Circular Entryway Sets Tone

Do you want a home that opens with an inviting entrance that makes a statement? Take a look at this Monterey Bay model at Victoria Estates. The generous circular entry gains additional emphasis and drama thanks to the stone medallion in the center. A work of art in cut stone gracing your entrance encourages guests to pause in appreciation; then as they look further your home comes into view as part of the curved vista.

This design combines a number of elements that play off the medallion. The white baseboards and stone thresholds separating the rooms echo the white frame of the centerpiece. Paint and room flooring choices bring coordinated colors into play. You could use that medallion as the inspiration for decorating every adjacent room.

Subtle ceiling lights invite guests into the living room. The traditional furniture becomes more intriguing when combined with the well-designed lighting and rich wall colors. Notice that the oval coffee table continues the curve theme into the living room. Even the dishes on display in the china cabinet make the connection.

When you plan your home, keep in mind that you can take advantage of one powerful element such as this medallion by repeating the theme in other rooms. This creates a more congruent look, which is one hallmark of great design. Spend some time with one of our designers to discover other ideas that will make your home as special as you want it to be.