Spring Cleaning

spring-cleaning-webWith temperatures in the 90’s only a few weeks ago, most Arizona residents know that summer’s heat is just around the corner. This makes Spring cleaning extra important, since now is the best time to open all the doors and windows and sweep everything left over from Winter away to gear up for Summer.

This is a great time to open all your closets and cupboards and gather old clothes, kitchen utensils and other unneeded things that have accumulated over the past year and donate them, sell them or throw them out.

Start by creating a list of goals. Do you want to make-over your master bedroom with new colors and less clutter? Maybe you would like to get rid of all the junk food hiding in your kitchen as the start to a new healthier eating plan. Or it could be time to wander through some of the toys and DVD’s that your children are too old to enjoy anymore. Remember that others can benefit from items that you no longer need.

Next, set aside time to meet your Spring-cleaning goals. Do you work better with a large block of time? Then choose a free Saturday to tackle your list. See if you can get help from your family or trade time with a friend so you can work on each home and chat while you clean and organize.

Finally, dive in. And be sure to plan a special reward when your list is finished. It might be dinner out or a bouquet of fresh flowers to set off your newly-tidy dining room. Or maybe just the promise of a Sunday afternoon with nothing to do but relax. With just a bit of planning and some serious effort, you can refresh your home this Spring and prepare for Summer. And above all, have fun with the process!