Halloween is a great holiday for the kids! They can dress up as their favorite superhero, princess, zombie, or just something plain silly. Kids can get very excited to go out with their group of friends and go door to door asking for candy. However, in all the excitement, it is important to remember safety first. Your children’s enthusiasm can make this way of thinking easily slip their minds. Preplanning ahead can help optimize you and your loved one’s safety this Halloween.
Prepare for Darkness
Halloween is between 5:30 to 9:30 on Thursday, October 31, 2019. Sunset is at 5:37 pm in the Valley, so it is going to be dark. You should equip all your children with flashlights. Not only can a flashlight illuminate their paths while Trick-or-Treating, but it also can make them easier to see. Children can get excited and run ahead of the group. You and traffic shall be able to see them easier when they are carrying a flashlight. You may also want to consider lighter colored costumes or reflective trick-or-treat bags to help see your children easier.
Have a Plan
The younger children should always have an adult with the group. Whether older children choose to separate is up to you; just remember to plan before the evening begins. Everyone should know where the groups will be. Carry cell phones and know everyone’s phone number in each group. Be familiar with the areas you are trick-or-treating. If anyone gets lost, have an emergency plan. Everyone should know how to call 911 or contact the group. Only houses with their porch lights on are participating in the event. When walking, walk against traffic, and make sure you are seen. Always use sidewalks and paths where they are provided.
Sorting Halloween Candy and Goodies
When the night is over, and everyone gets home, be with your children to sort out the candy. Throw away any open or broken sealed goods. You should be hesitant with anything that was homemade or not wrapped. It is always good to be on the side of caution. Allow your kids to enjoy the experience and trade candies with one another. This can add to the experience of the night and leave everyone happy.
Be safe this Halloween and think ahead. Taking simple precautions is key to a safe and fun night. You should also monitor how much candy your children consume that evening and the following days. Do not let them splurge and get sick, but have fun and enjoy it for weeks to come!