Zen in interior design refers to the balance of relaxation and harmony. In today’s hectic society, our homes should be our safe havens and a place of comfort. Therefore, adding a little more zen to the atmosphere is a great way to incorporate more peace and relaxation at home. Though zen is not bound by strict guidelines, it is the ability to obtain tranquility in your home, and there are several great ways in which you can go about this. Here are the top ways to create a zen-influenced atmosphere:
To begin creating tranquility in the room, you must start with elements of comfort. This feature can be the textures you add to the space. Consider adding a soft rug, comfortable throw pillows, or cozy blankets. A little bit of comfort can go a long way with creating zen.
Natural Light and Elements
Zen is derived from the roots and comfort of nature. Many ancient oriental philosophies in design are core-rooted in natural elements. Consider having natural light in your room as much as possible. You should also incorporate all different types of plants, woods, or stones in your design. Even running water can help add tranquility to the environment.
While all these are great for helping to create your design, always remember that less can be more. Most zen atmospheres thrive off a minimalist approach. Too much clutter can cause chaos in your home. Having fewer objects can be a great way to open up your environment and allow natural energy to flow.
When incorporating natural elements, do not forget plants! Plants can help rejuvenate a space and give a breath of fresh air. They are natural air purifiers while also giving homage to elements of nature. In fact, every great zen space will facilitate some plant life in the atmosphere.
Eliminate Electronic Disturbances
Lastly, if you are creating a zen room, consider eliminating electronics. Too often, we get overwhelmed by technology today. Therefore, having a place to escape in your own home is vital. So try to limit too much electronic disturbance in your home to help conquer zen in your design.
These tricks are great for helping to achieve a more peaceful atmosphere in your home. Remember, zen is a great tool for anyone to facilitate in their design. While it may not be for your entire home, this design trick can still help create an area to escape to in your home.