Fulton Homes Trade-in Program

SONY DSCLooking for a new home with more space for your growing family? Or perhaps you are empty-nesters looking to downsize while adding all those features you can get with a brand new home. But with shifting buyer demand, you’re concerned about how to handle your current home.

It may be worth your while to take a look at Fulton Homes Trade-In Program. While not all buyers will qualify for one of our Trade In program options, many new homebuyers can find a solution that fits them.

Fulton Homes offers three Trade-In options:

  1. Trade In (Equity required): Fulton Homes agents will simply buy your home at a mutually agreed upon discounted price and you purchase a new Fulton Home.
  2. Listing Program: Fulton Homes and their agents agree to list your home at a reduced commission in order to purchase a brand new Fulton Home.
  3. Lease Program (No equity required): Fulton Homes and their agents set up guaranteed lease assistance for up to three years on your current home with no management fees, when you purchase a brand new Fulton Home.

At Fulton Homes, we have been selling homes in the Valley for over 35 years. We understand real estate and how to market and sell homes. Put our team to work for you. We’ve helped many people just like you trade in their old home on a brand new Fulton Home. Even with no equity in your present home, or even negative equity, we will help you explore all of your possibilities for free. We care.

Contact us through our website at: http://www.fultonhomes.com/trade-in-program or visit any of our sales offices and speak with one of our knowledgeable agents to see if you qualify for our trade-in program.

Organizing your New Home – Unpacking Strategies

19123362_SSo now that you’ve moved into your new Fulton home, you can unpack easily because every box is labeled and you have an inventory of everything. On top of that, you have been planning where everything will go in your new home. All you have to do is open the boxes with the Swiss Army Knife you always carry in your pocket and put everything away – right?

If, instead, you only have about half the boxes labeled, you’re not sure what’s in most of them and they’re all in the wrong rooms because the movers didn’t pay attention to the few labels you did have, perhaps you could use a bit of unpacking advice. Here are some tips for creating order out of box-laden chaos.

Unpack the obvious: Did you label your kitchen boxes? Start putting things in order there. Grab kitchen boxes from all over the house and bring them along, unpacking as you go. The nice thing about unpacking the kitchen is all the cabinets and drawers just waiting for your stuff. Don’t worry about getting everything perfect – you’ll probably move a few things around until you’re settled.

Get rid of empty boxes A.S.A.P.: Nothing defeats the purpose of unpacking quite as much as having empty boxes and loose packing materials hanging around the house. Break them down and toss in recycling, give them to someone you know who will be moving soon, or put them on the back patio for the moment. Just get them out of your way.

Tackle one box at a time: You’ll be tempted to jump from box to box just to find out what’s in them, but the only thing worse than a lot of boxes around are a lot of open boxes around. Empty one box; get rid of it, and then move on to the next. When you have to stop, all the other boxes are still sealed.

Set unpacking priorities: Is it impossible to sleep with all those boxes in the bedroom? Start there. Are you tired of walking around those boxes by the garage door every time you leave the house? Move them or empty them. You can’t finish all the unpacking at once, so start with the most irritating areas.

Above all, realize your limitations. It would be nice to be completely unpacked over a weekend, but remember that it took you a lot longer than a couple of days to pack everything, so give yourself a break. Set realistic goals, and then when you reach them take the time to relax and enjoy the areas of your lovely new home that are unpacked and settled. After all, you always have tomorrow.