Trying to clean a child’s bedroom can sometimes feel like a fool’s errand. The second you put something away, your child seems to zero in on it and remove it from its rightful place. This is not the only issue you end up dealing with though. Sometimes there are just too many toys and not enough spaces for them. It’s a wonderful thing to know that your child has these items to play with, but deep down you know that they’ve outgrown some of them and it’s time to get them out of your way and into the hands of another child who will love them just as much as your child originally did. You’re only a few steps away from getting your child’s room back in order. Read on to learn how to make their room manageable again.
Start the process by taking out all the items you want to organize so you can see them. This may not be too tough as children tend to leave things right where they are and move on to the next. It may be fun to ask them to help you with the messy part. They’ll love it!
We suggest color-coded bins to keep track of your organizational process. Designate one color for the Keep section, another for the Donate pile and a final color for Storage. Go through each item and decide if it’s going to stay in the room, be donated to a worthy organization or placed in storage as it is a seasonal item or may be used for a future child. Once separated, take the Donate pile to your designated charity and transfer your Storage items to an accessible space outside of your child’s room.
Before putting everything from your Keep pile back in the room, take stock of what you were using to store all these items to begin with. Is there something that can be improved? Add a toy box or create more shelving if necessary so you can give yourself a little more time before you need to cleanse again. Providing the proper space for all your child’s items will make it easier to keep their room tidy daily as well.
As they grow, you will be repeating this process repeatedly. Keeping it as organized as possible will help reduce the stress of decluttering and you’ll be a pro the next time you go through it.