Guide for Planning The Ultimate Graduation Bash

Congratulations! You or someone you love is graduating. This is a monumental step in your life. To help make sure you have the celebration of the century, we have created a quick and easy guide for planning the ultimate graduation bash. Let’s take a look!

Location, Location, Location

Typically, graduation festivities are held at the graduate’s household, but if you are deciding to do something a little different, be sure to book in advance. Places like restaurants, party venues, and parks can serve as an excellent graduation party location, but they tend to fill up quickly. You will want to begin looking at places as soon as possible.

Let Them Eat Cake

While you are entertaining your guests, be sure to have some type of food for them to enjoy. From catering to a home-cooked meal, you will want to serve a crowd-pleasing meal for all to enjoy. You may even want to add some sort of bar area for the adults. The bar and food will help to encourage people to stay longer at the event which in essence, is more fun for all!

Memories to Last a Lifetime

Since you will most likely want to remember your graduate’s party, you should be sure to take video footage and photos of the event. This is a time of celebration, and you will not want to forget everyone’s smiling faces and laughter.

Easy Entertainment

Besides eating and catching up with the new graduate, your guests will need some activities to keep them entertained and busy. Below, you will find four affordable and fun activities for your guests:

  • Graduate-Themed Games
  • Coloring for Kids
  • Board Games/Indoor Games
  • Outdoor Games (Giant Jenga, Corn Hole, Etc.)


Decor can be an essential part of the overall theme. You can easily decorate the area with pictures of the recent graduate. Everyone would love to see a timeline of their education, and it can be a fun activity while people wait for food.

Get Your Groove On

Lastly, be sure to play music in the background. Music can help fill in for awkward pauses plus it always adds life to a party. Just be sure to select a playlist that is appropriate for all ages.

We hope you enjoyed these tips and tricks! Congratulations again and good luck on your future endeavors.

Helping your Child Head Off to College

19670917_MDo you have a child leaving home to go to college? Even if you went away to school yourself, many things have changed. Here are some issues to address with your child to ensure that he or she is well prepared.

Space: Your son/daughter will want to bring pretty much everything they own with them to college, but most dorm rooms are cramped, and shared with at least one roommate.

Check the college website for a list of things to bring, and an idea of the amount of space available. Less is definitely better. For example, instead of bringing clothes for every season, students could bring what’s needed until the next vacation, and switch clothes out as it gets colder or warmer. Encourage your child to connect with a future roommate so that they end up with only one microwave and small refrigerator.

Security: Theft is more common than you would think in college dorms, so plan on creating secure options for your child. Laptop computers can be locked to a desk when not in use, and a locked file cabinet provides a safe place for purses, money and credit cards. You may want to arrange for a prepaid credit card for your child, adding money as it’s needed, to minimize the risk of loss. Encourage your child to lock his or her dorm room, and remind them of other security issues such as personal safety.

Health: Make sure your child has a physical before heading off for college, and have any prescriptions transferred to the local pharmacy. Pack up a box of over-the-counter items your child is used to having available to send along. You might include some favorite granola or energy bars – kids often don’t pay as much attention to eating when at school.

Preparation: College students have to handle laundry and general dorm-room cleaning. Start them on their laundry now, so they are comfortable managing that. Include laundry detergent and basic cleaning supplies and go over cleaning and home hygiene basics. Also mention food safety issues such as how long a cheese sandwich is safe to eat when not refrigerated.

You will miss your child and your child will miss you, but this is only the first step in the path to adulthood. You can send them off with the tools and support they need, and be extra generous with your advice so they won’t miss you as much as they thought they would.