We have entered a unique time in history, which has made traditional ways of living very challenging. With the coronavirus pandemic in effect, social distancing and personal hygiene have become a top priority in our defense. In fact, many stores have closed that are not vital to daily living. Toiletry and hygiene supply and demand have tenfold, making some essential items nearly obsolete in stores. This respiratory virus can be spread through droplets produced while coughing or sneezing. So the best way to combat this virus is by frequently washing your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. Yet, hand sanitizer is not as common as it once was. However, do not fear because you can still create your own home-made hand sanitizer to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Your Active Ingredients
What makes a hand sanitizer work is its effectiveness in killing germs and bacteria. This process is done with alcohol as the main ingredient. You need at least 60% of your hand sanitizer to be alcohol for it to be effective. Remember this when getting your alcohol. Your alcohols to use are isopropyl and ethanol. Other alcohols can be toxic and chemically burn your skin, so pick one of these two. When purchasing isopropyl or ethanol, get them as close to 100% as possible. The lower the percentage, the more you will need to use when making your sanitizer.
Scenting Your Hand Sanitizer
The fun part is personalizing the scent of your home-made hand sanitizer. This step can be done by picking an essential oil of your choice. Some essential oils also offer germ- and bacterial-killing properties. Understand the oil you choose thoroughly before adding it to your sanitizers. Many essential oils need a carrier oil and can irritate skin or even burn it.
Making It
Next, you will make your hand sanitizer. Find the pump dispenser you want in your home to contain your home-made sanitizer. Add 2/3 of your alcohol. If your alcohol is not 100%, you will need to accommodate for this step. Next, add the remaining 1/3 with Aloe Vera gel. This contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Aloe Vera also can help accelerate the healing of burns and improve skin conditions. Lastly, use the essential oil of your choice to add a couple of drops until you obtain the smell you desire. Do not exceed a dozen drops per cup.
Making your own home-made hand sanitizer is a great home project to help disinfect your hands at home. This simple project is fun and simple for the whole family. Let everyone create their own to stay germ-free during this season. For more great at-home projects and home improvement ideas, make sure to subscribe.
Disclaimer: We always recommend consulting with your physician before making and using any home-made alternatives.