Design Grammar: Articles Connect Nouns

2751374_SHow many of you remember what articles are from your grade school grammar class? Come on, raise your hands. If you’re one of those trying to hide behind Mary Grace because you’ve forgotten, articles are words such as “the” and “and”, which are used to connect other words together.

In the grammar of home design, articles represent the end tables, coffee tables, nightstands, and other items used to connect other pieces of furniture together.

What’s important to remember about articles in decorating? First, to make sure you have all of the pieces or words you need so that your design or your sentence make sense. For example in the room above, the square coffee table, the small woode table between the love seat and te sofa, and the glass-topped side table that matches the coffee table serve as the connecting articles in the space. Their purpose is primarily utilitarian, and they shouldn’t draw attention to themselves. The tables in this space complement the rest of the furniture without overpowering them.

13888922_SArticles also include nightstands such as the ones in the photo to the right. These pieces are also utilitarian, yet the style fits the contemporary look of the room. You can see the lamps serving a useful purpose as lighting for reading or dressing and the drawer provides hidden storage.

However the slightly bowed drawer and simple silver pull pull in the lamp’s curves and metallic finish. The dark wood tone mimics the art over the bed and choosing symmetrical matching lamps carries the modern masculine theme preented by the bedclothes through the room.

Remember to choose articles that aren’t intrusive yet still manage to make the sentence and the design stronger,