section!