Bring a Friend, Stretch Your Perspective!

Does the thought of walking into a design center to make your home selections seem overwhelming to you? Think about bringing someone along to help reduce your stress and make the process easier and more fun.

You don’t need a design expert because you’ll find that with us. Instead, invite someone whose taste you admire, and that you can trust to be supportive without being overbearing. This may be a friend or a relative. Sometimes your spouse is your best partner in this process. Other times, it’s better to leave him or her out of the process until the final decision. Parents or siblings may be a good choice also.

Whomever you select, think about why you want them along, and let them know your goals. Do you just want moral support, or do you want real advice on your selections? Do you get easily confused? Possibly you need someone who can help you focus as you narrow your choices down to a manageable few.

Whatever your goals, be sure to make the final decision yourself. If you let someone else, no matter how close, control your choices, will the home ever feel like yours? The only exception to this is a spouse. Make sure you make selections that you both feel good about. Finally, if your friend is actually making the decision process more difficult for you, end the session and make plans to come back later on your own. It’s OK to do that; it’s your home and there’s no point in wasting time if you’re not getting closer to a decision.

Adding in another person can help you clarify your decisions and make the process much more fun and less stressful for you. Don’t be shy about asking. Most people will be flattered that you want to include them.