No matter what age you are, cleaning is not the most fun activity. It takes time, patience, and sacrifice to clean up an area that has become messy and we are supposed to lead by example right? But what if cleaning is down-right boring and a waste of time in a child’s minds. We get it, they would rather be playing than spending their time cleaning. We want to help you make cleaning more fun for your kids with these four easy tips.
4 Ways to Make Cleaning More Fun:
- Color Coordination.
Color coordination is an excellent method for storage plus it can help younger children practice their colors. Use color coordination to store toys, crafts, etc.
Pro-Tip: Legos are fun, creative game for children, but they can create a mess. Plus, they can be a hazard if left out and stepped on by a family member. Store legos by their color in color containers to help your clean-up process go smoothly.
- Stickers Galore.
Stickers are a fun way to label boxes. Moms suggest encouraging your child to clean up by rewarding them with a sticker after they put away their toys. Have your kid put the sticker on the box that matches the item represented on the sticker. For example: If you have a toy train, give your child a sticker of a train to place on the box after he/she cleans up. The box will soon be decorated by all of their cleaning accomplishments.
- Just “Doh” It.
PlayDoh is only fun until it dries out. To prevent over-drying, collect old mason jars and lids for storing your child’s PlayDoh. This can create a clean look for your home while cleaning up the PlayDoh. Plus, your kids will have a blast molding the doh into the shape of the glass for clean-up time!
4. Get Jammin’.
Nothing motivates more than music! Turn on some of your child’s favorite jams to get the cleaning party started. Encourage equal parts dancing and cleaning to get them up and moving.
Hopefully, you can utilize these tips and see a difference in your kid’s attitude towards cleaning. Let us know how you keep your children motivated to clean in the comment section. We love to hear back from our readers.