Best Plants to Improve Home Air Quality

Our homes are our safe havens and refuge. They are the spot we can retreat from the rest of the chaotic world; therefore, having our homes be a place of comfort and relaxation is essential, but we also need to consider our health. Air quality is an important attribute that correlates directly with our health. You do not want to go home to a house full of airborne allergens and pollutants after a long day of work. Luckily, having clean air can be as easy as buying some plants for your home. Plants give off oxygen and can help purify your breathing air. Selecting the right plants is ideal for having the best atmosphere. Here are three high-quality plants that can help create better air quality in your home:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a very versatile plant. It can help remove volatile organic compound pollutants from the air while being beautiful. In fact, these pollutants are unwanted chemicals that are in the air in our homes, so it is important to have them removed. Aloe Vera also can easily increase oxygen levels while minimalizing carbon dioxide in your home. Having a plant like Aloe Vera is great because it is easy to keep alive and low-maintenance.

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreen is a beautiful and colorful plant. It is also low-maintenance and can be watered as little as once a week while growing in low-light atmospheres. Chinese evergreen is known to be an excellent air-purifying plant. Chinese evergreens are great for pulling unwanted toxins from the air. This is an eco-friendly solution to purifying the air around your home or office.

English Ivy

Another option to consider is English Ivy. Typically, hung in baskets, these house plants can grow quite easily in semi-shady atmospheres. English ivy can cleanse benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air. These solvents can be dangerous to our health. Studies have also proven that English Ivy reduces the chances of mold in your home.

Your air quality should never be overlooked. Investing in some or all of these plants is a significant, proactive step in freshening up your home. Plants have many benefits in enhancing your atmosphere. Make sure you facilitate them!

Fulton Home’s Air Quality

Fulton Home makes it our responsibility to provide you with the best home and services. There are many features we incorporate into the homes we build. We want our consumers to live a happy and healthy life after purchase. This is one of the reasons we chose to partner with Indoor airPLUS when constructing each home. This system goes beyond the general standards the government regulates on homes. AirPLUS has many quality benefits to help purify your air. For more information, be sure to keep on reading!

Government Regulations

The government created the Clean Air Act in 1970. This federal law was put in place to regulate air emissions from stationary and mobile sources. From automobiles to the construction of homes, a standard has been set that limits air pollutants. When building a house, many air contaminants can make it into HVAC systems and be dangerous to the health of the home buyers; therefore, the government put in the Clean Air Act to help protect the health of individuals and families.

Above and Beyond

Fulton Home does not only believe in meeting these codes but going above and beyond. Our comprehensive health protection includes practices and technology to prove the purest air is in your new home. We use moisture control systems to prevent unwanted molding in the houses, radon-resistant constructs, builders seal to prevent pest from infiltrating your home, and much more.

What to Expect

We have also included premium ENERGY STAR HVAC systems, which will help with the air quality. Reducing the pollutants in your home can prevent you from getting sick. This high-quality HVAC system will also regulate fewer chemicals from making it inside of your home. It is essential to keep proper maintenance on your Indoor airPLUS system in your home.

Have peace of mind with the assurance that your air quality is premium in your new home. While this may not be your first concern, clean air leads to a healthier you and your home. We believe in going above and beyond in everything in our homes to assure you the best. From premium materials to clean air, we got you covered.

Fulton Homes Energy Star Program

energy_star_photosAt Fulton Homes we proudly support the Energy Star program and we continually work to enhance the energy efficiency of every home we build.

Energy Star is a joint program of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and s latest building practices and technologies to ensure that your new home is energy efficient and comfortable.

Fulton Homes already surpass all current Energy Star requirements so that you can rest assured that you are doing the most to protect the environment as well as your pocketbook. And with all new Fulton Homes certified to EPA’s Indoor airPLUS indoor air quality standard, you are also protecting your family.

Some of these special features include:

  • Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) interior paints and carpeting – protects your family and the environment
  • Lousiana Pacific Tech Shield Radiant Barrier – deflects heat away from attic
  • 14 SEER Carrier Air Conditioner – excellent cooling and energy efficiency, plus a 10 year warranty on parts if registered online
  • Merv 6 Return Air Filters – helps A/C unit run more smoothly
  • Outside Air Exchange Fan – tight construction requires precise fresh air exchange
  • Foam Seal on All Exterior Doors – reduces air leakage
  • Gas Water Heater with .58 to .62 Efficiency Rating – saves on water heating costs

The Fulton Homes Energy Star Program is just one way we build homes that we’re proud of, and that you can be proud to buy and own. For more information, visit our website at: