You have a love for hosting parties, but do not want to spend an entire paycheck on throwing your event. We have all been there! Why do parties have to cost so much money? The answer, they don’t! Here are some tips for a low-budget party with high-budget results:
Do not be afraid of the 99 cent or dollar stores.
The name scares people away sometimes, but dollar stores can be filled with great finds. The things you need to pick anyways are available at an affordable price.
- Get a pack of black napkins from the store. Black napkins are simple yet stylish. You do not necessarily need fancy napkins for it to be a tasteful party. Think about it, they are going to be thrown away anyways.
Decorate with items from around your house.
Most people buy matching decorations from the store, but you can use common household items to decorate for the party.
- Grab your holiday lights and use them around the house to brighten the space.
- Light some candles to make the area warm and cozy.
Consider serving only appetizers.
Finger food is a great food option for a social gathering. People can snack on their appetizers while they get to know each other. This is a less formal option, but it makes the party-goers more comfortable.
- Keep in mind: Appetizers have less meal preparation involved and they are usually less expensive.
- If you want to try something new: utilize those cookbooks you have stored away. There may be something in them that you have forgotten about or never had a chance to try.
Make it a “Bring Your Own Beverage” event.
Friends are usually more than willing to bring their own drinks because it guarantees that the party will have something they like.
Music can set the party’s tone.
Decorations set a theme, but music can definitely help set the tone. If you want your party to be more formal, music is your chance to set the mood without breaking the bank.
- Use your personal music library or music streaming service. There is no need to go out and purchase all new music. Look through what you have and try to create a playlist for the event.
Enjoy and have fun at your next party!