Memorial Day BBQ Side Dish Ideas

You may consider Memorial Day the official marker of summertime. It is a time that we honor and remember those who served our country, and you may have decided to host a barbecue and invite a few veterans over to your home. If you are nervous about finding the perfect side dishes to match your BBQ, fear not because here are seven BBQ side dish ideas that you can use for your Memorial Day party:

Roasted Sweet Potato

Looking for something sweet to complement your protein choice? Roasting sweet potatoes is an extremely easy and tasty idea for homeowners. Plus, it is really simple! Just chop them up and drizzle them with olive oil before placing them in the oven!

CrockPot Mac N’ Cheese

Mac n’ cheese is a classic when it comes to barbecues. The best part is you can easily make it in the crockpot for a portable, fast recipe.

Fresh Fruit Salad

Nothing says fresh on a warm day like fruit salad. Plus, fruit salad is an easy, last minute idea that you can throw together. Try adding in your favorite summer fruits for customization.

Brown Sugar Grilled Pineapple

Looking for a dessert that will not show on the scale the next day? Brown sugar pineapples are easy and delicious options for your Labor Day barbecue. Bonus: there are only three ingredients (pineapples, brown sugar, and canola oil)!

Jalapeño Cornbread

If you love spice, you will love this savory side dish! You can add jalapeños into a box mix of cornbread or make them from scratch. Either way, the plate will be cleared off with this delicious side dish.

Baked Garlic Parmesan Fries

Everyone loves a flavorful french fry and adding a garlic parmesan seasoning turns your fries into the talk of the party. All you need is garlic, parsley, salt, olive oil, parmesan, and fresh potatoes to make this snack come true.

Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Salad

Running short on time? You can quickly throw together this 5-ingredient salad in no time! All you need is fresh, seedless watermelon, mint, olive oil, feta cheese, and salt for a new BBQ favorite.

We hope you enjoy your Memorial Day party and that your side dishes are a hit!

Remembering Memorial Day

memorial day photoWith everything happening in the Presidential election, it’s easy to have any topic turn political. But Memorial Day is not about politics. It’s about taking a moment to remember those people who gave their lives in battle.

What can you do with your family to take a look at Memorial Day without letting politics or dogma enter into it? Here are a few suggestions.

Find the words: Every parent may find him or herself answering questions about the meaning of Memorial Day. Even if it’s just a day off in your family, your children may still want to understand why it’s important. Instead of being surprised by these questions, prepare for them. Think about what Memorial Day means for you. Maybe you have ancestors or relatives who have served in the military or fallen in battle. You can explain the value of the entire country taking a day to acknowledge their sacrifice.

Visit a cemetery: Many groups such as boy and girl scouts visit cemeteries to put flags on graves for Memorial Day. Veteran groups may have recognition events. You can join them or just visit and watch the process. This provides a good entry to discuss the day with your children.

Find a moment to remember: Even if you don’t have children, you may want to stop in the middle of the barbecues and other events to say thank you to those who gave their lives. On this day it’s not about politics, it’s about appreciating those who stood up for what they believed in.