5 Ways to Tidy Up Your Bedroom

Timber Cove Model

A clean, tidy bedroom makes for a happy homeowner. Along with making your bed each morning, we have created five simple ways you can tidy up your bedroom. Let’s take a look!


Let your nightstand do some work in your bedroom by using a small dresser as a stand. The dresser creates a great solution for keeping your room tidy and neat. You can store all of your necessities right next to your bed, and you will have easy access. Be sure to purchase a small dresser that will work well as a nightstand. You want to still be able to reach your alarm clock and cell phone on the top of the dresser. Also, if you are looking for a consistent look, you will want to buy identical dressers for each side of your bed. This will help tie the look together and gives you extra storage.

The Purge

The best way to “tidy up” a space is by going through everything you own. Now, this process may take a couple of days or even weeks. Once you have gone through everything, you will want to sort it into different piles. The general rule of thumb is that if you have not used it in a year, you do not need it. Try and keep this in mind while going through your items that you need to purge. Odds are that you will find a bunch of things that you do not remember owning. Once you have sorted through everything, be sure to donate your gently-used items.

Clear off Countertops

Surface tops can be one of the leading causes of clutter. To eliminate clutter and tidy up, remove everything from your surface tops. Try and limit yourself to three items per top. For example, your television stand may have a television, a remote, and a DVD player. Your nightstand dresser may have a vase of flowers, your alarm clock, and a picture. By displaying less items, you will feel begin to feel less cluttered.

The Great Divide

Drawer dividers can be an excellent solution for organizing your space. Try adding them inside of your dressers for extra organization and less clutter.

Stick to a Schedule

After you have organized your room, you will want to stick to a cleaning schedule. This will set you up for success. Be sure to make your bed each morning so that you come home to a clean room each day. Also, you will want to make a weekly cleaning and laundry schedule to help you stay tidy!

End your cleaning on a fresh note by adding a couple drops of your favorite essential oil into a diffuser. The refreshing scents will help promote a healthy and happy lifestyle and mood.