With a smaller bathroom that serves as your guest bath, it’s fun to add elements of interest to make it stand out.
This bath to the left, from the Malibu model in the Shoreline community, takes advantage of wallpaper with a strong color and design. While this paper would overwhelm a large room, it makes this small bath pop with color and personality.
A pedestal sink such as this one by Kohler makes the space feel larger because you can see the walls and floor underneath it. A traditional vanity absorbs more visual space. Unlike many pedestal options, this sink provides plenty of room to hold soap.
Choosing a ring to hold the towel also adds interest and has a look more appropriate to the smaller space than a bar towel-holder. The ring keeps the towel away from the switches and mirror but convenient for drying hands.
Finishing touches such as the framed mirror and coordinated light fixture pull everything together. Kohler also includes a toilet with a design that matches this sink, helping to further integrate the space.
The guest bath on the right, from the Tehama model in the Victoria community, shows another more traditional way to add interest. Tile wainscoting adds charm and the wallpaper helps create a coordinated look. The same mirror, faucet and light fixture look completely different in this bath, demonstrating how these versatile options can work well with your personal taste. The pedestal sink is a different style, but still easily provides space for soap.
When working with a guest bathroom, don’t dismiss the design possibilities. These small spaces can give you a chance to experiment with color and other features to create a small jewel box of charm that show off your personality and style.