Staying on top of the laundry can easily be a tough goal to fulfill. There is an efficient way to manage it and accomplish a large pile that has built up. Read further for our tips on the quickest way to stay on top of this constant chore!
The first step is to gather all of the dirty laundry in the home. Place it near the washer and dryer so you can assess the situation and start sorting.
Next, sort laundry into groups by the type of water used to wash each. Make piles for light, dark and delicate clothing. This will allow you to wash full loads and get through the laundry faster. If you have very large loads, separate clothing by weight as well. Jeans should remain together, towels could have their own load, perhaps another for light-weight t-shirts. Bedding items can all go in together.
Finally, sort the clothing during the folding process, keeping separate piles for each person in the home. This allows all clothing to be pooled together during the wash rather than individual loads per person. Fold and put away as they come out of the dryer so that the clean laundry never piles up!
In order to make the chore of laundry easier in the future, place designated hampers in areas of the home that make it simple for family members to discard dirty clothing. Searching for dirty laundry and gathering it up takes quite a bit of time. This can save you ten to twenty minutes each time. The bathroom is a great place to locate hampers. This is the place where dirty clothes come off and where they can be easily collected.
We hope these tips will make laundry day more productive!