Using Warm Tones in Your Design

When designing a space, it is essential to consider the mood you want the room to portray. You can make a room feel more inviting by adding seating, carpet, and even certain sounds or smells. You can, likewise, make a room feel more relaxing by incorporating different design elements as well. However, nothing quite sets the mood of a room, quite like the colors we choose. 

Color Psychology 

All colors have individual psychologies attached to them. If you were to see pink in a baby’s room versus blue, it might insinuate something different. Likewise, the colors we choose in our homes can help depict certain images. Do you want a room to feel creative or sophisticated? Are you looking to make a statement or keep your space feeling neutral? These are all questions you should ask yourself before choosing a color. 

Warm Tones 

Warm tones can make a room feel more inviting. You may want to incorporate these in a room where you plan on inviting guests or hosting company. Warm tones include colors like red, orange, and yellow. These colors can all work together to help create your inviting space. 

Using a neutral tone that complements these tones is also ideal. While beige and tan are neutral tones, they can enhance the power of many warm tone colors. Likewise, grey is a subtle, neutral color, yet may be best used with complementing cool tone colors. 

Using Colors to Set the Mood 

A general color scheme is divided up into the 60:30:10 rule. These are the ratios in which you choose your colors. You can give one color 60% dominance over the room while the other two colors are given 30% and 10%, respectively.  Typically, you would give 60% to a neutral color; however, this is not written in stone. Creating a mood board prior to your design can allow you to envision a finished product of your design and give you more design freedom.

Remember, while colors are influential in your décor, and lighting will also amplify this effect. Be sure to add adequate lighting to help enhance any color scheme you choose. If you’re looking for ideas, be sure to follow us on Pinterest for inspiration!