The one thing that makes the most difference when you’re selling a house is having it look and feel squeaky clean.
Dirty carpet, spots on the walls or sinks that aren’t sparkling makes people uncomfortable and a house look unattractive. If you don’t have time to clean your home yourself, hire a maid service to complete a professional cleaning. The cost of the cleaning will be more than made up by a better offer and a quicker sale.
It can be difficult to keep your home spotless if you’re living in it during the sale, but it’s worth the time and trouble. Simple steps such as making the beds, putting clothes away and cleaning up the kitchen will bring you dollars. Before you walk out, wander around your house with spray cleaner and a sponge or paper towels and look for stray spots and fingerprints. If you have kids, assign everyone their own tasks such as keeping their rooms neat and taking out the trash.
Wash the windows and make sure your sidewalks and driveway are swept. Trim the bushes and keep the grass cut if you have a lawn. Put the bikes away and any toys scattered in the yard.
Finally, make the house smell good. Bake chocolate chip cookies – even the pre-packaged ones are fine – to make your house seem more homey. Vanilla and cinnamon are also good smells for a home. Avoid floral scents or the plug-in or spray options. Those can make potential homebuyers worry about what those smells are hiding.
Clean and tidy will make your house inviting and inviting sells more homes. Take the time and you will feel the benefits in your pocketbook.