As fall approaches, you most likely are digging out old decorations to hang around your home. From 10-year old leaf wreaths to a glass pumpkin that served its time, it is time for you to update your fall decor. You can create custom fall decor from things found right in your very own backyard. Imagine having unique pieces to display each fall because you know how to create them yourself and here is how:
- Let Dried-Out Flowers Go To Good Use. If you love having fresh flowers in your home, you may currently have some flowers that are ready to be replaced. Before you throw them away, put them to good use by using them as fall decor.
- How to dry flowers: An easy way to dry your flowers is to hang them upside down in a gathered bunch. Simply tie together the bottom of the flowers with a rubber band then hang them upside avoiding direct sunlight or air conditioning.
- Search for Ideas in Your Backyard. From branches to pinecones, your backyard may be a hotbed of great fall decor ideas. Make it a family activity by inviting everyone outside for a fun scavenger hunt. You can make a list of great finds and see who can find the most items.
- Ideas for backyard finds include pinecones, bright leaves, rustic branches, acorns, sunflowers, and straw.
- Update Your Old, Outdated Pumpkins. If you current plastic pumpkins look worn, try adding life to them by spray painting them. You could even spray paint them with chalkboard paint and write fun fall messages.
- Make a Unique Wooden Sign. Nothing says “welcome” like a custom, DIY sign made by you and your loved ones. Gather everyone into the living room for a fun night filled with laughs and making decor pieces. Everyone can paint a wooden plank then you can stack the planks outside for a warm, welcoming look.
- Think about Meals. Food items like butternut squash and acorn squash can help bring your centerpiece to life. Try decorating with fall food that you can find at your local grocery store.
We hope that you found these ideas helpful and that you and your loved ones have a safe and happy fall season.