How Your Home Works: Toilets

There are many features in your new home that you’ll need to make sure to become familiar with.  From your air conditioning to your smoke detectors there is a lot to learn!  Please take a look at the interior and exterior product information we have gathered to assist you in understanding how you’re new home features work. By learning how these products operate, you will be able to keep them working at their optimum efficiency for the maximum comfort in your new home.

Older toilets held 3-5 gallons of water in the holding tank. Per current code these tanks cannot hold more than 1.6 gallons of water. There are many twists and turns in a normal sewer line and some of these pipes may be 50- 60 feet in length. Much like washing leaves down the gutter, a sufficient amount of water is required to carry the waste for any length. Therefore it may be necessary to “flush twice” or hold the handle down after toilet use to push waste down the sewer pipe.

If you have a spare bath that is rarely used, keep in mind that flushing once will only provide enough water to carry the waste in the line a short distance. If this bathroom is not used again for some time the waste may dry and stick to the pipe causing a back-up and overflow during its next use. It is recommended that you flush toilets and run water down bathroom drains that get little use on a monthly basis to prevent the traps from drying up and emitting sewer gases into your home.

It’s not the most glamorous topic, but we hope that we have helped you understand more about the toilets in your home!