Stretch your Vision when Designing

What do you think of when you look at this photo? Maybe it reminds you of a gate you once came across in the country, or perhaps you’re drawn to the effective photography. It probably doesn’t remind you of a contemporary bedroom, but one designer saw the potential and created a room based on the photo that shows off the best of home design.

The connection came from drawing on the colors and textures to create a space that works while echoing the special qualities of this image. Take a look at the result below.

Home and fashion designers always look for opportunities to bring new ideas to their work. In this case, the designer discovered flooring that fit the gate’s wood patina while providing a smooth contemporary finish. Using several shades of grey and cool brown, the flooring sets the stage for the bedroom.

Next, the leather and cherry wood furniture brings in the tones of the metal bolt and lock. The brown leather shows the darker shades while the cherry hue matches the rusty red patina developed over time. The bedcover carries that dull silver visible on the lock. Notice the gold shams also. They mirror the brightest of the highlights on wood and metal.

Texture comes in with the wooden panels along the back wall. Their consistency of tone and rough abstract design and finish create a memory of the rough gate texture. It’s a daring way to bring the room up to the ceiling.

Are you ready to create a unique space by drawing on inspiration beyond the traditional? We’re here to help you find just the right flooring to meet your vision.