Personalize Valentine’s Day

heart-762564_1280What do you do for Valentine’s Day with your spouse or significant other? Do you exchange cards or maybe go out to dinner? Perhaps flowers and candy show up at your home. But this year, how about personalizing your Valentine’s Day celebration? Here are a few suggestions to make your celebration extra special.

Revisit a special place: Did you meet at a party, an event or even just a grocery store? How about taking a trip back to that location to revisit those memories? You could have dinner at the restaurant where you held your wedding reception or rehearsal dinner. Or maybe you just remember a special day you’d like to re-experience. You can talk about it ahead of time or just make the plans to surprise your partner. Be careful not to make it a contest to see how much he or she remembers, though. This is a trip down memory lane, not a quiz.

Plan a special indoor picnic: Throw a tablecloth and some pillows on the floor and plan a meal of finger foods. Use candlelight to add to the ambience. Add a bottle of wine or a favorite drink. You can sprinkle fresh flower petals on the cloth and be sure to add a favorite chocolate dessert.

Make your own Valentine card: You don’t have to be an artist to draw a heart. More important, use this opportunity to tell your partner at least some of the most important reasons you’re glad to have him or her in your life. Because that’s what Valentine’s Day is really about, after all.