Design Center Basics: Browse Power

Design20Center20078 fulton lobby - receptionistWhen you’re selecting options for your new Fulton Home, one of the best tools you have is the Fulton Home Design Center browse night. Once a week, you can visit the design center at your leisure and look at all of your home choices. Designers and other staff are on hand to answer any questions.

Browse nights are aptly named. You can take your time and sift through the choices for cabinets, flooring and other options without having to make any final decisions. If you really use the browse nights well, you may have most of your options selected before your appointment. This will allow you to take the time you need to review those choices that are harder for you to make.

Browse nights are particularly useful if you and your spouse have differing tastes. The two of you can work out compromises that you both can live happily with, and check out those options you liked online in person. This is also a good chance to see how your cabinets fit with your choice of countertops, backsplash and flooring. You may be surprised to discover that a countertop you hadn’t even considered is just the right choice.

Consider browse nights as a chance to explore all of the amazing options the Fulton Design Center offers with no need to make any permanent decisions. It’s a casual and comfortable place filled with people who want to help you make your home perfect for you. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.