Decorate Your Home Like a Model Home: Part I

You’ve visited a model home and were instantly captivated by the upscale allure, harmonious design, and the comfortable yet modern vibe. Whether you own a Fulton home or are simply looking for that high-end designer touch, the secrets to achieving that model home look are closer than you think. Here are the first of several steps to help you transform your living space into something out of a design magazine.

1. Start with a Clean Slate:

Before you even think about décor, declutter your space. Model homes are captivating because of their simplicity. By keeping only the essentials and your most cherished items, you’ll free up space for your new design ideas.

2. Consistency is Key:

Pick a color palette and stick with it throughout your home. This doesn’t mean every room should be the same color, but rather there should be a harmonious flow from one room to another. Soft neutrals mixed with occasional bold colors work wonders.

3. Texturize and Layer:

Model homes often feel luxurious because of the depth created by different textures and layers. Incorporate various fabrics like velvets, silks, and cotton. Add textured rugs, throw pillows, and blankets to give a room depth.

4. Lighting Matters:

The right lighting can transform a room. Ensure you have a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting. Update old fixtures to modern ones. Consider investing in dimmer switches or smart lights to alter the mood with ease.

5. Artfully Arranged Bookshelves:

Don’t cram every book and knick-knack you own onto your shelves. Instead, organize books by size or color, use stylish bookends, and intersperse with attractive décor pieces or plants for a more aesthetic look.

6. Opt for Large Scale Art:

One statement piece often has a more significant impact than several smaller ones. A large painting or print can instantly elevate the room and serve as a focal point.

A model home look isn’t about spending a fortune but making intentional choices about your décor and how you arrange your space. In our next part, we’ll delve deeper into more specific touches you can add to enhance every corner of your home.