Last month we wrote about some Fulton Homeowners we’re particularly proud to know. Tony Hom, who is facing the challenges of ALS, and his good friend Trevor Davenport, who volunteered to run for 24 hours or 100 miles to raise money to help fight this disease. We, at Fulton Homes decided to help sponsor the run because we’re proud to support these two amazing men. Trevor’s course circled the Fulton Freeman Farms community and Trevor ran from 9 a.m. on May 25th until 9 a.m. on the 26th.
Let’s learn about the results by drawing on Trevor’s own words and photos below. For his complete description, check out his blog here.
“The Hom100 Race Report

Noon to 6 pm: …the heat was taking its toll. A strange thing started to happen around 2 p.m. though…more people started showing up! Better yet, people I didn’t even know!
…It seemed like someone new was joining us each lap to show their support for the event and Tony. It certainly made the hottest hours of the day fly by. (distance: @44 miles)
Thanks to the Grady family (Sarah, Greg and Reagan), we had a good hour or so filled with country, blue-grass, Zumba and other assorted Barbie songs that kept us going for at least a couple laps…well, we did our best to outrun it anyway.(distance: @64 miles)
Midnight to 6 am: Night miles are the hardest. The miles go slowly and time physically slows down (well, it feels that way anyway!). Again, thank goodness for some real troopers who decided that running with me was a better idea than sleeping.

As we came around on that ‘last lap,’ my wife asked what my total mileage was.
“94,” I said.
“What!? You can’t be done,” she replied. “It’s the Hom 100!”
“I’m done” I told her.
But like a small flicker of flame that grows when you fan it, everyone else rallied behind her idea. Clearly, they had not read the fine print on the website!
As we started the “official” last loop, my wife stopped and gave me a kiss. She pulled her sunglasses down, exposing the tears welling up in her eyes.
Instantly, nothing else mattered…
The final 100 yards was full of clapping, pictures and congratulations from friends, family and neighbors. I savored the thrill of completing 100.1 miles just long enough to see Tony in his wheelchair, grinning from ear to ear. I walked over and gave that dude a hug.
He is the man, not me.
Now, I’m not going to lie – aside from Tony, the only other thing going through my mind was sitting down and putting my feet in a big bucket of ice. As you can see, I did enjoy that a little bit 🙂
…special thanks to Fulton Homes and Cadence Running Company for all their support and generosity.”
God willing, we’ll do it again next year. Thank you, Trevor and Tony for allowing us to be a part of such an amazing event! You two are truly special and an inspiration to everyone!
For the complete blog and link to more photos, click here.