Set Resolutions You Can Keep

5501054_SSome people make the same resolutions year after year, never sticking to them after the first week or so. If you visit a gym in January, for example, it is crowded with people vowing to get into shape. By March, at least half of them are gone.

If you want to make resolutions this year that you can keep, here are some suggestions to help you on your way.

Prioritize: Every one of the resolutions on the list above involves a big lifestyle change. No one can make that many changes all at once. So choose just one or two areas of your life that you want to improve.

Be specific: Instead of just saying, “Eat Healthy,” resolve to eat a salad for at least three lunches a week. In place of “Get a better job,” decide to update your resume. These are manageable and measurable goals.

Make a plan: If you want to start exercising, take a look at your schedule to determine where you can make the time. Consider working with a personal trainer to kick-start your efforts. Find a friend or two who want to add walking to their days and set up a walking group. The more steps you lay out the easier it is to get started.

Include rewards: Everyone can be more committed to making a change if a good bribe is involved. If you want that Kate Spade handbag, a day at a spa, or a haircut from the new expensive salon, or maybe just a Saturday afternoon with a good book, build in treats when you meet your goals.

Don’t limit resolutions to January 1st. Any time is a good time to make changes to improve your life. Start with one or two now and add others later. You can accomplish a lot one step at a time.

New Year’s Eve Party for Children

17888724_SFor many children, New Year’s Eve may seem like a mysterious adult event that happens while they’re asleep. But you can make the change to 2014 something special for your children without the champagne, and even without staying up until Midnight. Check out these ideas.

Take advantage of time differences. If you live in Central, Mountain or Pacific Time, you can have your children celebrate an earlier midnight – there will be a live webcast of the ball dropping in Times Square at this link, so you can watch the year change with your children and still get them to bed well before midnight.

Make some noise. Party and discount stores are ready for the New Year with noisemakers, streamers and confetti. Have a dress rehearsal before midnight. You can split the children into two groups, with the adults determining which group is the loudest or most enthusiastic. This gives the kids a chance to be extra noisy and energetic several times before 2014 hits.

Out with the old and in with the new. Have everyone write down all of the things that happened in 2013 that they want to forget, and burn them in a fireplace, fire pit, or fire-safe container. Then have everyone write down lists of what they want in 2014. They could tie their lists to helium balloons and release them just before the New Year.

Write predictions. Have everyone write down their predictions for themselves and others in 2014. Encourage silliness. Read the notes aloud, and then save them to read next New Year’s Eve. This could become a fun tradition for family and friends.

However you decide to celebrate, it will be more enjoyable if you include everyone in the family. And at Fulton Homes we all hope you and yours have a terrific 2014!